Zhou Ling doesn't know yet. If he knew, he would be even more flustered. In the past, he spent two years at the emperor level. Now, if he wants to raise him to the emperor level, wouldn't he need more time? At least double?

However, although Zhou Ling doesn't know about this now, it is more or less guessed, because as long as he breaks through to the emperor level, and then feels the feeling that he can rush out, he knows that he needs to reach the emperor level. out.

Therefore, even if there are only some guesses now, Zhou Ling is working harder, he has not left a shred of rest time for himself, or even a shred of time to think about it.

Chapter 48

Because the last two years were spent in very leisurely years, this time, after so much hard work, he reached the imperial level in a little more than a year, so Zhou Ling still believes in himself, as long as he does not distinguish heart, then time can always go faster.

This is indeed the case, hard work pays off!As long as you put in the same effort, you can get the same reward.

Zhou Ling is now full of self-blame. Because of one of his stubbornness and mistakes, he is now organized outside, and he has to wait a little longer for himself. He can't imagine how his organization will spend the past two years. .

In a cave mansion where the sun does not see the sun, there is nothing to communicate with except his own master, how boring his master must be.

Thinking about it, Zhou Ling suddenly slapped himself and said fiercely.

"Zhou Ling, Zhou Ling, why don't you have a long memory at all? Didn't you just make up your mind to stop thinking about it, stop resting, and focus on cultivating to make breakthroughs?"

After saying this, Zhou Ling seemed to have changed into a different person, took a few deep breaths, and then sat there again, continuing to practice without moving.

In fact, Zhou Zhang is not so boring these days. After she knows that Zhou Ling is all right, she is not so worried. When she is free these few days, she can study the specific way forward for the number of counts, or take a look occasionally. His own avatar, that is, what is he doing on Monday.

And when Zhou Zhang knew that his avatar was so colorful now, he was very relieved. After all, he has now become the protector of the country, so the road from now on is actually very dull.

But now Zhou Zhang doesn't know about Li Xiao's conspiracy. If he does, Zhou Zhang will go out again, because Li Xiao's thoughts and actions will affect the path after his avatar, and Zhou Zhang will kill all potential crises. in the cradle.

A few days later, on this day, Zhou Zhang suddenly felt something moving in the Nawu Ring?After checking it, I found out that it was Zimuyu. After I connected it, Ye Xinghuai's voice came from there.

"Senior Zhou? Did Senior Zhou receive it?"

Zhou Zhang didn't know why Ye Xinghuai suddenly contacted him at this time, but he cleared his throat and replied.

"It's me, I'm here! Is there anything to look for? And it's quite urgent to hear your tone."

Ye Xinghuai was relieved when he heard that Zhou Zhang was fine. After all, there was a lot of trouble in the Jing'an Empire a few days ago, and he was very worried about what happened to Senior Zhou during this period.

"Senior is fine. A group of people came to the Jing'an Empire a few days ago. Although they don't know who they are, they slaughtered a person named Zhou Zhang in the Jing'an Empire. This junior thinks that this matter may have something to do with Senior Zhou. , so after the group of them left, this junior will contact you, Senior Zhou, as soon as possible."

Zhou Zhang understood as soon as he heard it, it seemed that the few people who he killed a few days ago are now coming to seek revenge for him, but he is no longer in the Jing'an Empire, and they have probably returned after looking around. .

This is the case, I already know, don't talk nonsense about this matter, they are probably coming for me, I am also very sorry for those who died, you go and discuss with Shao Wenlin , let Shao Wenlin spend some money to condolence to the families of those who died.

I have to say that Zhou Zhang is still very sympathetic. Although these people have nothing to do with Zhou Zhang, but now they are all blamed for Zhou Zhang, and they are all dead. If he doesn't do something, Zhou Zhang will feel a little sorry for a while.

Ye Xinghuai didn't expect Zhou Zhang to say such a thing, but this was the image of his senior Zhou in his impression.

"What did Senior Zhou say? This junior has already dealt with all these matters. Some of these people are from poor families, and some are children of officials. I have already treated this matter differently. Senior Zhou, don't worry."

