Zhou Ling has now begun to worry about his own life. If the next time he is not careful and fails to control it, then the residual power of this explosion is not something he can bear, and now his own organization has reduced the power after that. If you can't control the reduced power even once, then you are really going to be miserable.

Zhou Zhang also saw Zhou Ling's inner thoughts at this moment, so he hurriedly said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find another place to try this kind of thing in the future, you can rest assured that it won't affect you, and even if it does, I will try my best to protect you. "

After listening to the first half of the sentence, Zhou Ling was still very relieved, but in the second half of the sentence, Zhou Ling began to worry again. Since there is no way to ensure that it will not affect him, then he is still very dangerous.

But these words can only be thought about in the heart, and it may be difficult for Zhou Ling to say it.

"I almost forgot about the business. This time it's not just a little thing. The shock just now was a little big. Maybe there's a lot of news from above. Even if it hasn't been passed on, they must be very It will soon be detected, so this place is not safe now, we have to change places."

After listening, Zhou Liang nodded. Now it is indeed time to change the place. If someone else finds out because of carelessness at this juncture, it would be a big loss, and now he has only just gained some growth. The method of further education has not been tried well yet.

Zhou Zhang quickly cleared all the aura in this place, and filled in the hole again, showing signs that the two of them had not stayed here, and rushed to other places.

Although I don't know where is the safest place to go now, if I stay in the Qingfeng Continent, I'm afraid there will still be some danger. After thinking about it carefully, I'd better go to other continents, although it will take some time on the road. , but it's better than staying here.

Soon, Zhou Zhang was attracted by a place on Tongtian Road, which is also the Phoenix Valley in Pingjian County. Other places are generally empires, but there is only a valley inside, although I don’t know why it is called Phoenix Valley. , but seeing this place now proves that this Phoenix Valley is related to him.

After determining the next direction, Zhou Zhang and Zhou Ling set sail, but with Zhou Ling's speed, it will definitely be a lot slower, so Zhou Ling is staying at the God Killing Blood Spear at the moment.

However, Zhou Zhang was only very interested in the name of Phoenix Valley, but he did not notice the distance at the moment, and the map of Tongtian Continent is not very accurate, his description is very vague, which proves that the planning of this map No one has thought about it carefully.

He just drew this map based on his own understanding. Now Zhou Zhang just glanced at it and set off directly, but if he really rushes, he will find that it is a very long and very long journey. long distance.


Now this group of people on the ground has rushed back to the Qingfeng Continent after Lin Ziyi's words, starting with Chuanshui County, one empire and one empire. I have to say that after the number of people came up, the speed also accelerated. Many, many, and all the underground areas in Chuanshui County were explored in just a few days.

However, because of that attempt, Zhou Zhang has now left the Qingfeng Continent, which has bought him a lot of time, but if he really counted it, he didn't buy too much time.

After all, there is still a lot of time before the distance from Phoenix Valley. After careful calculation, it is just offsetting each other.

But there will definitely be variables, because after the Qingfeng Continent is searched, will Lin Ziyi not let people go to Jiuyang Continent, and even if it does reach the Tongtian Road, then it is not necessarily from the flat County begins.

Therefore, there will still be a little more time, and it is not that Zhou Zhang can't practice during this period. After three days, he will definitely stop temporarily to practice.

In this way, not only is there no difference in time, but also more time, but the stay on this road will be longer, after all, the three days of cultivation time in the mysterious space, plus three days of self-abuse practice.

Zhou Zhang now has a feeling of changing a place with a shot, but now he doesn't care about it at all. As long as he can successfully advance to the Buddha level, no one will care about all this, and no one will talk about it. .

And if someone really goes to talk about Zhouzhuang at that time, Zhou Zhang will definitely know that he was the first to kill him.

And during this period, Zhou Ling will also rush to practice when Zhou Zhang pauses, and in contrast, the time when Zhou Zhang pauses is enough for Zhou Ling to practice.

The two of them can be said to be very harmonious and cooperative. Every time they go to a place, they stop to practice, and both of them have a good harvest. However, the difference is that during this period, Zhou Zhang did not try the two. It is too risky to use these input methods together. If the situation like last time occurs again at this time, I am afraid that I am telling the enemy where I have been.

Zhou Zhang would definitely not do such a stupid thing, and on the way, every place he went, he was very cautious, and after leaving, he would try his best to clean up all the traces that remained.

