"Thank you very much, Mr. Zhou. We will definitely work hard in the future. You can worry more about this pill recipe!"

"Okay, okay, let go quickly, so many people are watching."

Zhou Zhang was a little uncomfortable being held by Ge Yayi like this, so he quickly reminded him.

Ge Yayi also found that she was too happy for a while, and actually hugged Zhou Zhang directly. Although Zhou Zhang looked very handsome before, but now she is hugging her directly in front of so many people, especially in front of her three. The face of a younger brother.

Ge Yayi blushed, quickly let go of Zhou Zhang, and stepped aside. After standing aside, she felt even more embarrassed when she looked at her junior brothers.

I am in the alchemy society on weekdays, although it is not a very noble identity, but there will be no such gaffe, and there are so many people in the alchemy society who pursue me, I have never cared about it, and I have kept it today. A man I've only known for a few days.

The few people next to her were indeed very surprised at the moment. Although they did not know Ge Yayi very well in the alchemy club, they all knew that there were many people who pursued her, and even some of them had a crush on Ge Yayi. At this moment, the people in the heart, seeing Ge Yayi's sudden embrace of Zhou Zhang, were so surprised that their jaws were about to drop.

Ge Yayi was very embarrassed to stand there, but when she saw several of her junior brothers looking at her in surprise, she became even more shy, and ran back to her room quickly.

Originally, after Shao Wenlin came back, Zhou Zhang still had this important thing to say, but now Ge Yayi suddenly hid in the room, which made him a little embarrassed. He didn't know it, but if he didn't say anything now, he was afraid that the construction of the medicine store would be delayed.

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhang decided to say it now. After all, Ge Yayi will have several of his junior brothers to tell him, and the construction of this medicine store cannot be delayed any longer. If Qingluo City is established, Dan will The pharmacy hasn't been built yet, so it's a joke, so he said to Shao Wenlin.

"Is there any spare place in the city, preferably near the monk's exchange, but if the pharmacy is there, it will be more convenient to sell in the future."

After all, Zhou Zhang didn't remember the blueprint of Qingluo City, so he still needed to ask Shao Wenlin about this.

As soon as Shao Wenlin heard it, he knew that his master wanted to choose the address of the medicine store. He had already thought of this when he first chose the plan, so there was a large open space near the monk exchange!

"Don't worry, sir, where are there many open spaces nearby? That area will continue to grow in the future."

Zhou Zhang was relieved after hearing this. If this is the case, then he doesn't have to worry about the place. The next thing is the construction of the medicine store. If this matter needs to be known to other people, he waved to the three of them to come over. .

The three of them hurried over when they saw Zhou Zhang's gesture, and Zhou Zhangjian and the others continued to speak after they came over.

"That's what I think, it's better for our medicine store to have six floors, selling first- and second-order medicine pills on the first floor, then buying third-order medicine pills on the second floor, and fifth-order medicines on the fourth floor. Pills, the fifth floor sells sixth-order pills, and then the sixth floor lets him temporarily put them on hold, either as special custom pills, or as a place for staff to rest."

Shao Wenlin didn't know the level of this medicinal pill, but since his master said so, Shao Wenlin naturally agreed, but the other three were a little puzzled after listening to Zhou Zhang's words.

"Master Zhou, none of the four of us can practice the sixth-order medicinal pills. If this is the case, then there is no way to place medicinal pills on the first and fifth floors."

Chapter 206 Taking Names

Shao Wenlin was also a little confused, what exactly is this talking about?Don't they even have sixth-order alchemists among them?However, this doubt was only thought in his heart, but he did not say it.

Zhou Zhang smiled when he heard the words. It's not that she hadn't considered this point, but this medicinal herb shop is actually going to develop in the long run, so it can't just stop at the fifth-order medicinal herbs all the time.

"We really don't have sixth-order alchemists now, but that doesn't mean we won't have sixth-order alchemists in the future? Things always have to look in the long-term direction. Now we just need to empty the fifth floor. Not to mention that the sixth-order pills are sold there, how would other people know? They only think that there is an empty floor, but if we have the ability to refine sixth-order pills in the future, we will open this layer directly. , wouldn't that be more convenient?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded, Zhou Zhang said nothing wrong, as long as they didn't say it, who would know where the sixth-order pills were sold.