Zhou Zhang was relieved when he heard this. Since the matter has been dealt with, he doesn't need to worry.

"Since it has happened, and now they have gone back, there is nothing to do, and I just hang up."

"It's Senior Zhou, Senior Zhou, take care of yourself."

After Ye Xinghuai finished saying this, Zhou Zhang cut off the connection between the son and mother jade, but Zhou Zhang had just ended the conversation with Ye Xinghuai, and there was another movement in the storage ring.

Taking it out, it turned out that Shao Wenlin was looking for him. Zhou Zhang already knew what was going on, but it was still necessary to inform Shao Wenlin so she didn't have to worry.

"Master, master, are you all right? A few days ago, there was a lot of emergency in the Jing'an Empire for a man named Zhou Zhang. These days, the limelight has passed, so I dare to contact you, master."

Zhou Zhangyi couldn't help laughing. Although he already knew what was going on, he couldn't help but feel a little warm when he heard Shao Wenlin's tone.

He left without saying a word, but they kept thinking about him, which made Zhou Zhang feel a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I already know about this. Ye Xinghuai just contacted me, and now I'm not in the Jing'an Empire, so they didn't find me either."

Shao Wenlin also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. After all, such a thing still needs to be confirmed with the master in person before he can rest assured.

"Since the lord is fine, then I can rest assured, the lord doesn't have to worry about the development of Qingluo City, everything is proceeding according to the expected trajectory, and now we are stronger, and no one dares casually. Provoking us, this place seems to be a very impregnable fortress now."

After Shao Wenlin asked about Zhou Zhang's situation, he did not forget to describe the current situation in Qingluo City to Zhou Zhang. Zhou Zhang was also very satisfied after hearing it. Although he had already arranged everything before he left, he still had no idea. I was worried that something went wrong. Now that Shao Wenlin said this, Zhou Zhang was relieved.

"If that's the case, then you did a good job, and I can rest assured. This Luoyan Village finally became Qingluo City. Now it is a very wise choice to hand this Qingluo City to you."

Shao Wenlin felt a little embarrassed after hearing this. After all, the planning of Qingluo City and the industries within it were all bought by Zhou Zhang, and they were all on the right track before Zhou Zhang left. What he did It's just a matter of keeping these industries going.

Chapter 49 is not very long

However, the main reason for Shao Wenlin to contact Zhou Zhang was not to report on Qing Luocheng's current situation, but to ask about Zhou Zhang's situation. After all, there was too much trouble in the past few days. After confirming it, he was always worried, even though he knew that Zhou Zhang had a very high level of cultivation.

Since the master has nothing to do, then I will not interrupt. I believe that the master still has a lot of things to do.

Shao Wenlin also knew at this moment that Zhou Zhang was still making a breakthrough in his cultivation, so he didn't talk to Zhou Zhang for too long, and put forward the ending words very intelligently.

Although Zhou Zhang said that he had nothing to do and was not cultivating, but since Shao Wenlin had already said it, Zhou Zhang also directly cut off the connection between Zi Muyu.

Now both of my ancients have contacted me to confirm their situation. Zhou Zhang has not been so cared for for a long time, but the news brought by the two of them also made Zhou Zhang re-examine it.

It hasn't been long since he came out now. This has killed all the people named Zhou Zhang in the Jing'an Empire. In such a short period of time, he can do such a thing in this country, and the murderer has not yet been found. , then the person who he didn't kill at the beginning might also have a very powerful force behind it.

Speaking of this, Zhou Zhang also remembered why the two people provoke him at that time. Although they said that these two people were coveting their weapons and the artifact spirits in the weapons, Zhou Zhang did not regret what he did, no matter what. There is so much power behind him, even if you let him come.

I have cultivated for so long, and I have never said that I am afraid of anything, and I have never deliberately avoided or let go of certain people because of the forces behind it.

Cultivation is a matter of going against the sky. On such a path, if you can’t stick to your original intention, you can’t have this fearless heart, then how can you continue to cultivate.

However, since they have already found themselves in the Jing'an Empire, if they don't give up and continue to find themselves in this Chuanshui County, they might even affect their cultivation.

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