Cao Yonglin secretly felt that there was something wrong. Now the shopkeeper of himself is asking himself these things inexplicably. Is it possible that he wants to intervene in these things?This is really scary!With so many places affected, if you really want to manage it, you won't be able to spend much money.

"It's true, I already knew about this disaster when it first happened, but it wasn't as serious as it is now. After such a long time, I am afraid that many places have become hard to live, and it is estimated that people who are fleeing the famine have become It’s much bigger, and I don’t know how the current imperial court will deal with this matter, this is a catastrophe in the whole country!”

Hearing Cao Yonglin's question on Monday and then nodded, Cao Yonglin was stunned all of a sudden, the last thing he wanted to happen still happened.

"Treasurer Zhou, please don't play around with it. This is a nationwide catastrophe. If you want to help, it's very difficult to help, and this kind of capital consumption is not ordinary, you have to think clearly. Just do it."

Seeing such a big reaction from Cao Yonglin, Monday also laughed. He did have such an idea, especially after experiencing such a thing in a dream, this feeling became even stronger.

"Don't worry, although I have such an idea, it doesn't mean I'm a stupid person with a lot of money. I just give them help, but it doesn't mean I'll give them money uncontrollably. will do."

Cao Yonglin knew that he couldn't stop the current Monday. Looking at his expression and words, Cao Yonglin already understood that the current Monday had already made up his mind, and sighed, Cao Yonglin said.

"Since shopkeeper Zhou has plans, then I can't say anything else, but I also ask shopkeeper Zhou to remember our agreement in the morning and stop giving money blindly to others. Not only will it not help them, but it may also be harmful. them."

"Don't worry, I already know these things, and I know them very well. You don't have to worry about this."

After I finished speaking, I went out on Monday. Now that I know that such a thing really exists, I need to make some considerations and plans, so as to ensure that I can use the most correct method to help these people who have experienced disasters. .

Cao Yonglin felt even more helpless when he saw Monday who went out. What happened to him just now, it would be fine if he just said he didn't know, or maybe he didn't, so he would definitely not think about this matter, after all No one's money came from the strong wind, and Cao Yonglin even felt that this matter was caused by himself.

When I returned to my room on Monday, I began to think back to what I had experienced in my dream. After listening to Cao Yonglin’s words, I thought about it again. These things that were obviously true happened in my dream, maybe in a certain place. This kind of thing happened, but the result of the thing will definitely not be the same as in his dream.

At that time, I was not very satisfied with the result of the treatment in the dream, because even if the group of people went to other places, I am afraid that they did not want to eat and wait to die, but the reality made them have no way to survive, and the next place they went to may be different from the others. The place they stayed in looked the same, they were all very dilapidated, or even worse, so what way would they get there when they got there?

I believe that these people who originally had a glimmer of hope in life would find it difficult to accept after knowing such an outcome. They also want to live a life of food and clothing by themselves.

Thinking of this Monday, I suddenly felt that I had a solution. Since they want to live a life of work by themselves, why not create such an opportunity?In this way, these people first don't have to look around for a way out, and then they do things for themselves, they can manage their food problems, and as for wages, they haven't figured out what to do on Monday, and they don't know how to do it.

However, although there is no good relationship at the moment, this can be regarded as a method. It is much better than no method. Now that I can't think of it, I feel that I still need to find Cao Yonglin and ask him to find a few business-minded people for him. , let them make their own plans.

I feel a little embarrassed when I think about this Monday. I just walked out so freely, and now I have to go back to him to find a way, but I can't think of any other way now. If I go to find someone by myself, it will definitely not be as good as what Cao Yonglin found. It seems to have to bite the bullet.

On Monday, he went to Cao Yonglin's door again, knocked on the door and asked.

"Is Captain Cao still here? I see something and want to discuss it with you. I wonder if it's convenient for Captain Cao?"

"Shopkeeper Zhou, come in."

Cao Yonglin's weak voice came from inside. Obviously, he was still suffering from a headache from the decision he just made on Monday!

