"No, how can this work? If this place is really similar to that place, wouldn't I have to practice here for a long time before I can go out? My master will probably stay by my side during this period."

Zhou Ling is now starting to worry about Zhou Zhang, because he was aware of the provincial capital last time and has the ability to probe the outside world. It took a total of several years during this period. If he really wants to stay here for a few years, So wouldn't the cultivation of his master be delayed because of himself?

Zhou Ling's guess was right. If he really wants to stay here for a few years, then Zhou Zhang's cultivation will indeed be delayed because of this. The time to practice in the golden space.

Because Zhou Zhang on the Monday side has already made a full plan, just wait for the completion of this life on Monday, and then move on to the next life.

However, the time to enter the mysterious space for cultivation is once a month. If it is delayed, it will be delayed for several years.

When Zhou Ling thought of this, he couldn't continue wandering around here in the dark. He had to practice as soon as possible, and then return to the master's side.

But fortunately, Zhou Ling's practice this time is the third time in Zhou Ling's life that he has started from scratch. Inside the blood gun, and this third time is where he doesn't even know where it is now.

And because the place where Zhou Ling is now is very mysterious and very incomprehensible, so the time that Zhou Ling is here has changed a little bit, and now Zhou Ling has been here for a few months. time, but Zhou Zhang outside had only waited for a few days.

If you really want to let Zhou Zhang wait for a few years, Zhou Zhang will probably go crazy, stay in the cave that sees no light, and he can't go to practice, and he needs to check Zhou Ling's condition from time to time.

The place where Zhou Ling is now can be said to be full of [-] points, so there is nothing to worry about when practicing cultivation. In addition, Zhou Ling is very anxious now, so I don’t want to delay a minute or a second. The speed has accelerated a lot.

Chapter 43 Finally, there is hope

And this time, he didn't practice those messy things, he just focused on practicing the exercises, not some messy techniques, especially how many real numbers, unless he got Zhou Zhang's permission now, otherwise, Zhou Ling is no longer. I won't touch this thing anymore.

Now that Zhou Ling thinks about it, he is also very scared. This seemingly inconspicuous technique of seizing a home actually wants his own life faintly. How can Zhou Ling dare to try such a terrible thing now? ?

Zhou Ling concentrates on his cultivation. He has experienced it twice before. Now those detours and some difficulties that will be encountered along the way of cultivation are now easily solved, and the speed has accelerated a lot. , According to Zhou Ling's expectations, if nothing unexpected happens, I am afraid it will only take a year to get out of this place.

But after a year, Zhou Ling is still a little dissatisfied. Although this year is not very long for him, because he is used to being alone for too long, this year, he may be able to pass soon. , but his master stayed there alone, and they were still underground.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ling worked even harder, but now the speed is the fastest, and Zhou Ling is also very regretful now, why did he not listen to the master at the beginning!Why would you want to try it!At that time, my master was definitely unwilling to try it by himself, but only after his repeated insistence did he let himself try it. If he had not been so stubborn at the time, this current situation would never have happened.

Thinking about it carefully, I have grown up so much and have gone through so many years. I am afraid that today's master is the best for me, even better than my relatives.

Especially his ancestor who kept stealing his own back in order to survive. Every time he thought about it, Zhou Ling felt disgusted. Although this technique of seizing the house was a not very bright technique, what he robbed was the Most people are people who have nothing to do with themselves, and they don't have much worries when they start.

But in his own family, he is his own descendants, and he can continue to live with peace of mind after doing all this, especially when he has a relationship with the woman on his back.

Zhou Ling, who was getting more and more angry, seemed to gain more motivation because of this, and even reached the division level in just a few days.

If this is to be placed in the outside world, it will be an explosive event. Is there one level a day!And I haven't used any pills yet!

Zhou Ling, who felt the change in his own cultivation, couldn't even believe it himself, that he had been promoted to three levels in such a short period of time!You must know that as long as you reach the emperor level, you can go out from here!

"Go on with this momentum! I have to go as fast as possible! I am an artifact who wants to regain a body! I have to fight for my ideals! I still have a master who loves me so much waiting for me. I can't stay here!"

Speaking of Zhou Ling, he continued to practice. This time, after seeing that he has such a great potential, his self-confidence is also bursting!

Just after Zhou Ling entered the practice, he kept observing Zhou Ling's Zhou Zhang, and also found something wrong. Although Zhou Ling did not wake up in the past few days, but at this moment, the fluctuations emanating from Zhou Ling's body were indeed Much stronger than before.

