"Why did it take so long to prepare? Lord Zhou is getting impatient."

Hearing this on Monday, he quickly waved his hand to explain.

"I'm not impatient, but I really want to go out now, but this oriole stopped me and said that I have to eat your breakfast before I can go out, but I'm not particularly hungry now."

This sentence on Monday was completely told to Li Cui. After all, the breakfast prepared by others was hard work. If you show a very impatient look on your side, then there are some breakfasts that are sorry for the hard work prepared by others. .

And when I brought it over, I also saw that this breakfast was carefully prepared on Monday, and it gave people a very delicious feeling.

Oriole brought the meal in front of Zhou Yi. Looking at the carefully prepared breakfast on Monday, he picked up his chopsticks and ate it.

"Well, it's delicious, and the craftsmanship is good. I think you prepared this breakfast."

Having said that, Monday turned his attention to Li Cui.

Li Cui was also very happy when he heard that the meal he cooked was praised by Monday. Before serving it, he was still very nervous. After all, his cooking was not very good. People are satisfied, and now what Qingdao said from his own mouth, Li Cui felt that her hard work in the morning was worth it.

"Thank you for the compliment, adults as long as they think it's delicious."

Soon, he ate all his breakfast on Monday. He didn't feel very hungry at first. After eating the food you made, he has some appetite again, so these meals are not a lot of food at first. Got eaten by Monday.

After eating on Monday, he thought that he could finally go out for a walk, but when he just stood up, the guard came to report from outside.

"Report to Lord Zhou, and Lord Li asks to see you outside."

I really want to come to whatever I don’t want. When I woke up on Monday morning, I was still thinking that no one came to see me today. It was a good day. I didn’t expect someone to come after I finished my breakfast just now. , but I'm not well, I don't go to meet him, I'm fine, so I have to say to the guard.

"Okay, I see. You can let him wait for me in the living room first. I'll be there in a while."

"It's Lord Zhou."

After saying this, the guard hurried out.

Seeing the guards go out, Monday also understood that he could no longer sit here, and now he needed to pack up to meet the so-called Lord Li.

"Since the first person has come to get it now, maybe the people behind are already on their way."

Monday couldn't help sighing and said, he is really helpless.

Huang Ling and Li Cui didn't understand why they said that on Monday at this time?Because in their opinion, if these people come to visit and pay attention, they will definitely bring a lot of gifts, isn't it a good thing?

But what the two people don't know, if someone else sends a gift, then if there is anything in need of help in the future, he needs to help on Monday. This is still very well understood on Monday. This is why I don't really want to see this group on Monday. people.

But now that people have arrived at the door of the house, if I don't see them, I can't talk about it.

Soon, Monday went to the living room and went to see the so-called Master Li. After seeing Monday coming, she also quickly stood up and said to Monday, who was still sitting there.

"Xiaguan's name is Li Qing. I took the liberty to come to visit Lord Zhou this morning. I'm really embarrassed. I think Lord Zhou drank so much wine last night, and I guess he hasn't recovered yet."

I shook my head as well. At this moment, he didn't feel much discomfort. He drank a little bit of wine last night, although it made him feel a little dizzy when he came back, but after a sleep, he was fine.

"Lord Li is a bit out of touch. Although he said that he drank a lot of wine last night, but after taking a nap, he doesn't feel that there is anything wrong now. Mr. Li, do you have anything to do with the house?"

Li Qing used to have some battles in this mansion, but now he was called Master Li by Monday, which frightened him. The title of the Protector of the Kingdom is too much higher than that of him. A protector of the country with his own Lord Li, how can it be done!So he spoke quickly.

"Lord Zhou, please don't call me Lord again. Xiaguan can't bear such a title. Lord Zhou's official position is much higher than Xiaguan, and Xiaguan came to visit Lord Zhou today, and there is nothing else. I mean, it's just that because of yesterday's banquet, few people are not qualified to attend, so the lower official wants to see Lord Zhou today."

Chapter 39

On Monday, I didn't expect that this sentence of my own would make the Li Qing in front of me look like this, and I was a little helpless. I just felt that the name was not very good, but then I thought about it. Yesterday's banquet did not have this Li Qing in front of me, then it really means that His status is relatively low, and if he persists, I am afraid he will really not be able to stand it.

"Then why did you come here to find me? If I guessed correctly, I just took office today."

What he said on Monday was not wrong. He just took office today, and he was officially named Duke Protector yesterday. He came to find himself so early, but he can't do anything now. What does this person have? What kind of things come to you.

Li Qing was a little embarrassed to hear this question on Monday. He was just not qualified to participate in the banquet yesterday, so he said that he had never seen Duke Protector of the attributes, so he came to see him early this morning, nothing more than I want Duke Protector to get to know me, and if there is anything in the future, I might have to rely on Duke Protector for help, but I can't say that.

"What did Lord Zhou say, Xiaguan came to visit Lord Zhou purely because of his admiration for Lord Zhou, but there was no other meaning. Now everyone knows that Lord Zhou is blessed and pulls many people in the Kaiyang Empire. The people gave them new jobs and new homes, giving them new hope in their lives.”

"Okay, I see. Since you have nothing to do, please go back first. I still have things to do today."

It was not yet Monday, and when Li Qing finished speaking, he interrupted directly. If Li Qing continued to speak, maybe he could continue to speak, and he was going to go out for a walk today. He didn't want to continue spending time with Li Qing here.

Li Qing had a stomach full of compliments he wanted to say, but he didn't expect that he had just said a few words before being interrupted by Lord Zhou in front of him. Since he had already interrupted, then Li Qing had no need Continue talking, after all, if he continues to talk, he may make Lord Zhou unhappy.

"If that's the case, then the lower official will leave first."

After saying this, Li Qing turned around and left.

After seeing that Li Qing finally left, he was relieved on Monday. Since the person has left now, he has to leave quickly, or another person will stop him later.

Monday was right at all. If he stayed here for a while, more people would come. After all, it's just morning. Some people think it's a bit rude to visit too early, so say It will wait for a while in the morning to come back, and Li Qing is a little early. Now after Li Qing's visit, everyone else will definitely come over, but fortunately, I thought of this on Monday, so I was worried. Following Li Qing, they walked out of the Duke Huguo Mansion.

When he walked to the door on Monday, he suddenly stopped, then turned and said to the two guards.

"Thank you so much for the two of you last night. Today, I have one more thing to trouble you two. Now I want to go out for a walk, so if someone comes to visit me in a while, you can tell him directly, I'm not here, anyway I'm really not in this mansion, if they are willing to wait, let them wait here, I will probably come back at noon."

After saying this, Monday felt like something was wrong with what he said, so he hurriedly added another sentence.

"But you can't tell them when I'll be back."

"It's Lord Zhou, don't worry, we will do as you ordered."

Hearing this, Monday only nodded, then turned and walked away.

I have to say that Monday was a good time to catch up. Just when Monday had just left, someone came to Duke Protector's Mansion to look for him.

"Please let me know, that Chengnan Linzi is here to visit Lord Zhou."

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