At that time, maybe with only his powerful soul power, even if he does not use any soul attack, he will be able to deal a fatal blow to others.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang Yingying is still a little excited. How long has it been since I was so comfortable? After the usual time, I have to work hard to improve my realm. Now that there is such a fast way to improve, why does it hurt me? Can't stand it?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang began to practice self-abuse again. Now that he knows that this soul will become more powerful, the circumference will become more public. From the simple movement of hands and feet at the beginning, it is now jumping up and down, running left and right. of.

Although he had to shout loudly every time he moved to relieve some of the pain on his body, but every time he shouted, there was a hint of clarity.

After moving for a while, Zhou Zhang found that the pain was not as bad as it was at the beginning. It seemed that the season had already passed. After the activity, he would not cry out in pain at all, and the meaning of Qingming became less. .

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but feel a little regretful. He had just tasted a little sweetness, but it ended so quickly.

But it was the last bit of pain, and Zhou Zhang didn't let it go. After running for a few laps in the cave, Zhou Zhang stopped when his body didn't feel at all.

At this time, Zhou Ling also withdrew from the world in the painting. After he came out, Zhou Ling was still showing his teeth and claws, as if he was still in the middle of a fight with the group of beasts.

After that, Zhou Ling looked around for a while, and when he saw that he was back in the cave, he was relieved. At this moment, he was still holding the picture scroll in his hand, as if nothing happened just now, but now if not Zhou Ling really thought that nothing had happened to him just now.

"Master, what is this thing? I just glanced at it, why did I go in, and there are so many murderers in here, all of them came over to me, if I didn't get out at the last moment. , maybe I will be solved by these beasts there."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Ling patted his chest with lingering fears, trying to calm himself down. The scene just now was too thrilling and exciting. If he had just exited later, maybe the group of beasts would have torn him directly. Gone.

Zhou Zhang laughed after hearing this. He was really negligent just now. He just took out a picture, and it was a painting he made when he was at his peak in spirit. Of course, except that it was given to Lin Linger. If the last one is the last one, this one is already the most powerful.

And the main purpose of this painting is to keep fighting. The one given to Qingluo City mainly focuses on perception, but this is self-defeating. Under the current circumstances, if it is not given to Zhou Ling so much If you are under pressure, maybe there is no way to make a breakthrough in cultivation in a short period of time.

"I can't take it anymore. I walked sideways in the Black Peak Mountain Range. Now you have just entered the outer periphery, and you are already so embarrassed. Presumably there is no way to go further inside. got involved."

After listening to it, Zhou Ling was a little unconvinced. How could he compare himself with his master? The cultivation of the two of them is basically the same as the sky and the earth. If he had master's cultivation, would he continue to practice like this?Have a good time outside.

Chapter 75 Two Attacks

Zhou Zhang also saw Zhou Ling's dissatisfaction, but now is not the time to call, after all, this is also a bit of his own negligence, so Zhou Zhang said encouragingly.

"You don't want to give up the beasts here, because I drew them, so there are some enhancements in some aspects, but if you can persevere, I believe that the beasts on the periphery will be resolved soon, and if time breaks through It's just a little thing."

"Really? As long as I go in and fight the beasts inside, I can achieve an improvement in my cultivation?"

After hearing Zhou Zhang's words, Zhou Ling couldn't believe it. Although he said that he felt a sense of collapse just now, he did not feel any obvious improvement in his cultivation.

"How could I lie to you? You are taking a good feeling to see if you have a very strong sense of weakness in yourself. If you feel this weak, after you relax, you will find that your cultivation is high. You have made a lot of diligence, and the diligence in your cultivation level is comparable to the time you spent cultivating for several days.”

Zhou Ling does have a clear sense of weakness, and after Zhou Zhang said it at this moment, Zhou Liang hurriedly got down on his knees and began to regain his confidence, because he had to quickly verify whether what his master said was true, and if it was true, then He will enter the world in the painting to practice as soon as his spiritual power recovers.

At this moment, Zhou Ling is too concerned about the improvement of his cultivation, so he didn't notice the changes in his entry and exit. At that time, Zhou Zhang was still lying on the ground, and now he can walk freely in the cave.

Moreover, Zhou Zhang also missed the scene of the governor's self-abuse, otherwise Zhou Ling would have to worry about her master again. Every time she practiced such self-abuse, and this time Zhou Zhang also showed a faint feeling of refreshment.

