Chapter 125, it's a bad thing

But this is also the reason why Luo Yongsheng specially warned him last night. He was afraid that after Zhou Zhang returned, he would thoroughly read the collection of medicinal herbs, and then remember all the above things in his mind.

If this is someone else, Luo Yongsheng would not be so worried, but now Zhou Zhang has such a high level of cultivation, so he can digest these words very quickly, so it won't take long. , maybe Zhou Zhang will start to study the reorganization of medicinal materials.

In fact, Luo Yongsheng's worry is not wrong, Zhou Zhang is the kind of person who will be idle, so after Zhou Zhang read the collection of herbs, Zhou Zhang immediately began to think about the reorganization of the herbs.

And when it comes to thinking about it, as Luo Yongsheng said, it will definitely add a lot of trouble to the alchemy in the past few days, because at the moment Zhou Zhang's mind is all about how to reorganize the medicinal materials to achieve its different medicinal properties.

Therefore, when I continued to refine the medicinal herbs today, although I threw all the medicinal materials in, I couldn't help but think of the various recombination effects of the medicinal materials in my mind.

And Zhou Zhang is still the kind of person who dares to think and dare to try, so after thinking about this, Zhou Zhang directly began to try the reorganization of different medicinal materials in the alchemy furnace. At this time, it can actually make Zhou Zhang playful. At that time, this simple little change directly made this potion of medicine abolished.

"Oh, look at me, I forgot about this for a while. I'm currently refining medicine pills. Why did I suddenly start thinking about reconstituting medicines?"

After listening to this sentence, Luo Yongsheng gave Zhou Zhang a blank look. He didn't believe it. It was just that he was itching for a while, so he couldn't wait to try it. There is simply no way to control the strength and method of it.

"Young Master Zhou, it seems that I made a big mistake last night. This herbal note book should not be given to you, and now you have seen it, what the herbal note book said, It can be said that it has a very big impact on your current alchemy. If it continues like this, let alone whether Zhou Gongzi can refine the elixirs smoothly, maybe this will have a very big impact on the reorganization of medicinal materials. ."

Zhou Zhang was also a little embarrassed to hear these words. He did have an impression of these words last night. Luo Yongsheng told her, but how could he manage these words at that time?From Zhouzhuang's point of view, this is just a book. How much influence can he have on his own alchemy? But when it comes to alchemy today, he finds that he can't help himself and wants to try it. Give it a try.

"This is really my fault. I was so curious last night, so curious, that I couldn't control it for a while. I didn't stop until I finished reading this book, and you also I know, I just read it once and remember it for him, so after reading it, I understand everything in this book without saying anything, but the content in it can be remembered without a single word, and But knowing this makes it hard to control yourself.”

Zhou Zhang is telling the truth. Now he really has some ways to control himself, especially when he is concocting alchemy. As soon as he picks up the medicinal materials, he suddenly thinks about the reconstituted medicinal materials.

Hearing this also gave Luo Yongsheng a very headache. This incident has happened before, so the Complete Works of Baicao was written to avoid such a thing from happening, but it has been so long now. In the past, I actually let myself encounter such a thing again.

"Don't blame me for being too blunt, this kind of thing hasn't happened before, and he used to have a lot of people appearing, that's because there weren't too many books about medicinal herbs at that time, so there would be Many mermaids and dragons read it mixedly, but after reading so many books, there will be incomparable resistance to the path of alchemy, and the biggest resistance among them is related to the reorganization of medicinal materials, so at that time, In order to avoid these situations, I compiled a book called The Complete Works of Baicao, but no one thought that she did not introduce enough of this book on weekdays. After reading it, Zhou Gongzi wanted to read it. More, last night I thought there wouldn't be a big situation, but today I see that I was too careless."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhang couldn't help but become interested. Although someone had experienced such a situation before, it proved that his current situation was completely correctable, so he hurriedly asked.

"Then I don't know how those people like me came out? I believe this method must have been passed down."

Luo Yongsheng also sighed when he heard this. If there was a solution to this, then he would not have written a book at all.

"This is the root of the problem. Those who have a very thorough understanding of medicinal herbs, they have no way to forget this matter, so it is very difficult for them to correct their concepts on medicinal herbs, and There is no doubt that the final result is all stuck there."

Zhou Zhang was thinking about a solution, but after listening to it at the moment, he was a little helpless. It seemed that he had an impatient idea and directly ruined his future in alchemy.

