"Let him say that it's no big deal. If we don't let people talk about it, it will appear that we have some bullies."

Li Yong couldn't believe it after hearing it. He was just trying to be brave. He didn't really want to say any conditions. He also understood the current situation. He just wanted to delay it for a while.

"What I... lord I want to say is... can you give us some food, I can promise, we just need some food, enough food to go to the next place."

I was a little confused on Monday, I don't know why he said that, but he didn't understand something, give them enough food to let them go to the next place?

"Why? Let you go to the next place and continue to eat and wait to die?"

Li Yong quickly waved his hand after hearing this.

"No, my lord... I didn't mean that, and we don't want to stay here forever. We used to work hard to survive, but this disaster came too suddenly, which caught us by surprise. Now, although we are staying in Here, but our original intention is not to eat here and wait to die, we... we really don't have the ability to go to the next place. If we can, we are also very happy to leave here, we also want to find someone who can live place, rather than sitting and waiting to die like it is now."

Li Yong can only say this in a hurry. He also doesn't want to live like this. Life always has to go on. He can't blame others just because he has suffered misfortune.

"Okay, what you said has some truth, but why should I choose to help you? And what you said is just what you think now, can you really do it when you go somewhere else? And you Can the group of people behind them guarantee that they won't continue to be like this when they get to the next place?"

"Master, this is absolutely impossible, how can you easily believe their nonsense? It's good to say here, but we can't see it when we go to other places, they will definitely want to do something. ."

As soon as Cao Yonglin heard that his master wanted to agree, he hurriedly stopped and said, this is not what he wants to see, the ghost knows what this group of people will do!

"No... no adults, we can guarantee that we will definitely change our self-confidence, and I feel sorry for all of them for what happened today."

Li Yong hurriedly explained that he didn't want this only opportunity to be lost. Although he just thought of this, he now thinks this method is very good. He is willing to do it, and he also hopes that the people behind him will follow suit. He is an idea, that is to go to the next place and fight again.

Chapter 10 Admiring the Wonderful Dream

At this time, the county magistrate also came over. Since he would choose to feed these people at first, he would not choose to sit idly by at this moment.

"My son, I think since you've definitely helped us that much, it's okay to help them. I'll grant them this request, and I believe they'll make a change."

Monday really wanted to help them, but at the moment Monday still had the scene that happened in the morning in his mind, which made him resist instinctively. Although he believed it at the moment, he still had some hesitations.

Now we have to see how Zhou Zhang controls this dream so that Monday can change his inner thoughts. After all, this dream is for Monday to realize his next path and his true inner thoughts. If Zhou Zhang fails, he can do it again. After all, in a dream, many things can be controlled.

"I... I can help them, but there is a problem, who will make this guarantee? My money is not from the wind, I can help Biren, but it does not mean that I have an obligation to help others. "

Monday is right, he can help these people, but the problem is that he can choose not to help them, after all, he has no obligation to help everyone in need.

"Young master, you're right, you really have no obligation to help them, but you also understand the situation in this country now, not a small part of the country has been affected, it can be said that almost the entire country has been affected, these Not everyone among the people is as lucky as us to be rescued by your son, and those who are not rescued really have nothing to do but wait to die."

What the magistrate said is also very reasonable. This time, the Kaiyang Empire is indeed affected by large and small areas. Although many people do not know about the damage to the dragon veins, people do not know.

However, Zhou Zhang knows about the dragon veins, and Zhou Zhang also understands the many changes here. The disaster caused by the serious damage to the dragon veins is really not a bit of a disaster. Those people who depend on the sky for food are the first to suffer. A group of people affected.

This is why Zhou Zhang chooses this thing that is very close to reality. If he does this, when he wakes up from his dream on Monday, he will subconsciously inquire about the disaster in the Kaiyang Empire, and then combine it with the dream. comprehension, maybe there will be a very clear approach on Monday.

However, the premise of all this will happen after Zhou Zhang has dealt with the events in Monday's dream perfectly, and everything now requires Zhou Zhang to control the characters in these dreams to make Monday change his mind.

