Cao Yonglin shook his head. He didn't mean it that way. At this moment, he just thought that if he knocked on the door, he would be shocked, so he might as well wait here.

"Whatever Mr. Zhou said, it is impossible to go back and regret it, and it is impossible to go back on it in this life, but now I feel that if we knock on the door and enter, we may not be able to see the truth. We can see everything inside.”

Monday was also a little helpless. I didn't expect so many requests at this time, and said with a sigh.

"Since Captain Cao wants to do this, it's up to Captain Cao to decide. I have no opinion."

After seeing Monday's agreement, Cao Yonglin walked to the door and pushed open the door directly, but there were these delicate things inside the door. At this moment, just after Cao Yonglin opened the door, there was a loud noise.

With this sound, the people in the house also noticed the abnormality outside, so four or five people rushed out of the house and shouted loudly.

"Who is it? Why did you suddenly break into my place? Is there something wrong?"

Monday, who was still full of self-confidence, was also a little stunned after hearing this sentence. Is this still the helpless person who came to him for help just now?

After this man shouted, he also saw Monday standing behind Cao Yonglin, and was stunned at the moment, after all, he just asked for twenty taels from him, and now he is introducing his brothers to the rich man The door is on the way, but I didn't expect the other party to follow him all the way.

However, this person's expression did not fluctuate much after seeing Monday, but felt that this matter was very normal.

"I thought who it was, but it turned out to be Shopkeeper Zhou. I don't know what kind of wind blew Shopkeeper Zhou to me."

There was no reaction after hearing this sentence on Monday, and there are some contrasts that he can't accept.

Cao Yonglin turned around at this time and said to Monday.

"Shopkeeper Zhou, is this the person you mentioned with an eighty-year-old mother? Right now he is holding a knife and wants to deal with you and me on the spot."

At this moment on Monday, after experiencing such a huge blow, he lowered his head and thought about something. It seemed that he felt that what he was doing was not so right. Careful people used it.

"Hahaha, so that's what happened. Since I've let you all know, there's no need to keep you, but after you die, I can keep your belongings for you."

Before this person said this, he must have not checked Cao Yonglin's strength. Although five of them have the advantage in number, they can only be regarded as a few minions. The threshold of the martial artist did not go deep at all. At this moment, Cao Yonglin was extremely simple to deal with them.

Cao Yonglin didn't expect these people to actually rush towards him. Although his original intention was to teach them a lesson, he has indeed changed his mind. Since these people want to die, he doesn't mind helping them. Bundle.

"Treasurer Zhou, you have seen the outcome of the matter now, but don't forget our previous bet, when we help others in the future, we should think more about it and stop being so unrestrained."

Monday nodded weakly. He was very confused about his life now, and he couldn't tell whether it was better to help others or maintain the status quo.

Chapter 6 Fatal Strike

The behavior of these few people makes it hard for Monday to figure it out now. They obviously gave them a certain amount of money, but they actually wanted to kill them at that time. Is this the attitude towards the people who just gave them money?

Cao Yonglin turned around and looked at these people after seeing Zhou nodded, his eyes slowly filled with anger.

The few people who were originally aggressive were also taken aback by this transformation, and the instinct of their bodies told them that there was a very dangerous existence in front of them.

But now they have to send arrows on the strings, so they can only bite the bullet and rush over, but when they just came to Cao Yonglin, the aura in Cao Yonglin's body was only released, and they only received shocks flew out.

However, Cao Yonglin doesn't have the strength of Zhou Zhang. The few people who were shocked by him just screamed and then got scared from the ground. At this moment, they have obvious intention to retreat. They are just half-baked warriors. If It's nothing to scare ordinary people, but now they have no power to fight back when facing a real martial artist.

"Want to run? Do you think you still have the full power to choose?"

Cao Yonglin also thought it was a little funny. These people who had threatened them just now wanted to run away after finding out that something was wrong. He really thought a lot. Cao Yonglin rushed up and gave each of them a fatal blow. A blow, anyway, they will not repent if they keep these scum, maybe they will continue to do these sneaky things in another place.

Looking at what happened in front of him on Monday, he was even more confused. Now that he is so unrestrained in giving to others, it would be fine if it is really those who need help, but will some of them be people who get nothing for nothing? This is to help them, will it make them think that money is easier to come by, and we just continue to get it for nothing. Wouldn’t this hurt them?

Cao Yonglin turned around after finishing his treatment, but he was a little helpless when he saw Monday who was still there at the moment. Although all these things were a bit cruel, and the shopkeeper was only in his twenties, let him watch it now. To the cruel side of this society, I am afraid it is really difficult to accept.

At this moment, even Zhou Zhang is a little worried. After all, this is a clone that he took so long to create. At this moment, if his future is ruined because of this incident, Zhou Zhang is also very unwilling.

But just when the two were worried, Monday went up and smiled, and said to Cao Yonglin.

"Let's go back, Captain Cao. If there is anything else in the future, I will definitely take a good look at it, and then choose whether to help or not."

After saying this, Monday turned his head and left without even looking at Cao Yonglin.

Originally, this was the result Cao Yonglin wanted to see, but now when such a result was displayed in front of him, Cao Lin couldn't be happy.

His original intention was just to let his shopkeeper recognize the reality of this society earlier and not to help others at will, but there are some things that happened today that are beyond his control, he did not expect that these people would want to Kill them both.

Seeing Zhou Zhang here, he couldn't help but sigh. He didn't expect that his avatar would encounter such an unacceptable reality just a few days after entering this society. Recalling that when he first came into contact with cultivation, it was almost the same. It looks like this too, but if you think about it carefully, Zhou Zhang can't remember how he adapted to this world of the weak.

In this way, Zhou Yi returned to the inn listlessly all the way, locked himself in the room, and fell asleep. Although he only ate for one morning today, what happened today made Yi Zhou feel exhausted. The body has no strength at all.

It was all Monday on the way just now. I dragged and peeled off my skin and walked back. Now that I am back in the room, I can't control it all of a sudden. I am dissatisfied with myself, I just want to do something good, but why let myself encounter such a thing?

Cao Yonglin also returned to the inn, and originally wanted to go nuclear, so he would say a few more words on Monday to enlighten him, but after seeing the closed door, Cao Yonglin dismissed the idea, I am afraid that if he went in now to persuade, he might I'm going to screw this up, it was caused by myself.

If I didn't say those words in the morning, and I didn't insist on going, I'm afraid this morning's events would not have happened, and I wouldn't be like this, and my shopkeeper would still be a helpful person. Good shopkeeper, and I only need to escort the goods.


Zhou Zhang withdrew his gaze. It seemed that this time, he needed to act in person to solve this problem. He couldn't make any mistakes in his first clone.

If there is no way to get through this hurdle perfectly, and a lot of negative emotions are generated as a result, it will completely affect your plan.

Zhou Zhang got up and saw Zhou Ling, who was still playing next to him, and Zhou Zhang did not bother, but left a note with the words on it.

I have one thing I need to go out on, don't worry if you wake up and find I haven't come back.

After leaving the note, Zhou Zhang left the cave and went straight to the ground.

Inside the cave, Zhou Zhang was using the night pearl to provide lighting. The dazzling sun suddenly came to the ground at this moment, which made Zhou Zhang feel a little uncomfortable. After taking a breath of the fresh air, Zhou Zhang couldn't help but sigh.

If it wasn't for finding a safe place to retreat, the outside world would be really colorful and memorable.

After saying this, Zhou Zhang did not enjoy this beautiful morning, but went straight to where Monday is now.

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