"Thank you for your understanding. If this is the case, let's set off now. I won't say anything else. When we get to the place, I will settle some more wages for everyone."

As soon as this sentence came out, even those who had some dissatisfaction would not have any dissatisfaction at the moment, and they all shouted at this moment.

"Thank you, Manager Zhou. With your words, the brothers will definitely work hard for you."

In this way, the group continued to embark on the road of escorting the goods.

At this moment, other people don't know why, but at this moment, after embarking on this road, Zhou Yi and Cao Yonglin are very excited, and now the implementation of the great plan is very fast.

With such an idea, Cao Yonglin also tried to speed up their speed along the way. Although it was said that the speed was a little higher than before, which made everyone a little puzzled, but thinking that they had set off early before, they all generally understood. After a while, he didn't even ask.

In this way, they arrived at the place of delivery very quickly. On Monday, as I said before, they paid them some more wages. After this group of people got their wages, everyone was very happy. After all, this Monday was very generous. They directly raised one-third of their original wages, which is unimaginable on weekdays. Although they don't know what kind of happy things happened to their shopkeepers, they don't care so much after getting the money. Woolen cloth.

Chapter 13 Gathering in Blackwater City

Now that the goods have been delivered, the next thing to do is to do business. Cao Yonglin was a little impatient, so he asked about Monday.

"The shopkeeper, let's take the place where the studios gather next. How about I contact them now and ask them to come over as soon as possible?"

Wen Yan also nodded on Monday. This place is really good. Compared with the place where we stayed before, there is more traffic here, and the city is also wide, so it is a good place.

"Then let's set it here, we will have it later, Captain Cao has been running around a lot."

"Where is this? This thing has been done, but it's a great thing. There is such a great thing. I'm willing to work a little bit. Not much to say, I'll set off now."

"Take care along the way."

"Okay, it's your blessing, Manager Zhou."

After saying this, Cao Yonglin flew out directly. He is now going to find the friends he met before. Although it is a bit stupid to find them one by one at the moment, he left the specific contact information. There are really not many. Some people can only be found by himself, but others can be contacted by letters.

Looking at the figure of Cao Yonglian leaving on Monday, he withdrew his gaze. Next, he wanted to find a place to live, waiting for Cao Yonglin's return, and during this period, he could also try to think about what he could do.But even if he thinks about it, the final decision rests with the people Cao Yonglin found.

What should I say, this chamber of commerce was created on a temporary basis, and he doesn't know how to deal with many things. With those who know how to manage and help him do these things, he only needs to be behind the scenes. Provide enough money and that's it.

If Zhou Zhang discovered this scene, he would definitely be very surprised. After all, this clone of himself was so similar to him in terms of doing things. He liked to hide behind the scenes and leave things to others to handle.

Before walking on the street, I didn’t pay such attention to Monday, who didn’t know the matter. Now, after learning about the disaster, I found out on Monday that there are also many victims who have picked peaches here. Some of them are lucky and have now found jobs. , and those unfortunate moments, can only stay on the street, looking for a glimmer of hope.

If it was normal, on Monday at this moment, he would definitely give them some money without hesitation to ease their current situation, but after making such an idea, Monday still thinks it's better not to do this for now. Now, if they act rashly, they may bring unexpected consequences to them.

If that's the case, I'm afraid it will become a little more difficult if you want to make amends on Monday. It's better to just sit back and wait until the plan is mature in the future to help them.

Soon, I found an inn and stayed on Monday.


After Cao Yonglin left Monday, he was also non-stop. First of all, he contacted some people and sent them letters from people who had a fixed location before, asking them to rush to Heishui City as soon as possible, while the rest of the people, Cao Yonglin, personally Go to the door.

Although the journey along the way is also very tiring, Cao Yonglin is very happy at this moment. He is so happy when he thinks about the impact of the plan later, he is a member of the Kaiyang Empire. Man, it has not made much contribution to Kaiyang Empire for so many years.

