"Master Shao, why did you come to me when you were free? Could it be something else?"

Shao Wenlin didn't hide it either, since Sun Huaao had already asked it now, he just said it himself.

"This is President Sun. I believe that the construction of Qingluo City will be almost complete in a short time. When Qingluo City is established, our master also plans to open a medicinal herb shop, but once this medicinal herb shop opens, it will be necessary to There are many medicinal materials, and at the same time, medicinal herbs may be needed. When I think of these problems, I first think of you, President Sun, and I hope President Sun can give us some discounts on medicinal materials and medicinal herbs."

Sun Huaao understood the details as soon as he heard it. It seems that he wanted to help himself and pay attention to some herbs and pills, but it's not that he couldn't keep it, but if he kept too much, it might affect them. The business of the auction house made Sun Huaao a little embarrassed.

Shao Wenlin saw Sun Huaao's frowning face, and he kept thinking about it, and continued talking after thinking about it.

"President Sun doesn't have to be too embarrassed, we just take some common medicinal materials from you. As for those precious medicinal materials, they will naturally go through the auction process, and the pill recipe will naturally be the same, but for unnecessary Trouble, I hope that if someone comes to your bank with medicinal materials or pills, I also hope that President Sun will let him trade directly with us. Of course, the buyer will not necessarily give the auction house extra transaction fees, but this We will bear the cost for you."

After listening to what Shao Wenlin said again, Sun Huaao thought about it this time, but it was acceptable. After all, as long as there are not too many things, they have no problem. Although there will be less income, the less part of the income will be compared to Qingluo. As far as the blessing of the city is concerned, Sun Huaao can still be weighed clearly.

"Since Master Shao said so, how can I not be in the same situation as Master Shao?"

Hearing this, Shao Wenlin was also very happy. He thought he needed to talk a little bit more, but it seems that he doesn't need it now. Sure enough, those long-term plans from the past still play a role. The head of the bank will reserve a special channel for himself for the previous reasons.

"I'm here to thank President Sun for my master. I hope that we will have more and more cooperation in the future, and at the same time, it will be more enjoyable."

"That's natural. Now, with the protection of Luoyan Village, it is already a booming situation. If Qingluo City is really established in the future, my auction house will also follow the glory of Master Zhou."

Sun Huaao also said with a smile, although he didn't know what Qingluo became and suddenly established?but?This must have something to do with Zhou Zhang. The last few cheats have already made me doubt him, so now I can only gamble and hide in Qingluo Field, and it will definitely be more prosperous in the future. Get up, then maybe the president of your own branch will be able to pull back [-]% steadily.

"Since that's the case, I'll leave now, and it won't affect President Sun's continued work."

Seeing that the negotiation was over now, Shao Wenlin planned to leave himself first. Now there are many things at hand every day.

"Okay young master, walk slowly, I'll let someone see you off."

As soon as he heard Shao Wenlin said he was leaving, Sun Huaao also quickly ordered someone to send him off.

After Shao Wenlin went out of the auction, he went directly back to the Zhou Mansion, but Ge Yayi in the Zhou Mansion was a little anxious at the moment. , Zhong Shaowenlin has only been out for a long time, but Ge Yayi on the side feels that Shao Wenlin has been out for a long, long time, and he is worried about whether there is something wrong with this negotiation!

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but speak when he saw that he had been walking around the courtyard.

"You can't just sit back and wait. How long has it been?"

Ge Yayi was also a little depressed when she heard Zhou Zhang's words. This matter was irrelevant to him, but it was a very important matter for him. If this matter can really be completed, then he will be able to improve his medicinal pills in the future. The smoothness of the force will certainly be much more convenient.

"How can I not be in a hurry? It's obviously been out for a long time, but I haven't come back yet. Can it work? If it doesn't work out, it's very bad."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhang couldn't help rolling his eyes. He had already said it just now, and he hadn't been out for a long time, so he said that he had been out for a long time. How long did he not know?

"Your concept of time has passed very quickly. If you go out after eating this morning, at most, you can be in such a hurry after going out for half an hour."

Hearing this, Ge Yayi also seemed to have thought of what had only been half an hour, and sat down again with a little embarrassment.

Zhou Zhang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he finally stopped walking in the yard. He kept walking like this, and if he walked for a while, he would be confused if he had to carry her on his back.

Not long after Ge Yayi sat down, the other three alchemists also came over. It seemed that they had a good rest last night. After coming to see Zhou Zhang, they all hurriedly said hello.

"Morning Master Zhou."

"You are early too."

Zhou Zhang also nodded.

After a few people greeted Zhou Zhang, they walked over to Ge Yayi and asked about the direction of the next development, to see what kind of tasks Ge Yayi would assign them.

Chapter 205 The price of medicinal pills

But now Ge Yayi doesn't have such free time. She is now waiting for Shao Wenlin to send the answer back. She is also a little absent-minded when several people ask him questions.

"Senior sister...Senior sister, what are you thinking about? Thinking so deeply."

Jiang Hongwei not only pushed Ge Yayi, he just asked Ge Yayi a few words, and Ge Yayi was all uhhh.

Ge Yayi was pushed and pulled back from his imagination. Just now, he had imagined the conversation between the auction house president and Shao Wenlin countless times, and every time he was thinking about how the auction house president would make things difficult for Shao Wenlin.

"It's nothing, nothing, I'm thinking about our pill recipes. Now there is an opportunity, we can buy pill recipes directly from the auction house, so now Master Zhou has sent Butler Shao to negotiate."

The three of them laughed happily after hearing the news. It was unbelievable for them to hear such good news early in the morning.

"Senior sister, is this true? Will Master Zhou be responsible for buying our pill recipe for us in the future?"

Jia Zizhen couldn't believe this pill recipe. Although they also had some in the pill concocting society, if they were asked to buy pill recipes by themselves, I'm afraid they could afford one or two pills. Can not afford.

Ge Yayi nodded and replied.

"It's true, but now we need to wait for the outcome of the negotiations."

As soon as Ge Yayi finished saying this, Shao Wenlin walked in from the door.

When Ge Yayi saw Shao Wenlin coming back, she ran over and asked.

"What is the outcome of the negotiation between Butler Shao? Will there be any discounts or conveniences for us at auctions in the future?"

Seeing Ge Yayi asking herself so anxiously, Shao Wenlin was not feeling well, so he told her directly.

"Everything went very smoothly. Now the auction will agree to our approach. One thing is that if this is the case, if the Dan Fang is not mentioned by someone, but sent from the headquarters, it may still need to go through the auction process. There are those more precious medicinal materials, some of which he can't make up his mind."

Ge Yayi is already very happy with this result. Since the auction house has such thoughts, it proves that Dan Fang's auction will be much smoother in the future, and now he turns his attention to Zhou Zhang again.

Zhou Zhang also naturally saw it, and he was a little helpless. He had already promised him last night, and now he has to ask himself again.

"Don't worry, as long as there are pills or medicinal herbs at the auction, I will buy them for you. You don't have to worry about that."

Hearing that Zhou Zhang agreed to this matter again, Ge Yayi couldn't help but ran over and hugged Zhou Zhang.

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