Seeing that everyone nodded, Zhou Zhang continued.

"So now everyone agrees with my point of view. If this is the case, then the construction will be carried out according to the six-story plan."

Shao Wenlin nodded in response.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll find someone in a while to formulate the blueprints for these six floors, and construction will start soon."

Seeing that Shao Wenlin had already responded to the matter, Zhou Zhang continued to speak.

"Then let's talk about the problem of medicinal pills, I don't know this very well, but Shao Wenlin has already inquired about the news some time ago, so if he needs to refine any medicinal pills, he will be in a while. As soon as I tell you, what you need to do next is to refine these medicinal herbs, and when they open, you can sell them, there is no problem with that.”

These people were originally going to come here to refine pills, and now they were given pills to refine, how could they have problems?So everyone responded quickly.

"Don't worry, Master Zhou, as long as the materials are ready, we can refine it now."

Seeing how confident they were, Zhou Zhang was relieved and turned to Shao Wenlin.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Shao Wenlin is responsible for telling you which pills to refine, and you need to tell him the materials for refining pills, and he will bring these materials to you."

Now that Zhou Zhang has said what he should say and what he should explain, they need to let them do the rest.

In the days that followed, after they negotiated, Shao Wenlin wanted to buy all the medicinal materials in the auction, and then hand them over to let them refine them privately. However, the high-end medicinal herbs do not need a lot of them. The uncle only needs to refine a few. Some people will sell it. Others that are more remote will not let him practice first, but the demand for those low-level medicinal pills is too great. After all, there are still a lot of low-level martial artists, especially the healing pills. medicine.

However, it would be unfair if all these medicinal pills were handed over to Su Jiangxun and Jiang Hongwei, so Jia Zizhen and an aunt also joined the queue for refining low-level medicinal pills, but these medicinal medicinal herbs have long been familiar to them. Now, the quality of the refining is higher than that of Su Jiangxun and Jiang Hongwei.

Although they were refining medicine pills, they faintly called Su Jiangxun and Jiang Hongwei to let them understand some details needed in the medicine medicine refining process. Years have been unable to think about it, but now they have such an opportunity to teach them personally.

Day by day, the majestic blueprint of Qingluo City is slowly appearing in front of everyone's eyes. Even the new city lord's mansion and a medicine shop are also under construction at the same time, and everything is perfect as expected. is going on.

I believe that it will not be long before this new future will be presented in front of everyone.

However, when the medicine store was about to be built, he needed a new name. This matter naturally fell to Zhou Zhang again. After all, no one else dared to break off such a big thing easily.

Zhou Zhang hated others for letting him name him the most. This kind of thing made him a little embarrassed, but now if he didn't choose a name, others wouldn't dare. These few days, Zhou Zhang would think about every time he had free time. name.

Now Zhou Zhang's mind is completely restricted by that house, Lingdan Pavilion. He always feels that such a name is very good, but he can't think of a better name for a while.

However, being troubled by the name of the medicine store every day, and facing the inquiries from everyone every day, Zhou Zhang didn't want to think about it any more.

On this day, after eating in the morning, Shao Wenlin asked Zhou Zhang again.

"It's been a few days now, sir, and this medicinal herb shop will be established soon. I wonder if the name, sir, has been thought of?"

Zhou Zhang is really afraid of this matter now, and he has no clue now. Just after dinner, Shao Wenlin came to ask himself.

When Shao Wenlin saw that his master kept his mouth shut, he also understood at once. It seems that so many days have passed since his master, and he has not yet thought of the name of the new medicine store.

Since he hadn't thought of it yet, he didn't ask any more questions, and Shao Wenlin was about to turn around and leave, but just as Shao Wenlin turned around, Zhou Zhang stopped him.

"I've already thought about this matter. Although he was originally an elixir shop, let's call him an elixir shop."

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