But the shopkeeper I encountered today, at this critical moment, did not think of oppressing these people, but how to help them immediately, which made Cao Yonglin, who is the Kaiyang Empire, unable to stand still. Are you going to help him?

The progress of the matter was almost the same as Cao Yonglin imagined. After these people knew that he wanted to invite them to think of a house to help the victims, almost all of them were very happy. When they rushed to this Blackwater City, they were afraid that if they were later, they would make those victims suffer for more time.

Cao Yonglin was also touched by the behavior of this group of people. He thought he was the only one like this, but now he doesn't regret making these friends. These friends also think about the people of Limin. After these friends made a request, they even even He agreed to this matter right away without asking about the remuneration. How could Cao Yonglin not be moved by this?

Therefore, before Cao Yonglin had contacted all the people, many people rushed here one after another, and some of them directly pulled their friends. After all, there is one more person to make suggestions for this kind of thing. , can help more people.

Until the end, when Cao Yonglin had an old friend in the morning and found that he was not at home at this time, Cao Yonglin curiously asked the guard in front of him.

"I don't know where Mr. Lin has gone now? Do you know when he will be back?"

The guards also recognized Cao Yonglin. After all, she also had a good relationship with her grandfather on weekdays. At this moment, she said politely.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Cao, our master heard that a few days ago there was a good person who wanted to help the victims, so he hurried to Heishui City, but I don't know when to come back. How about I let our grandfather notify you as soon as he comes back?"

Cao Yonglin didn't expect that when he didn't find him, he actually went to the Blackwater City ahead of time, and he laughed at this moment.

"No, no, since I rushed to Blackwater City, I can rest assured. I came to him because of this matter. If this is the case now, I will leave first."

After he finished speaking, Cao Yonglin flew away directly. Today was the happiest time for him in so many days. It seems that he has been running around and tired, not in vain. Now there must be many people who dare to go to Blackwater City. Thinking of this, Cao Yonglin snickered a little. If many people went there, shopkeeper Zhou would definitely have a headache.

Cao Yonglin was right, Monday is really having a headache now. He thought that what Cao Yonglin was talking about was only about a dozen people, but now not only are there fifty or sixty people in front of him, but these people also told him that they too. I have already contacted a friend I know, and I am rushing here at the moment.

On Monday, I can't even imagine what it will be like when these people come.

Chapter 14 Discussion Conference

The result this time is not because the rich people have such an influence on Monday, but because after the natural disaster that is taking place, there are many people who want to help them, but no one has taken the initiative to propose.

Now that someone has taken the initiative to raise this matter, they will naturally gather together, and it is not true that no one in this group has thought of this, but what they need is to unite and come up with a good solution.

As it is now, if there is no Monday's trick, it may take longer for them to gather together. Now that Monday is the leader, they are naturally very happy, such a good thing that benefits the country and the people. , they should contribute a part of their own strength.

As more and more people gather here, there is a vague feeling that so many people can't be accepted here. After all, there are many people coming and going on weekdays, but now they are all gathered here.

Originally, it was planned to start the negotiation ceremony directly on Monday, but now these people have not all arrived, and I am afraid that only half of the people who come now, so I have to wait a little longer.

Fortunately, these people now know what their goals are. Now that they are gathered together, these people will be together in a few people on weekdays. Since they have heard the name of each other more or less before, they will gather together now to discuss What should be done next, which also relieved a lot of pressure for the subsequent discussion meetings.

Now Cao Yonglin is also preparing to return to Blackwater City. Now all the people he knows have been notified one by one, especially the latter ones. Whenever he arrives, the other party has already left, which makes Cao Lin a little helpless. , if he had known that this would be the result, he would not have made these trips.

However, although Cao Yonglin was very upset in his heart, he did not complain. It is better to run this trip than not to run. Maybe some of them really don't know about this, or maybe one of them will The individual plays a vital role too!

Now that everyone has been notified, the rest are unknown, and Cao Yonglin is not sure, can you please move them, so he just returned.


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