Monday pushed open the door and walked in, slightly embarrassed and a little embarrassed to say.

"That's Captain Cao, what I just said, I went back and thought about it, I found that I couldn't go to them blindly, but I thought of a good solution, but this method is not good, I don't know Cao Can you help me, Captain?"

Chapter 12 The Great Plan

Cao Yonglin doesn't know what kind of solution Monday has come up with, but since Monday said he has other solutions, then he must not be blindly giving money to others, and Cao Yonglin can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then shopkeeper Zhou, tell me about your better solution, and I will do my best to help you."

He laughed when he heard this on Monday. He thought that Cao Yonglin would reject him, but he did not expect to agree so readily.

"It's like this, Captain Cao, after I just heard you talk about the disaster in the Kaiyang Empire, I was thinking, since these people are gone now, they don't have a place to eat and live, and they don't have any source of life. Why don't I create a condition for them, let them live with their own hands, what do you think of this method?"

Cao Yonglin did not expect that he would come up with such a solution within such a short time of returning to his room on Monday. They form a bad habit of being lazy.

"I think it's very good. Shopkeeper Zhou didn't expect you to come up with such a great idea in such a short period of time, so what should we do next? How should we let them do things for us, and we should What's the best thing to do? They are all ordinary laborers."

Hearing this on Monday, he couldn't help laughing. It seems that Cao Yonglin agrees with his idea now, so the next step will be much simpler.

"It's like this, Captain Cao, I didn't think about what to do next. No, I'll come to find a solution with you, but I have a beginning, that is to find some business-minded people, Let him think of some suitable jobs for us, and then we will buy some such properties, so that we will not lose money by helping them, what do you think?"

When Cao Yonglin heard Monday's opinion, he clapped his hands happily.

"Okay, shopkeeper Zhou, this is really a good idea, don't worry, I'll go find the business-minded people I know for you now, and let them all come over to discuss this matter, if this matter is true It is a good thing to benefit the people of one side.”

After Cao Yonglin said this, he walked back and forth happily in the room. He originally thought that the incident in the morning would have a great impact on Monday, but he never thought that only half a day had passed. Such a good way.

"Don't worry, shopkeeper Zhou, I have thought of a lot of people now. I will contact them now and ask them to come over as soon as possible, and then we will discuss the plan together."

"No hurry, no hurry, we should deliver the goods first, and then it's not too late to find a relatively good destination to discuss this matter, after all, this goods are promised to be delivered on time, and I You can't be missing in this team to escort you."

Cao Yonglin patted his head, how could he forget this matter, he still has a task to do.

"I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, then shopkeeper Zhou, let's set off now, get this thing as soon as possible, and implement this great plan as soon as possible."

Cao Yonglin, who saw this appearance on Monday, was also amused, so he said.

"Okay, then we will set off now, deliver these goods to the place as quickly as possible, and then think about the next plan with peace of mind."

After saying this, I went back to my room on Monday. Now that the plan has been made, I will quickly pack my things and set off.

After walking out on Monday, Cao Yonglin also quickly ordered his subordinates to pack up quickly.

Soon the group gathered some good things and gathered outside. They originally planned to stay here for a day, but now they stopped, and set off in one night and half the morning.

Monday looked at the people who had already arrived, and then said to them.

"I know, at the time I said I was going to stay here for a whole day, but now I only stay here for one night, and I called everyone out, but things have changed, and now we have to do it as quickly as possible. This shipment has been delivered, and then there are other things, so please forgive me."

"Shopkeeper Zhou, what are you talking about? We'll settle the wages earlier and we'll settle the wages earlier. How could we possibly blame you!"

"Yeah, Manager Zhou, what you said is out of the question. After hiring us, you have the final say when to rest and when to leave. We didn't say a word, but you apologized first. "

After hearing Monday's words, the people below also said that they had nothing to complain about. They were originally doing things with other people's money. When others said they would leave, they would naturally leave.

Looking at the reaction of the people below on Monday, he was also very moved. The performance of this group of people at the moment was something he did not expect. practice.

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