Maybe Guan Zhong had forgotten about this matter, or maybe he thought Zhou Zhang would understand. Guan Zhongyi didn't introduce their alchemy skills. Zhou Zhang really didn't know how to applaud or not to applaud. ?

So Zhou Zhang asked Guan Zhongyi a little embarrassedly.

"I don't know if these people are satisfied or not. It's because I don't know their alchemy accomplishments. Please, Senior Guan, introduce them to me."

As soon as Guan Zhong heard this, he said quickly.

"Oh, Mr. Zhou, I was negligent and forgot about this matter. I will introduce you one by one now. This one is Su Jiangxun, he is a second-order alchemist, and next to him is Jiang Weihong, and the same is true. It is a second-order alchemist, the next one is Jia Zizhen, a third-level alchemist, and the last one is Ge Yayi, she is a fifth-order alchemist."

After listening to Guan Zhongyi's introduction, Zhou Zhang was still a little unclear. After all, Guan Zhongyi introduced to him that their level of alchemy, but he didn't know what kind of medicine they could make.

So Zhou Zhang walked over to Guan Zhongyi and asked a little embarrassedly.

"Although Senior Guan has already introduced them to me, I really don't know what kind of medicinal pills they can make."

Guan Zhongyi suddenly realized that the Zhou Gongzi in front of him didn't know anything about medicinal herbs, so he had no choice but to explain it to him in detail.

"That's right, Young Master Zhou, martial artists have thirteen levels, while alchemists have only nine levels, and the corresponding ninth level can make the highest level of medicinal herbs, and then the analogy goes down, but when the When a fourth-level alchemist can refine the pills that are taken by the monarch, but it is different when it is below the fourth level. A first-level alchemist can refine the pills taken by a general, and a second-level alchemist can Refining the pills taken by the gods and saints, and the third-level alchemists can refine the pills taken by the emperor and the emperor."

After Guan Guan TCM explained it like this, Zhou Zhang finally understood, so it seemed that the few people Guan had found for him would be able to fully satisfy his elixir shop's needs, so he said to Guan Zhongyi.

"Thank you Senior Guan for such meticulous consideration. I believe these people can definitely help me a lot."

Guan Zhongyi quickly waved his hand and said.

"If Zhou Gongzi is satisfied, then it is the best. Now they are all members of my alchemy club, and there is no need to discuss with them one by one, and now that Zhou Gongzi is thinking about coming, they will not If there is a shortage of materials, I believe they may get better treatment than in the alchemy club."

The few people who were called are now also confused by the conversation between the chairman and the stranger in front of them. They don't understand the reason why they called him suddenly, but after they came, they heard a few words, and it was roughly the same. learn.

But they just understood what was going on, but they were confused by what their president said. Could the young man in front of them give them better treatment in this alchemy club?

Ge Yayi couldn't believe it, so she asked Guan Zhongyi directly.

"I don't know what the president called us in a hurry. What's the matter? And do you want to let us out after listening to your conversation?"

He is not very worried about whether to go out, but he does not want to lose the resources in the alchemy club, which is something that he has!

After Guan Zhongyi heard what he said, he also said with a smile.

"I really want to let you out, but it's not just to go out, but to give you a good fortune. If you follow this Zhou Gongzi, you will definitely have a good fortune that you didn't expect."

Guan Zhong saw the unbelievable expressions on the four of them and continued.

"Don't underestimate this young man in front of you, the two of us have communicated just now. In my opinion, you may be human. If you can follow closely, I believe you will definitely get better than my alchemy guild. Resources."

Even if the president said this, the four of them still didn't believe it. After all, they were suddenly told to let them leave, and they also told them that they would get better resources than in the alchemy club. Just ask this world, stop and In addition to Danliao County, there is really no other place for alchemy to compare.

"But President, your words really make us a little unconvinced. Everyone in this world knows that Danliao County is the most suitable place for alchemists to go. Outsiders call this place for alchemists. Heaven, how could there be better resources than here?"

Guan Zhongyi really understood their mood, and now he suddenly called them over and told them that there was a more suitable place for alchemy to go, and let them go there now, I believe they would not be able to accept it, and there would be no alchemy anywhere. Liao County has more abundant and better resources. 39.5

"You are wrong about this, this world is very big, this Danliao County is only the best for those alchemists who have no power, but if you are now attached to a powerful force Next to it, then there will definitely be greater development than this Danliao County."

After listening to Ge Yayi, some people looked at Zhou Zhang in disbelief. If the powerful force that the president said was the young man in front of him, he would not believe it anyway. The person in front of him was similar to his age. , if he is a powerful force, he does not believe it, if there is a powerful force behind him, there are still some possibilities.

After thinking about it for a while, since this is the order given by the own president, they still obey the number. After all, everything in this alchemy club is the master of his own.

"Since this is the case, then we will listen to what the president has to say."

Guan Zhongyi heard that several of them agreed, this time Ann was the best thing, and he didn't need to persuade him any more, so he turned around and said to Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Gongzi, now I have called you and I have agreed, so I will leave it to you to deal with it.

Zhou Zhang nodded to Guan Zhong and said.

"You have to take care of the old gentleman, don't worry, you can leave it to me next."

After speaking, Zhou Zhang turned to face the four and said.

Chapter 193 Go Back

I believe that the conversation between the few of us just now is fine, and we are very clear about what we need next, but I will explain it to you in detail now. My name is Zhou Zhang. In the days to come, I will be your customer. Let me Everyone, come here, there is nothing else, I just want everyone to help refine some medicinal pills, but you don't need to worry about the materials. In addition to the medicinal pills that you need to sell, you need to improve your realm. I will try my best to help you find the materials, so you don't need to worry about this.

When Zhou Zhang said this, Ge Yayi suddenly raised his hand and asked.

I don't know what Zhou Gongzi said about selling medicine pills?Did you say that?In the next days, we will refine the medicinal pills for Zhou Gongzi, and we can do other things in the rest of the time.

Zhou Zhang nodded when he heard the words.

This is indeed the case, as long as you can refine the medicinal pills I need, then you will do his business, and I will not interfere.

After listening to Ge Yayi, she felt that this was really okay. After all, in this alchemy meeting, the materials needed to make elixirs were not as much as they wanted, and many times they had to be based on their own level and contribution. To decide, now that Zhou Gongzi said that the materials for refining medicinal pills, they do not need to worry, then this is indeed a better condition for the alchemy meeting in the drama, so he turned and asked the other three people.

"I don't have any problems now. I wonder if the three have any problems?"

The three of them all shook their heads at the moment. Ge Yayi had already asked Zhou Zhang very clearly just now, and they already knew the purpose and treatment of their going, and now there is nothing to worry about.

Zhou Zhang saw the answers from several people and said.

"Since everyone has agreed now, let's go now."

The four said in unison.

"Good Lord Zhou."

Zhou Zhang turned around and said to Guan Zhongyi.

In this way, I have nothing to do, but if something happens to the alchemy in the future, it must be inconvenient for the old gentleman to contact me, so it is better to use Zimuyu to contact me.

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