"Manager Zhou is not the time to be joking. If this continues, I'm afraid we won't even have enough money to go back."

Zhou Yi smiled and patted his shoulder, then said while walking.

"Captain Cao, now you only need to be responsible for the safe transportation of the goods for this trip, and you don't have to worry about other things."

In fact, Monday didn't want to do this at the very beginning, but when he saw those lonely and helpless people who were in need of help, he couldn't help but want to help them, and it was his own gift. When there is so much money in it, even if he uses it to help others without restraint, it is estimated that he will not be able to use it up for a while, and he can still run a chamber of commerce at the same time. It is enough for him to spend, and then all the money in the gift ring will be used to help others.

Since the first half of his life is now a bit unclear, then for the remaining half of his life, he wants to live a more wonderful life, at least with his own ability to live a more wonderful life. thing.

Cao Yonglin wanted to take care of these things, but he was so stubborn on Monday. He thought about it, since he is the shopkeeper, he should not take care of these unnecessary things.

After all, for Cao Yonglin, as long as he can ensure the safe delivery of goods every time, this is his responsibility, and he is really not very good at other things.

I have to say that Monday is very happy to help others. As long as he sees someone who is begging or in need on the side of the road, he will give a helping hand, but he has no idea that if he does, he will also help. cause unnecessary trouble to yourself.

On the second day they stayed here, a person came up and said that his family was poor, and he still had an [-]-year-old mother to support, and he had not married yet, so he could only live by begging every day.

Who cares whether he is real or not on Monday?He has already made himself so miserable, he took out twenty taels of silver and handed it to his hand without saying a word on Monday.

"This is twenty taels of silver. Take it back now, take good care of your mother at home, and then use the money to beg a wife. I believe the remaining money will be enough for you to maintain some small business."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou, thank you, Mr. Zhou."

This person took the silver taels handed over by Monday, and thanked them repeatedly, but although he was very grateful to Monday on the surface at the moment, his heart was really overjoyed. He didn't expect it to be so easy, so he cheated twenty taels of silver. , soon he will find more people to find Monday.

After thanking him, the man hurriedly took the silver taels and walked out. On Monday, he was very happy when he saw the person he had helped him. He didn't expect that his fame had already started to spread today, and people who had difficulties started to come. Find yourself for help.

Cao Yonglin happened to have something to come to Zhou Yi, so he just happened to meet this person, and when he saw that happy face Zhou Yi, he asked.

"Manager Zhou, could that person just come over to ask you for help?"

Looking back on Monday, he saw that it was Cao Yonglin, then nodded and said.

"Yes, that's right, this person is also very miserable. Now he has an old mother who needs to support him, no wives and concubines, and no children. If I don't help him, the incense of their family may be broken with him. "

After listening to Cao Lin, he also sighed. He had just met the man, but at that moment, Cao Yonglin had already discovered that the man was not an ordinary person, he seemed to be a martial artist too, but I am afraid he was An idle warrior.

"Manager Zhou, I have to say this to you. This person's origin is not clear. If he comes over and says that his family is in trouble, you will give him money. It's possible that thousands of people will come over and talk about himself. Are you going to help the family who are in trouble?"

"He shook his head on Monday, but that's not the case. He just felt that people came to him early in the morning. If they rejected people early in the morning, it would make people very depressed, and it was just a matter of doing it himself."

"Don't worry, Captain Cao, if what you said really happened, I would definitely not give them all, so many people came to me, it seems that there is a premeditated plan, I am not that stupid. ."

Cao Yonglin was still worried, so annoying that Ke Yi said so, but if someone came to him for help after a while, he felt that Yi Yi would help them without hesitation, so he said .

"Boss Zhou, even though you said that, I'm still very worried, and now I just want to prove one thing, that is, let's go to see it together, what did that person do just now? I think about it. The next time you choose to help someone, you will think about it a little bit.”

Monday was very resistant to this kind of thing. Although the businessman did it out of his original intention, he still didn't want to do this kind of stalking others on Monday, so he quickly refused.

But at this moment, can Cao Yonglin be able to refuse with a word or two on Monday? He is now determined to let Monday see what the man was doing just now and what his home is like.

In the end, Cao Yonglin could not be beaten on Monday, so he gave in.

"Okay, Captain Cao, then I'll go with you now to see what he's doing, but the two of us have to agree, if his family is really difficult, then you can't interfere with me and help others in the future. thing."

"No problem, shopkeeper Zhou, but if this person's family is not what he said, then please think more about helping others in the future."

As soon as Cao Yonglin heard Monday's agreement, he hurriedly said. After saying this, Cao Yonglin directly took Monday and flew out. Now I believe that the person just now has not gone far. If it is later, I am afraid it will not be easy to find. .

Sure enough, after three or four blocks, Cao Yonglin saw the man from a distance, and the two slowly followed behind him to see where he was going.

Chapter 5 Liars

After a while, I saw that this man was still walking forward. There was a hotel and a brothel next to him, and he didn't turn in. When he saw this, Monday couldn't help joking.

"Captain Cao, look at this man who passed through this brothel and didn't stop in. I think you think too much."

Cao Yonglin didn't believe it and said with a cold snort.

"It's only been a long time since Mr. Zhou, but we have to find out where his home is. I won't admit defeat easily."

Monday couldn't help but sighed. In his opinion, he obviously won now, and the person in front of him must be in trouble at home, so now he doesn't have the mind to nostalgize other places at all, but he wants to hurry up. back home.

But now that the two have already made a bet, it is necessary to continue to see the results. On Monday, he was already imagining that Cao Yonglin would bow his head and admit his mistake for a while.

After a while, I saw the man stopped in front of a house, and then looked around cautiously for a while before opening the door and walking in.

The room that the man entered was also a bit shabby. Although it wasn't dilapidated, it didn't even have some simple decorations. It was really an ordinary house. When he saw it on Monday, he said.

Now you can finally believe it, Captain Cao is obviously back at home now, and you can see that her home is very simple.

Now that I see Zhou Zhang here, I am also very interested. Although I say that I am a clone, I don't know what I am doing, but in Zhou Zhang's view, the person who just said it is indeed very crowded, but he But entering such an unremarkable place again made Zhou Zhang doubt his own judgment.

Cao Yonglin was still a little unconvinced. Although he saw that he walked into this room, Cao Yonglin told himself in his heart that this matter was not that simple, and there was definitely something wrong in it.

"Shopkeeper Zhou, I don't think so. Let's go to see his old mother. In this case, it will give him some more help."

Although Cao Yonglin said so, in fact, he wanted to see what this person was doing in there.Moreover, the [-]-year-old mother Cao Yonglin he said was still a little disbelieving, and he wanted to turn defeat into victory on this point.

Monday also saw Cao Yonglin's thoughts, so he said.

"Captain Cao still refuses to admit defeat. Is it true that he has to see his [-]-year-old mother to accept defeat. If that's the case, then I'll accompany you to see it."

I even saw that Monday agreed, and fell down, and people walked to the house on foot, and soon found the door. At this moment, Monday wanted to knock on the door to check, but Cao Yonglin stopped him.

Zhou Yi turned around and asked Cao Yonglin with a puzzled face.

"Captain Zhou, what do you mean? We've already come here. Could it be that you still want to go back and regret it?"

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