It was discovered that Zhou Zhang was re-inside and out again, and he checked Zhou Ling's body over and over again, but even though Zhou Zhang was so meticulously checked, he still couldn't find anything wrong.

However, after a few days of not understanding now, Zhou Zhang will figure it out, because now Zhou Ling has been directly promoted to the division level within three days. In addition to the difference in time, it can be said that a few short Zhou Ling has risen to three levels within an hour, but the subsequent promotion will be relatively slow, so in more changes, Zhou Zhang will find something wrong in it.

But after these things went wrong, Zhou Zhang began to study it. Although it was said that this change happened only once, Zhou Zhang was convinced that this change did not happen by accident.

Although Zhou Zhang doesn't know much about spiritual bodies, Zhou Zhang also has some enlightenment, that is, the consciousness of the spiritual body is generated, not something that can be acquired by nature, but only after having enough cultivation. It can have a meaning, then the current Zhou Ling has fallen into a coma directly after abolishing all his cultivation bases.

If this is the case, then the change just now makes sense, but this change only happened once, maybe it was caused by other reasons, maybe, now we can only continue to see if it will happen again changed.

It seems that Zhou Ling on this side is also trying to make Zhou Zhang understand faster, so he is also practicing hard, because the current level is relatively low, and the spiritual power is relatively sufficient. So, after half a month, Zhou Ling successfully broke through again.

In the past half a month, Zhou Zhang, who has been observing the outside world for just one day, discovered this change again. Now Zhou Zhang can be sure that Zhou Ling is already making a breakthrough in his cultivation. Therefore, his spiritual body has also changed.

Although I think this conjecture is very convincing in my heart, there is still something in Zhou Zhang's heart, and he doesn't really believe it.

He also guessed that the consciousness of the spiritual body can only be generated due to the growth of cultivation, but how could Zhou Ling continue to cultivate in this state?His consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep, how can he cultivate his sleeping consciousness!

However, although Zhou Zhang still doesn't quite believe it, Zhou Zhang quickly erased this idea, and now this is his only thought.

If you reject this idea now, doesn't it mean that you don't believe that Zhou Ling can still wake up?This is something that Zhou Zhang absolutely does not allow to happen!

Fortunately, Zhou Ling did not disappoint Zhou Zhang. After more than a day, Zhou Ling's body changed again.

After this change, Zhou Zhang can be sure that he is indeed making a breakthrough in his cultivation. The change in this spiritual body can completely prove his conjecture.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang breathed a sigh of relief. According to the current speed, maybe Zhou Ling will wake up soon. After so many days of waiting, he finally has a hope.

Chapter 44

It has been so many days, and even Zhou Zhang has lost some confidence to persevere. After all, after so long, I have not figured out the reason, and I don't know what will happen next.

But now that Zhou Ling is discovered and there is a possibility of recovery, there is hope to continue waiting, and Zhou Zhang is very sure of his thoughts. Now that he has verified his previous opinions again, Zhou Zhang is also very sure.

If Zhou Ling really woke up, those in Zhou Zhang would feel much less guilt. After all, all this was caused by Zhou Zhang's thoughts.

Now in the Jing'an Empire, something that shocked the whole country has happened, but it can't be strictly counted as one, because now all the men named Zhou Zhang in the Jing'an Empire have disappeared mysteriously, even their corpses. None were found.

This incident did not attract too many people's attention at the beginning. After all, these people named Zhou Zhang just thought they were going out at first, but more and more people named Zhou Zhang disappeared mysteriously. This has attracted more attention.

After a lot of attention, people all over the place began to look for this person named Zhou Zhang, and to confirm whether he had an accident now, but after such an investigation, many of those around them named Zhou Zhang disappeared. , Whether these people are civilians or dancers, no matter where they were before, what realm they were in, now all of them are not spared.

Now no one knows what happened or what caused this result, but after this incident, no one is still alive in the Jing'an Empire, and they are still called Zhou Zhang. Completely panicked.

They don't know why they got into such a murder at all. If it's just for a certain person, they can accept it, but now it's for a name.

Someone once tried to change their name to escape this pursuit, but this group of people obviously had sufficient investigation in advance, and now even if he changed his name, he was quickly found out.

As a result, more people are in panic, and they have no idea how powerful the opponent they are facing is.Whether he can win or not, and this feeling of dying is approaching day by day, as if the next one will be himself.

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