So even though we are changing places all the time, there is no trace left for others to follow. All these actions are also related to Zhou Zhang's quiet and cautious character for so many years. Otherwise, there will be no such results now, and It was already discovered.

Chapter 77 Lin Ziyi's Pride

In the past few days, Lin Ziyi has become more and more anxious. After all, he has grown into Zhou Zhang for so long now, but so far he has not found even a trace of it. This kind of Lin Zi is also a little suspicious. Is it in the wrong place, or is it that my group of people did not search deeper.

But he has already explained it very clearly, and only when he finds the extent to which he does not continue at all can he really find it.

He also believed that this group of people would not fool him in this regard. After all, after finding Zhou Zhang, he could obtain the incense-containing mold frame inner alchemy. Under such temptation, how could they perfunctory themselves?Unless they really don't want this thing, but since this group of people has already come down, they won't.

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't understand. He didn't know which link went wrong. He originally thought that gathering all these people would speed up the speed, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Now that this group of people are all gathered together, it seems to be a Korean-style search, but if they are allowed to search freely, this may not be the case, because at that time it may have something to do with luck, and now it is a demarcated area, Let them find.

But Lin Ziyi's pride makes him not want to admit defeat now. He has already said this sentence, how could he take it back?

So even if this method is really a stupid method now, he will definitely let these people continue to stick to it, and even if there are some complaints from this group of people, he will not pay attention to it.

The pride accumulated over the years is very important to Lin Ziyi, and this is also a matter of face.

And it will only take some time at most. Zhou Zhang will definitely not be able to escape to other places during this period. After all, many people can't think of the method of cultivating in the ground, so he firmly believes that Zhou Zhang will not be easy. Leaving somewhere, but will stay there forever, and will not come out until after his successful breakthrough.

Lin Ziyi doesn't care how much time it takes now, because he knows that Zhou Zhang won't break through in such a short period of time. According to the news he got, Zhou Zhang is just a perfect slimming point. If he wants to It will definitely take a few years to break through.

But he can't ignore the loss of time like this. He has been worried about it all the time. You know, Zhou Zhang can get the medicine that he can't even ask for, so he will definitely have it on him. Other things that increase the cultivation base and increase the understanding, in this case, the time may be reduced a lot.

At this moment, Lin Ziyi can only comfort himself, this Hanxiang Demon Driving Inner Pill was obtained by Zhou Zhang by chance, and there is no other precious thing on him.

These days, Lin Ziyi had even suspected this, whether Zhou Zhang had this medicine on his body. After all, it was not easy for others to know about this kind of thing.

And these news are still conveyed in the upper realm, how can these people know so much about the next person, even because he interferes with many things.

And even if the news is true, this Zhan Taizhengxiang will really give this medicine pill to Zhou Zhang. He even knows that this medicine pill is priceless. If the medicine pill is handed over, the Yellow Dragon Empire will definitely be preserved.

At that time, it was because this medicinal pill was too precious, so I didn't think much about it and rushed it down. Now that time has passed, I really need to consider this matter carefully.

Because they could easily be used as gunmen by others, and Zhou Zhang killed them without biting them alone, so there was no way for this group of people to say anything. After all, the news was spread by his subordinates.

"Forget it, don't think about it, it doesn't matter whether the news is true or false, you won't know after finding Zhou Zhang, and even if it's false, I'm going to ask for an explanation, so many of us have worked so hard. Come down to find Zhou Zhang, and in the end, even if there is no credit, there will be hard work."

And now that so many people are there, even if he doesn't want to admit it, there's nothing he can do. It's one thing if he can find the Hanxiang Demon Driving Neidan, but it would be very good if he can protect him at that time. Yes, this can also increase the chance of raising the Buddha level.

Thinking of this, Lin Ziyi no longer cares about it, and these days, the complaints below must have been very high. Although he has the highest cultivation here, he can't stop participating in the search team.


After walking for a few days, Zhou Zhang also found something wrong. According to the distance on the map, he must have reached the Phoenix Valley now, but he always felt that the distance was inaccurate.

Zhouzhuang also had some guesses about the signs on the map, perhaps because the person who made the map had never been to the Tongtian Road, so he just drew an approximate location. After all, this is compared to the description of Tongtian Continent. It is not as detailed as Qingfeng Continent at all.

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