Since the two guards had just received Zhou Zhang's order, they now fully understand what they want to say, so they said.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Lin. Our family just went out not long ago. It's a little unfortunate that you came here."

After hearing this, Lin Zi was a little confused. It's so early. It's hard for the adults to have gone out this week, but he's already here very early.

"I wonder if Lord has said where he went this week? Or when will he come back?"

Fortunately, this sentence was just ordered on Monday, so the two guards don't have to worry about the answer. After all, how they answered was ordered by Lord Zhou.

"I'm really sorry, Lord Lin, you didn't tell us where Lord Zhou went this week, and he didn't say when he would come back. You also know that the two of us are just gatekeepers. How dare you ask where Lord Zhou went? When will you be back!"

After hearing this, Lin Zi was also a little depressed. The answers of the two guards really didn't have any problems. After all, Lord Zhou is now the protector of the country, let alone whether the two guards have the ability to ask, even if the two of them really dare to ask Where did Lord Zhou go, Lord Zhou would not tell the two of them.

Now since Lord Zhou is not in the mansion, he is embarrassed to stay here any longer, and maybe Lord Zhou did not go out this time, but stayed in the mansion, he just ordered the two people to disappear Just a guest.

"Thank you both for letting me know."

After saying this, Lin Zi turned around and took the people away. Since he didn't meet Lord Zhou today, he can come back another day. He has time, and Lord Zhou can't be absent from this house every day.

And not long after the forest left, people came one after another. These people were counting the time and it was not long before the adults woke up this week, so it's all stuck at this point now. of.

However, they were all told one by one that Lord Zhou was not in the mansion now, so this group of people had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​visiting today.

Monday is walking happily on the streets of this imperial city. If he knew that as soon as he left, there were so many people coming from the back, those points would be very happy, otherwise he can only be honest now. He stayed in the house and watched the people come to him one by one.

But after walking for a while, I found out on Monday that this imperial city is actually nothing to see. If you really want to compare it, this place is a little richer than other places. Most of the people who come and go on the streets are some with heads , or a person with good status and status.

Chapter 40 What a coincidence

After walking for a while on Monday, he found that he had nothing to buy when he came out, and he also looked at most of the things in it. I have to say that the prices are very high, and many things are made by his own industry. of.

The only thing I was happy about this morning was seeing the things I gave birth and bought so far on Monday.

But it can only be said that the good times are short-lived. This Monday, I also showed my face at yesterday's canonization ceremony. There are many people in this imperial city who witnessed that moment, so I said that I left in this imperial city on Monday. After a while, someone started to look him up and down one after another.

At the beginning, Zhou didn't feel anything at all, maybe because his dress was not very similar to the people around him, he said that it would attract passers-by to stop and watch, but suddenly one person walked to Monday's. In front of him, he asked.

"You...Are you the Lord Protector Zhou!"

The voice of the person who spoke was not small, so many people around him stopped to look at it.

It's not easy to say that he is not at this moment on Monday. After all, it is a fact that he is the protector of the country. If he does not admit it, there may be a lot of jokes, but he really doesn't want to admit it. In half a day of leisure, it took a long time to be recognized.

Because he had just escaped from the mansion and was recognized here, maybe this group of people would still ask questions around him.

But when Monday hesitated for a while, someone suddenly shouted loudly.

"This is Lord Protector. I went to see the canonization ceremony yesterday. It's him! Absolutely right!"

This time, a lot of people, whether they really went or faked, are all talking about Monday, as if Monday is not the case, this group of people will tell the truth.

Helpless, Monday had no choice but to nod and speak.

"Yes, I am the Protector of the Country. I don't know what's the matter with you stopping me here?"

When this person heard it, he even admitted it on Monday, and he was so excited that he couldn't even speak clearly.

" are really Lord Protector, I am true, too...too unexpected!"

Zhou Yi was also a little helpless by this person's stammering words. He just admitted his identity as the protector of the country. Is it necessary to get excited like this?He is not a rare species, and he has made so many people stop and watch!

"I am, I am. If you have something to say, speak slowly and don't get excited."

After getting confirmation on Monday, the man in front of him became even more excited, but this time he calmed down the mood in his heart and tried to make himself speak more smoothly.

"Lord Protector, I stopped you, there is no other thing, it's just that I admire you too much, your deeds in this Kaiyang Empire are spread all over the country, in Kaiyang Empire, all people I know your name, and I am very fortunate to have been helped by you, Lord Zhou, but now I do not work in the industry under the name of Lord Zhou. I have made enough money to come back to find my family. Now Passing through this imperial city, I thought of trying my luck to see if I could see you, Lord Zhou, but I didn't expect to see you."

Monday was already very helpless, and this remark made him want to roll his eyes, what reason is this?I wanted to see myself when I stopped myself, but now that I was the protector of the country, I still had to show a certain identity.

"Then congratulations to you. Now in the Kaiyang Empire, everything is flourishing. If you can successfully find your family at this time, and you are doing a small business, you will definitely not worry about food and drink in the future."

"Yes, yes! Lord Zhou, I will definitely do my best to find my family, and I will also listen to what Lord Zhou said to do a small business. I believe that with Lord Zhou's words, my business It will definitely be a big hit.”

After saying this, he still wanted to continue, but he realized that he had been Master Nansha Zhou for so long, and he didn't have anything too important, so he hurriedly said.

"Lord Zhou, Xiao has nothing else to do. I am so happy to see you. Xiao will let you go, and Lord Zhou will continue to work on you."

However, this person did not think that his simple words now would become his true thoughts on doing business in the future, and this business is really getting better and better as it is said now.

But it's getting better and better, not because of what he said on Monday, but because of the many people he met before, who were still working in Monday's industry, so he said he was in The source of the goods is much more favorable than others, which is enough to make him stand out in this industry.

After listening to this sentence on Monday, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, so he nodded and continued to move forward, but some of Zhou's thoughts were too simple, and everyone in this circle just knew that he was the current protector of the country. My lord, this crowd alone made it impossible for Monday to go out for half an hour.

Fortunately, among this group of people, no one stopped Zhou Yi and the people who just came to next Monday. Their identities and status are similar. Although they knew the identity of Monday at this moment, they did not have the courage to stop Monday.

But is this a good thing? ?Although these people did not stop Monday, the news of shopping in the imperial city on Monday did spread. Now many people know that Monday was really outside, so it started to be different. of people are on the street looking for Monday, especially those who haven't managed to get to Monday.

However, he just walked out of the crowd on Monday, and he didn't realize the seriousness of the situation. He didn't know that there were already many people, and he was going to be surrounded again in a while.

Zhou Zhang was walking on the road when suddenly he found that there was a person who carried a large sedan chair next to him. Zhou Zhang looked at the people who passed by and couldn't help but feel a little helpless in his heart. When he walked out by himself, he was only accompanied by one person. He didn't know the identity of the people in the sedan chair, and his treatment was even better than his own.

But just when Monday was thinking about it, the caller suddenly stopped, and a person got off from above and went straight to Monday.

"Master Zhou, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Chapter 41 I'm Embarrassed

Monday didn't know who the person in front of him was, and he had never seen it before, but listening to his tone, he should have come to find him.

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