"This is not necessary. After I actually practiced it once, I also have a lot of understanding of this, and I also have a lot of feelings about the melting degree of this medicine pill. Some of the previous ones that were unsuccessful were not successful. I mostly know where the problem is, but I really don’t know how to correct this specific problem, which needs to be pointed out by the chairman.”

After hearing this, the president couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He thought that Zhou Zhang would let him demonstrate it again, and then proceeded, but he never thought that after trying it again, he was already unsure of this alchemy. It's fine if you don't understand it a little bit. This is in line with the comprehension that a Buddha-level powerhouse should have.

"Then I'll talk about a few things that I made a mistake in just now. The first point was that when I melted the green vine, I was a little too impatient. Originally, the green vine was very difficult to dissolve, but such a thing However, in order to speed up its dissolution, you have slightly raised the fire temperature of the alchemy furnace, which is very taboo."

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he heard this. He also noticed this just now. He thought that raising the temperature would not have much effect, but at the moment it sounds like something went wrong because he didn't feel that there was a problem. .

The president of the Alchemy Association did not stop, and continued to say the second point.

"The second point is that when you put the green tobacco in just now, this green tobacco is a very weak grass, so when you put it in, you should control the medicinal materials in the furnace and try not to directly impact it. To it, but I think you threw it directly, which is also the reason for the failure in the end, but this point should have been introduced when you first checked the complete works of Baicao."

Having said that, the president immediately stopped, because all the questions have been said, and now Zhou Zhang is also thoughtful after listening to it, although it is the first time, he has only made two mistakes, but these two mistakes It's all very inappropriate.

The green vine is a very difficult medicinal material to refine, so he increased the heat, but this green tobacco he also knows that he is a very weak medicinal material, but why did he think of giving it to Qing Luo Teng increased the heat, but did not take care of the green tobacco.

Looking at the medicinal herbs in front of him, Zhou Zhang didn't stop there. After thinking about it a while ago, he was now fully confident, so he started to practice the second pot of medicinal herbs.

This time Zhou Zhang did not make any mistakes, and was very careful during the whole process. Not only did he memorize the properties of each medicinal material, but he also observed very carefully when doing each step.

It didn't take long for this pot of medicinal pills to be completed. Looking at the medicinal pills he had made in front of him, Zhou Zhang was not very happy, because he knew that the medicinal pills were too low-level, and he actively participated in the alchemy meeting. , just find a person out, you can refine it better than yourself.

However, this scene fell in the eyes of the president of the Alchemy Association, but it was not that simple. In fact, when he was refining for the first time, there were only two problems, which shocked him. He succeeded the second time. In the long time he has been serving as the president of the Alchemy Society, he has never dedicated anyone with such talent.

And this talent does not consider the control of the spiritual power in the control of the spiritual power, it can only be said to be an auxiliary role, he is able to refine higher-level medicinal herbs, but this is just one of the passes. , the more advanced battery pills can't be completed by relying on powerful mental power at all.

It tests the familiarity of this medicinal material, so that you can understand the changes of the medicinal material every second and every moment, and you can also clearly know the different reactions that occur between various medicinal materials, etc. wait wait wait.

"Congratulations, Young Master Zhou, this second pot of medicinal pills has been successful. I think that when this old man made his first alchemy, he failed a dozen times and finally managed to become a pot of medicinal pills. Moreover, Young Master Zhou is now in this The quality of the furnace elixir has also reached the intermediate standard, which can be said to be very rare."

After Zhou Zhang heard this, I didn't know whether the president was praising him or hurting him, but now that the medicine has been successful, it is naturally a good thing, so he said.

"Whatever the president said, all this is due to the tips that the president gave me and the guidance the president has given me in these days, otherwise I will not be successful this second time."

This wave of business mutual praise can be said to be full marks. Zhou Ling, who was standing on the side, couldn't help but pouted, and people were obviously very modest, but at the same time they were very satisfied with themselves.

Now that Zhou Zhang has succeeded, then today's matter is completed, and the next step is to fight against more advanced medicinal pills, so now we have to go back to prepare and understand.

And today's events have also made Zhou Zhang understand a truth more clearly. Although alchemy is very important in the world, it is also very important in terms of understanding the medicinal materials. If you say that you are not interested in these medicinal materials. If you understand it very well, then you will make more mistakes when refining higher-level medicinal pills.

Therefore, after Zhou Zhang came back, he directly opened the Complete Works of Herbs, and read it carefully from beginning to end. I have to say that after there is something that needs attention, I only read it once. There are actually many places, I didn't notice the interaction between these medicinal materials and some reactions between different medicinal materials, etc. Before, although I said that I have seen it, I have never noticed it. So pay attention to this.

After reading it once, Zhou Zhanghe went to the Complete Works of Baicao. Although he said that after reading it once, he gained more understanding, but Zhou Zhang seems to feel that this book does not record all the medicinal materials today, because although these medicinal materials are It is said that there are many kinds, but I always feel that he is not very complete.