After the county magistrate finished speaking, seeing that Monday was unmoved, he continued to speak.

"Young master, you can think about it this way, each of this group of people used to be simple farmers to their core, and their main source of livelihood is the crops grown in the ground. Now, because of the natural disaster, what are these people doing now? All gone, they could have persisted for some time, but I believe you know that, but these people can't persist forever, their storage is not endless, some of them may be able to persist for a while Time, but think about it, is every one of them very wealthy? Can they keep going? There will always be some people who can't keep going, and they are this group of people."

The county magistrate interrupted Monday abruptly when he said this.

"I know these things, but can you be a guarantor? Make sure they don't continue to live a life of eating and dying after they go to other places. I can give them money, but if the food is I need you to find a way, can you accept such conditions?"

This is already the biggest concession that can be made on Monday. He just doesn't want to lose his money in vain. Although he doesn't care very much, he is not the kind of extravagant person under certain circumstances.

The county magistrate thought that he couldn't talk about the young master in front of him, but he didn't expect the change to be so great.

"I am willing to be the guarantor, I am willing to vouch for them, and I will be responsible for supervising them to let them go to another place where they can make a living, and to ensure that they are not doing what they are doing now."

Hearing this, Monday nodded with satisfaction. Although this ending is not the best, but there is no better solution at present, he can't be allowed to watch these people become better, he doesn't have the time and kung fu.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang, who was controlling this Monday's dream, did not expect that he could complete Monday's thoughts so smoothly. He originally thought that after experiencing the events of the morning, Monday at this moment would still be against these people who don't understand.

Of course, this kind of result is the best. Zhou Zhang also likes this kind of ending. There will be no problems in the future. Zhou Zhang doesn't have to worry about whether he will change his mind on Monday, because when a person is dreaming, he will Showing his most real thoughts, things that he may not be able to do in real life, but there are indeed such thoughts and behaviors in dreams, these are real thoughts in the subconscious.

Seeing Zhou Zhouzhang, who has nothing to do now, is also relieved. Now he can retreat with peace of mind, but he still needs to observe it every time, just in case.

Zhou Zhang retracted his gaze and looked at the still sleeping Monday, Zhou Zhang didn't get away with him, but quietly left here, as if everything that happened today had nothing to do with him, and he wanted Monday to continue walking with him as before. road, although he interfered a little today.

He woke up on Monday shortly after Zhou Zhang left. After all, this dream was created by Zhou Zhang. At this moment, when he left, the dream disappeared naturally, and Monday woke up as it should.

Waking up at the moment, Monday was very puzzled by the dream he had just had. How could he have had such an inexplicable dream when he just lay in bed for a while?Could it have something to do with what happened in the morning?

But the things in the dream are so real, as if everything happened in real life, I quickly got up on Monday to find Cao Yonglin, wanting to ask if such a thing really exists.

Chapter 11 There is a real disaster

Cao Yonglin was in the next room, and he went to the door on Monday and knocked on the door to ask.

"Is Captain Cao here? I have something to ask you about."

"Yes, shopkeeper Zhou, come in, the door is unlocked."

After hearing Cao Yonglin's reply on Monday, he pushed open the door and walked in. Cao Yonglin was sitting at the table drinking tea, and he asked directly on Monday.

"Does Captain Cao know the current disaster situation in the Kaiyang Empire?"

Cao Yonglin didn't know why Monday suddenly asked such a question, but he told the truth.

"Back to the shopkeeper of Zhou, I really understand this matter. It happened not long after the Kaiyang Empire was conquered by the Han Chong Empire a few days ago. There are many places in the Kaiyang Empire. There are such disasters. , There are big and small things, such as the land suddenly dried up in some places, and the farmer in the field was not harvested, or the grass and trees in the mountains on the ground in some areas suddenly withered, and a large number of magical beasts ran out to make a charcoal."

On Monday, he thought it was a dream, but now after hearing Cao Yonglin's words, he realized that this is not a real dream, but something like this really happens in reality. If this is the case, then what he has to do It's not as simple as that.

"Is this thing true? Is there such a thing happening in many places in the Kaiyang Empire?"

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