"Big brother, I suddenly thought of something. There is a place called Qingluo City in the south of the Jing'an Empire. Although this city occupies a small area, it has everything in the city. They have a high-level gathering. The spirit formation, and the alchemist who specializes in refining medicine pills for them, if these can be made with money, I can still believe it, but their cities are actually made of thunder stones."

"Oh, really? Then this city is quite interesting. Not only does it have so many things that make money in it, but it also costs a lot of money to build the city alone. Have you carefully inquired about Zhou Zhang? news?"

Xin Ziyue also became interested after listening to it. After all, she could use farts this summer, and there were really not many honest ones. Only those people in the imperial city had so much money, and only they would use the thunderbolt ten. After building a city, other people generally can't come up with so much money.

"There is indeed a person named Zhou Zhang in Qingluo City, and he is still the city owner of Qingluo City, but this person went out to run errands a while ago, but there is nothing to suspect about this person, I am here. I have also carefully inquired about the city. The man named Zhou Zhang in Qingluo City is an ordinary person who is almost forty years old. It's been years, and everyone knows that he is an ordinary person. Now, although they don't know where the city owner has gone? But before that, he often had the experience of going out, and every time he went out to talk about big business , maybe it has been killed by our brothers in other areas."

Hearing this, Xin Ziyue was relieved. After all, if he was just an ordinary person, he wouldn't need to worry about it. How could an ordinary person who has not even practiced practice be involved in this matter!

Besides, if he was really the person they were looking for, how could he stay in such a poor place as Qingluo City, and which one of the immortal-level people was not famous, he wouldn't be able to live in a place like this? small place.

Zhou Zhang is really dangerous and dangerous. He avoided this disaster, and Qingluo City also escaped because of this. None of them can break through the rank, so they don't know at the moment. When they break through the rank, they need to go to the mortal world. If they know it, they will suspect this Zhou Zhang at the first time.

"It's useless news after talking for so long, what about the others, didn't they get nothing?"

After asking around for a while, these people kept their mouths shut. Xin Ziyue now understood that their mission this time was probably going to fail. So many people were not found, and he would no longer place his hopes on them. People who haven't arrived yet.

"Okay, don't look so sad, everyone, I don't blame you for this. After all, in such a big place, let's find an immortal-level powerhouse. How could it be so easy for us to find it, and Maybe this person is no longer in the Jing'an Empire. We are just here to try our luck. When the brothers come back, we will go back. Then we will discuss it with the Liu family patriarch. Maybe there are more. wiggle room."

Hearing Xin Ziyue say this, everyone below gave a sigh of relief. After all, now they are worried that their boss will not give up. If they really want to continue to look for it, then there is no end to it. task.

And the things that Xin Ziyue changed after saying this sentence are not a little bit, and now they are going home, then the next time they come out to do the task, I don't know when it will be, I am afraid it will only be Liu next time. It's time for Lin to wake up.

During this period, Monday, who stayed in the Kaiyang Empire, also avoided this trick. After all, although his name is Monday, he has the exact same face as the portrait. Who can trust this? ?

When the avatar that Monday has worked so hard to make is ruthlessly destroyed by them, Monday will be more than just anger.

But if it is because of such a thing that Zhou Zhang meets them, then, even if Zhou Zhang wins the battle, the above also knows the specific location of Zhou Zhang, and maybe a more powerful person will be photographed at that time. It's time to deal with Zhou Zhang. At that time, it will be a bigger disaster for Zhou Zhang.

At that time, let's not talk about whether Zhou Zhang can beat it. Even if the people who are sent down do fight, then during this period, Zhou Zhang's cultivation will definitely stagnate, and there will be so many at that time. When people come to find themselves, how can they still cultivate with peace of mind?

It didn't take a few days to work, and people from other parts of the Jing'an Empire came back one after another. They all tried their best to find and investigate, but the final result was very bad. consistent, that is, no one was found.

This result makes Xin Ziyue very unacceptable. He has already taken over so many missions. This is the first time that no one else has seen it, and he has directly declared a failed mission.

Now that I think about it, I was really carried away by the interests at that time, thinking that my dozen or so people could actually bring him back.

However, at that time, there was a voice that was blinded by the generous reward given by Liu Feng, which caused Xin Ziyue to be temporary and lose the ability to judge. How difficult it is, how could they possibly find such a person!

But thinking about it now, Xin Ziyue has figured out their situation at the time and they are not allowed to refuse to agree. Liu Feng has already called them all over. If they are in such a situation, not only will they not help Liu Feng , and directly refused, I am afraid that they would have been solved by Liu Feng there long ago.

But even so, Xin Ziyue regretted the next mission very much. Although he was the captain of this group of people, his brothers would not have any opinion on him, but he himself felt very sorry. these brothers.