Chapter 124 Medicinal Herbs Collection

With this idea in mind, Zhou Zhang found the president of the Alchemy Association that night, because he felt that the Complete Works of Baicao was a book prepared for him to get started, but now there is no way to do the content of this book. Satisfy yourself.

Soon Zhou Zhang found Luo Yongsheng. Luo Yongsheng was already asleep at the moment, but if he called him like this, anyone would be woken up, and after waking up, he heard that Zhou Zhang was calling Luo Yongsheng. Good to lose your temper.

"I wonder if Zhou Gongzi is looking for me at this time? It's very late now, and it's time for bed."

Zhou Zhang was also a little embarrassed to hear that. It was really late now. He just wanted to know the whole story too much, so he didn't care about it, and he didn't care about it for many days a few days ago. I didn't care whether it was day or night. Although I have adjusted it in the past few days, I still haven't adjusted it.

"I'm really sorry, but I really have a question that I want to ask, and if I don't ask now, I probably won't be able to rest well this night."

After listening to Luo Yongsheng, he couldn't help but curl his lips. He didn't believe this. He didn't believe that at this state of Zhou Zhangjing, he still needed to sleep at night. Too casual.

"Tell me, what is it that has to come to me in the middle of the night?"

As soon as he heard this, Zhou Zhang knew that Luo Yongsheng had already agreed with him, but Zhou Zhang still felt a little embarrassed. No big deal.

"It's the same thing, I just read the Complete Works of Baicao again after I went back, but after I read it, I found that the medicinal materials recorded in the Complete Works of Baicao are not very complete at all, because this Medicines in the world cannot always be completely recorded by that book, so I was wondering if the book I’m reading now is just my first glimpse, and there are other things I haven’t understood.”

After Luo Yongsheng heard this, he was really angry and funny. The book was indeed not very complete, but for today's Zhou Zhang, it was completely enough, but... It was such a small thing that he woke himself up in the middle of the night.

"Young Master Zhou is right, the record in that book is not very complete, but it is complete. If I gave it to you now, you wouldn't be able to use it, and that book is enough for Young Master Zhou. After using it, until the level of this alchemy is raised to the sixth or seventh level, there may be some slight deficiencies."

Zhou Zhang also had a slight understanding after listening to it, but although Luo Yongsheng explained it to him at this moment, Zhou Zhang's heart was still unwilling to give up. The purpose of his coming here tonight is to get a more complete book. The medicinal herbs were introduced, and then they were taken back to see. Now Luo Yongsheng came up with such words, and it was impossible to dispel his thoughts.

"I must have guessed some of what you said, but I really want to get something real right now. It's not that this book can't satisfy me now, but I really want it now. Knowing what the rest of the medicinal materials look like, and what specific effects and effects the rest of the medicinal materials have, if you don't give them to me, I would really feel a little itchy."

After hearing this, Luo Yongsheng finally understood, this feeling, Zhou Zhang came to find himself, not at all to ask whether the book was complete, but wanted a more complete one, but he had just been I woke up, so my mind didn't come back to my senses for a while.

"Okay, I understand what you said, um... It happens that I have a relatively complete book here, you can take a look."

After speaking, Luo Yongsheng took out a collection of medicinal herbs from his storage ring. Although this thing is not too precious, Luo Yongsheng is still a little worried about the magnifying glass, so I know it, If there are too many words, it may have a certain impact on the initial alchemy, so I couldn't help but say.

"Young Master Zhou, although I said I gave you this thing, you just have to look at it, don't study it too deeply, otherwise, when you are refining the pills in the next few days, It might have a big impact on you."

After taking the book, Zhou Zhang didn't care what Luo Yongsheng said, he just wanted to see a more complete introduction, and at this moment, he responded with coping.

"Okay, okay, I know, you should rest now."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhang took the book and left, looking at the figure that suddenly disappeared in front of him, Luo Yongsheng couldn't help sighing, it seemed that it was tomorrow, and he needed to remind him again.

After Zhou Zhang got back the collection of medicinal herbs, he couldn't wait to open it and read it. Zhou Zhang himself would not realize that one day he would have such a great interest and motivation to understand this unknown thing.

Although these two books are both books introducing medicinal materials, if Liang Wen insists on comparing, then the first book is a brief introduction, or the second one is a very careful description of the various properties of each medicinal material. come out.

Zhou Zhang can also see that the age of this book should be very long, but it has been preserved very well until now, which is very rare, and it can be seen from this point that the book has The things that are said must be real.

However, Zhou Zhang really forgot all Luo Yongsheng's words, and he completely forgot. Now Zhou Zhang has no way to force himself not to remember these things, especially since he has no ability to remember at all. way to cancel.

So, although Zhou Zhang is reading very fast at this moment, some of the things above are all remembered in his mind.

Governor Liu Qiangcheng quickly lost a slack, and then closed the book. Now Zhou Zhang has read the book again.

"Unknowingly, it's already morning and night, but it's gone so fast, but the things introduced in this book really opened my eyes, especially the reorganization of medicinal materials. I didn't expect these simple and simple things. A single medicinal material can have so many combinations, and so many, there is no recorded effect at all."

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