If Zhou Ling saw this, he would be so shocked that his jaw would drop. Usually every time he cried in pain, this time he was secretly refreshed after the pain. Zhou Ling must think that Because of his long-term torture, his master has a tendency to be abused.

Zhou Cheng, who has nothing to do now, began to think about what was going on in that mysterious space. There was an extraordinary ability to control spiritual power. At that time, he needed to control the flight and release the spell at the same time, if it was normal. , it must be a matter of convenience.

Now that after so long of practice, will the ability to control this spiritual power be stronger, but as for the strength, Zhou Zhang needs to verify it himself to know.

In the past, every time he performed a magic attack, it was often one move against one move, so now Zhou Zhang has thought of a dual purpose, and he can achieve two attacks at the same time. Wouldn't the attack power be doubled?

When he thought of this, Zhou Zhang was still a little excited. The multiplied attack must be the result of crushing, but just after he was happy, Zhou Zhang thought that since he can do this, of course others can do it too.

Suddenly there was a feeling of empty joy, but what Zhou Zhang didn't know was because he chose a different path from others, so the appearance of this second floor has also been changed, and others have no such baptism at all. Yes, so only Zhou Zhang has such an opportunity.

But even if he thought that other people would be like this, Zhou Zhang had to try it. After all, when others really knew it, but it turned out not to be, it would be a dumb loss.

However, although the idea just now is relatively simple, when I try it now, it seems to be a little difficult. After all, it is just an idea. It is really not a trivial matter to have an attack displayed twice at the same time.

Although he was still carefully controlling the spiritual power in his body at the moment, and also very carefully controlling him to form two different attacks according to the same trajectory, he had only just started a little, and he regrettably failed.

Although the result was a failure, but now I see a little hope. After all, this is really feasible. If it didn't go ahead at all, it means it's not feasible. Now that it can be done, it's just that I have no control. That's it, as long as you are more careful next time, there is still hope.

The second attempt started again. This time, I learned a little lesson from the last time, but I always learned some lessons. I slowly controlled it and continued to grope like I just did. This time, it seems that I have just gotten used to it. It happened once, so it was surprising that some things went smoothly.

But after so many times, Zhou Zhang has understood that now he really can't be careless at all, otherwise, he will repeat the same mistakes, especially recently, because he is happy, so the result of failure, Zhou Zhang has deeply understood it.

Continue to control the slow progress, and dare not take the slightest big move. After all, there is no clear path forward at all, and any inattentiveness may lead to the failure of previous achievements.

It seems that the cautiousness this time was a bit too much, so there was no situation at the third of the process, but at this moment Zhou Zhang was already a little physically exhausted. The way to carry out such a high-load work in such a short period of time, just this moment of effort, Zhou Zhang has already felt that it has been a year.

Although there are some that can't take it anymore, Zhou Zhang still insists on gritting his teeth. Although he already knows that there will be some powerlessness in the future, he still can go as far as he wants.

However, it was still because of the exhaustion of physical strength. It was obviously not too long, but Zhou Zhang couldn't hold it anymore. As he lost control, the two already formed spells exploded directly.

If these two spells are fully formed, Zhou Zhangdao can still force him to withdraw, but this is only halfway through now, there is no way to control it, only let it explode around.

Zhou Zhang secretly exclaimed that it was not good. If there was such a big movement underground, it might disturb people in other places. Wouldn't it be possible to know that he was here all of a sudden.

Unexpectedly, I have been careful all the time, but there is another accident at this time. There is no way. Now I can only choose to change the location. This place is no longer safe.

Zhou Ling was also awakened by the loud noise. He stared blankly at the scene in front of him at the moment, and also felt the same breath of two spells. Although he didn't understand what happened at the moment, he also guessed it. Seven seven eight eight.

"Master, did you do something crazy just now? For example, two spells were used together, so the control was unstable, and then they exploded at the same time."

Chapter 76 Phoenix Valley

Although this time.But at this moment from Zhou Ling's mouth, Zhou Zhang still felt a little embarrassed.

"It's true, but this method is really feasible. I've almost finished half of it just now, but I'm a little overstretched in the end."

Zhou Ling was already having some heart palpitations at this moment. He didn't know what kind of technique Zhou Zhang was using.

If you let your master complete half of it, then the attack will not be so small, and if it is higher than half, the consequences will be a little more difficult to imagine.

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