Because if they don't complete the task when they go back to the top, they will always be unreasonable. Even if they take all the dereliction of duty in this task, his brothers will be punished for it. .

Chapter 47 Unexpected Results

Now that his brothers have all arrived, it is time to face the consequences that may be very severe, but now that he has the vaccine, he is not afraid. I will suffer a bit, but this is also what a big brother should do.

"Brother, do you think we will run into trouble this time? After all, Mr. Liu had repeatedly asked us to complete the task. Now we have searched around the Jing'an Empire and have not found anyone. I'm going back now, I'm afraid it's a bit unreasonable."

Seeing that he had just returned, Xin Ziyue was talking about going back. Lin Lang was very clear about the consequences of not understanding something, how could his elder brother not know.

Xin Ziyue also stopped when she heard Lin Lang ask this question, sighed, and said to Lin Lang.

"Second brother, do you think the eldest brother really wants to do this? There is really no way for us to complete this task. You think a fairy-level master is in this lower realm. If he really wants to avoid us, how can we find it? What about getting him? And even if we were fortunate enough to bump into him, we still have a certain degree of certainty that we can really take him down. What about people?"

Naturally, Lin Lang knows all these principles, and he has thought about it a lot these days, but he is really unwilling to let him give up like this.

"Big brother, can't we find Zhou Zhang in this Jing'an Empire, so can't we go to other empires to continue looking for it? I don't believe where he can go!"

Xin Ziyue was originally very helpless. When she heard Lin Lang's words, not only did she want to get angry, but what he said was clear enough. Why does Lin Lang want to continue?

"Second brother, don't you understand? I just meant to say this week chapter, we can't find it now, it doesn't mean that we can find it in a different place, and even if we change a place, is it difficult? Are we looking for someone to kill someone like this in the Jing'an Empire? I believe that if we do this, it will soon attract attention, and it will not be Liu Patriarch who shot us, but that one! "

Speaking of this, Lin Lang couldn't help but fight a cold war. He just wanted to complete the task, but he didn't expect that although this summer was peaceful and there were no opponents, if they really did something here, they would still will provoke that person's dissatisfaction.

Just like the incident that happened in the Yellow Dragon Empire a few days ago, it can be said that many people know about it. Although they do not know what it cost to agree to this matter, it is not the case now. They were also called off. What they have done has already caused too much damage to the lower realm, which is simply not allowed.

"Big brother, I understand, then I'll go get the brothers to pack up and leave here now."

Lin Lang said these words in a particularly powerless manner. His tone was mixed with his regret that the task was not completed, and he also had the feeling of powerlessness that he could not complete the task.

Soon, the group of people returned to the top and met Liu Feng smoothly, but what they did not expect was that Liu Feng did not punish them for this, but scolded them fiercely and let them Get out, this, but this group of people dare not think about it.

The group of them had already thought through all the consequences on the way here, and even had the worst plan, but now they have just been scolded. Such a gap makes them not knowing how to use it now. What kind of expression to express.

"What? Do you guys want to stay here to receive rewards?"

Seeing that this group of people were still here, Liu Feng showed a little anger on his face, obviously because these people didn't complete the task he explained at the moment, so they were very dissatisfied.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Xin Ziyue quickly waved her hand and said to Liu Feng.

"Patriarch Liu misunderstood, let's get out, let's get out."

A hidden danger and turmoil that might threaten Zhou Zhang, just disappeared without a sound.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang is still in the cave, but now Zhou Zhang is relieved a lot. In the next few days, the aura coming from Zhou Ling's body is also getting bigger and bigger, although the speed has slowed down, But Zhou Zhang also understands that this is because of the improvement in cultivation, so the speed will be slowed down.

Zhou Zhang is very happy, and Zhou Ling will be able to wake up soon. Not only will Zhou Ling not completely lose his cultivation, but maybe he will have a deeper understanding of cultivation.

Although Zhou Zhang is very happy, Zhou Ling is really anxious at this moment. He has been here for a year now. During this year, he has tried his best to cultivate, but now he has not been able to go out. .

This is very terrifying, but recently Zhou Ling has faintly discovered another more terrifying thing, that is, he had a feeling that he could go out when he cultivated to the emperor level last time, but now he has already arrived. Emperor level, but he didn't feel this way at all. He had begun to doubt whether this space could go out!

But after so many days of hard work, it is impossible for Zhou Ling to give up now. Once he gives up, he may not be able to get out. If he persists, there may be hope, so he has no choice but to bite the bullet. Tooth, keep working hard, and continue to try the next breakthrough in cultivation.

Fortunately, this space is just a little more mysterious and magical, so in the end, Zhou Ling must still be able to come out, but the upper limit of the cultivation base that comes out has changed. In the past, Zhou Ling can produce a complete spiritual body when he is an emperor. , but now Zhou Ling needs to arrive, at least at the level of the king to go out.

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