Some of these people want to escape from the Jing'an Empire. They think that as long as they leave the Jing'an Empire safely, they will be safe.

But how could this be the case in reality?Before they left the Jing'an Empire, they had already been chased up, and they were dead inexplicably.

However, such news was not spread, because they were already dead, but they didn't know how many days later when they were found, and even if the bodies were really found, they would not know that these people were called Zhou Zhang.

I have to say, it's very strange. Before this, I didn't find that there are so many charming Zhouzhang people in this Jing'an Empire, but when these murders happened, so many people named Zhouzhang appeared like mushrooms after rain. .

But all these things, except those who really knew Zhou Zhang, did not suspect Zhou Zhang. Not only did Zhou Zhang make a few appearances in the Jing'an Empire, but also those in Qingluo City did not know Zhou Zhang's specific strength, even the person who resisted the Han Chong Empire that time, Zhou Zhang did not say his name, but let everyone call him Lord Zhou.

So considering all of this, the only people in the Jing'an Empire who can think of Zhou Zhang are the few people in Qingluo City and Ye Xinghuai, but although they vaguely guessed that these people were Chong They came with Zhou Zhang, but they wouldn't tell anyone about this.

But although they won't tell others about this, they were very anxious after learning the news, because they didn't know if Zhou Zhang was among the victims?Although I know, Zhou Zhang's strength is very strong, but the news of so many people dying now makes them think about the bad as a last resort.

If it is said that the person who is most anxious about this matter at this moment is only Shao Wenlin, because of this matter, Shao Wenlin does not know when it started, but now when he knows about this matter, many people all over the country have died. Before I thought about it, my grandfather disappeared suddenly.

Although Zhou Zhang had already said that he was going to leave before he left, he did not come back to say goodbye before he left, but even though Shao Wenlin believed in himself very much at this time, the master had not been killed yet, but now the daily increase in the number of harms made Shao Wenlin have no choice but to Worry.

But now he is in a hurry, and no matter how worried he is, he can't show it. If his abnormal behavior is discovered by those people during this period, I am afraid that these people will come to Qingluo City to do a thorough investigation.

What Shao Wenlin can do now is to spend every day as usual, so as not to let the people around him have any doubts. If things can't be hidden at that time, he will say that his master was also bizarre before. disappeared.

After all, his master is indeed missing, and at that time, after asking and investigating, they will know that his master is just a very ordinary businessman. If they really want to say different, I am afraid that he has a lot of money and a Very shrewd mind.

But during this period, Shao Wenlin couldn't show it to this group of people. If this is the case, he will definitely be investigated by then, so that his efforts to pretend to be okay for so many days will be in vain.

But the only thing that makes Shao Wenlin very happy is that those of them who know the identity of their masters are also acting very ordinary at the moment, and they have not shown too much slander because of this matter.

But compared to Shao Wenlin, Ye Xinghuai, who is in the palace at the moment, doesn't think so. Although he also knows about this matter, it may be caused by what Zhou Zhang has done outside, but no matter what the reason is. What happened, now that so many people have died in the country, he is the king of a country and there are some things that can't be justified.

Especially now that he can't give everyone a reasonable explanation, he can't say what is the reason for this incident, and he can't find this incident, who is the initiator!

Chapter 45

It was hard for Ye Xinghuai to be the king of the country, but even if it was uncomfortable, Ye Xinghuai knew what choice he should make at the moment.

Zhou Zhang is the great benefactor of their Jing'an Empire, so to say that he must not tell Zhou Zhang's affairs at this moment is the greatest ingratitude, and on the other hand, he said that he does not know who is secretly searching for this name. The person named Zhou Zhang hurt her, but recently Ye Xinghuai also learned that these people are not a few, but a large number, because murders happen every day in different parts of the country.

What's the use of knowing such a thing?I'm afraid the only use is to let Ye Xinghuai know that this matter will end sooner. This is the only thing Ye Xinghuai can do at the moment, he can only wait for this matter to end slowly.

However, if all the people named Zhou Zhang in the Jing'an Empire are harmed, I'm afraid no one in this Jing'an Empire will dare to call Zhou Zhang's name again. name!

Unless the person who takes this name is really not afraid of death, and it is estimated that for a long time, everyone will not use the name Zhouzhang to make jokes, because if this is the case, maybe someone will be accidentally killed by them If you hear it, then when you jump into the Yellow River, you won't be able to wash it out.

But compared to Ye Xinghuai and Shao Wenlin's wait and see, the dozen people sent here are not so relaxed.

When they were sent down by Liu Feng, they had already agreed that they would find Zhou Zhang in the shortest possible time and bring them back.

But now they have been searching for such a long time in the Jing'an Empire. When they see a person named Zhou Zhang, they will interrogate him. If not, they will be executed directly. They've asked over and over, but haven't found the person they're looking for.

If it continues like this, I am afraid that the Jing'an Empire will be searched over and over again, but they can't find it. They said that they need to find Zhou Zhang.

This is what they are most worried about now, and what they don't want to happen the most. If they haven't found it in the end, let's not say whether they can go back or not. Even if they go back, I am afraid they will not escape.

For them now, the only thing that is more fortunate is that they did not directly ask for the remuneration, and they did not take Liu Feng's money, otherwise they would now have to think about how to run away.

Taking other people's money and not finding it in the end is not only an insult to the owner of the money, but also has some feeling that they don't want to do things with the money.

Now they are divided into several groups, and they are searching for Zhou Zhang in various areas of the Jing'an Empire. Now many people have solved the people in their area. Now they have also gathered together to ask about the situation of other groups. The group can bring them good news.

But the reality is so cruel, and the ending they least wanted to see happened in front of them. Now all the groups have not achieved any gains, and it is like a bolt from the blue for them.

"No, third brother, haven't you found a person named Zhou Zhang in your area? How can this be that the Jing'an Empire is so big, and your area is where the young master of the Liu family was finally found."

They sighed when they had to call the three of them. It wasn't that they didn't want to look for it. Now they have turned the southern part of the Jing'an Empire upside down, but even they have turned upside down and haven't found a person with matching strength.

"Don't mention it, I wonder if Zhou Zhang knew that he was causing trouble, so he went to other places, the Jing'an Empire is so big, he can't say that he will stay here and wait for us to come and find him. ."

Although they have some guesses about this matter these days, after all, with their current strength, it is still very easy to cross several countries. It is impossible to do things here and stay here all the time, but The golden master's order was found in this Jing'an Empire, what else can they do now?

"Third brother, if this person runs away, how should we find it? This lower realm is very big, with so many counties and so many empires. If he still runs while we are looking for it, then we are tired. Death can't catch him."

After hearing this, the third brother was also very helpless. How could he not know about this matter?If ah, play hide and seek with them in such a big place, they are really exhausted and can't find it.

However, just when the third brother wanted to speak, another group of people flew over from a distance. The third brother who wanted to continue talking also stopped. This matter can only be discussed by the elder brother who has just returned.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother is back!"

A group of people asked well, no matter whether they have completed the task or not, they still need to have the respect they deserve.

The person called Big Brother is called Xin Ziyue. He is the one with the highest cultivation level among this group of people, so everyone calls him Big Brother.

After Xin Ziyue landed at this moment, he also greeted them one by one, but at the moment he looked at the silence of a group of people, and he also guessed in his heart, after all, if this group of people had already captured Zhou Zhang at this moment If he did, he wouldn't be like this, and he would definitely be eager to ask himself for merit.

"It seems that this trip is not very good for everyone. Now that I have been looking for so long, I still haven't found anyone."

At this moment, the third brother is the only one who is qualified to reply, but when the third brother was said this, he was a little ashamed and couldn't raise his head. He went to the place where this incident happened. He was not found there, which is undoubtedly the most disappointing.

"Come on, third child, tell everyone, did you find or hear anything about what happened that day in that place, and did anything strange happen to you?"

Seeing that Xin Ziyue took the initiative to call her name, the third brother had to bite the bullet and stand up.

"Brother, I was in the south of the Jing'an Empire during this period of time, and I tried very hard to inquire, but I really didn't find any news about Zhou Zhang, and I checked all the people named Zhou Zhang one by one, and there was no outstanding strength at all. people, and most of them are ordinary people.”

Chapter 46 Strange Things

After saying this, the third brother didn't think of anything at first, but when Xin Ziyue asked him just now, he mentioned something strange?

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