"In that case, especially for someone like me who has just come into contact with alchemy, isn't there no way to save it?"

Although this matter is very cruel, Luo Yongsheng still nodded.

After seeing Luo Yongsheng nodding, Zhou Zhang also sighed. Since there is really no way to continue learning alchemy, then it's fine, he will stay here for a while, the days are good, there is no other place to go anyway.

Although there was no way to continue alchemy now, Zhou Zhang did not stop there, so after saying goodbye to Luo Yongsheng, he returned directly to his residence. After returning to the residence, Zhou Zhang's inner sense of loss also burst out all at once. When he came out, Zhou Zhang was embarrassed to show it just now when he was in the situation of an outsider, but after returning to his residence at this moment, he couldn't bear it any longer.

At the beginning, Zhou Zhang didn't think that alchemy was a good thing, but as he got to know it more and more, Zhou Zhang also became interested in it.

Chapter 126 Unexpectedly

Especially now, Zhou Zhang has successfully refined a pot of medicinal pills. Although this is a very basic medicinal pill, the joy of this success has also made Zhou Zhang very excited and excited, so much that he has feelings for the future. more intense interest.

But now I suddenly told myself that I can no longer continue to refine medicine pills, and there is absolutely no possibility of refining it again, which is really difficult for Zhou Zhang to accept.

At this moment, Zhou Ling is also confused. When he went out in the morning, his master was full of joy, but it has only been so long, let's not say why he came back so quickly, just the low mood now makes Zhou Ling Very pondering do not understand.

You must know that Zhou Ling and Zhou Zhang were fine yesterday. They have been together for such a long time. This is the first time Zhou Ling has seen Zhou Zhang in such a downturn. No matter what kind of things happened in the past, Zhou Zhang can go to the Facing.

Now that Zhantai Congxue learned about Luoyan Village, which is now Qingluo City, he can only go there directly. Although there will be some stops along the way, most of them don't stay for long, just take a rest. The next day, he set off again.

I have to say that Zhan Taicongxue is really worried about Zhou Zhang's current situation. Now this Qingluo City is the only place where you can find out about Zhouzhang, so this Qingluo City is a must go, and I have finished inquiring here. After Zhou Zhang's situation, maybe Zhantai will go directly to the next place from Xue.

Since there are not many stops along the way, and it is still from the Japanese national city, it is said that Zhantai is about to arrive at Qingluo City from Xue.

I have to say that there are really a lot of people coming and going in Qingluo City today, especially at this time, there are many business travelers passing through here, and most of them do not pass through here, almost all of them want to come here to buy Medicine pills, or buying and selling other things.

This Qingluo City was not so developed, and the sign he first played was just a pill, but as more and more people came and went here, many people also found that this Xingluo City must be a A very large gathering point, so there are many other industries, and they are all relatively large.

This segment of the industry will attract more and more people, because they will buy some things in Qingluo City, and they can also buy something by the way, although it will let me go a little bit. , but they still prefer to take these roads more for this kind of thing.

Especially this medicine pill is not sold in other places, so after buying medicine pill here, they can make a small profit when they go back.

So that after Zhantai arrived here from Xuezai, he immediately knew that Qingluo City was ahead, and in Qingluo City, although he didn't know what he looked like, as far as he was concerned, this road was There is nothing wrong.

Soon Zhantai Congxue had arrived at Qingluo City. Seeing such a majestic city on this face, Zhantai Congxue also said with emotion.

"As expected, it is the place where Brother Zhou stayed. Such a majestic city is really spectacular."

Soon, after paying ten taels of silver, Zhantai Congxue entered Qingluo City smoothly. Although Zhantai Congxue didn't quite understand what kind of stone the city was made of, it seemed from a distance. It's very unusual.

Especially after walking in, this is not the scale that a remote place would have. Although the city is not very large, it can be said that everything is available in the city, and there are people patrolling the streets from time to time. It also looks very reassuring.

However, after watching for a while, I stood in the classmate's dormitory and became confused. Although I knew that my elder brother Zhou had been here for a long time, now after arriving here, Zhan Taicongxue suddenly I don't know who to ask for.

If you go to the teahouse, there should be a lot of outsiders who ask them and they won't be able to get any news, but if you ask the city lord of this city, whether the city lord will see himself or not is one thing, let alone to answer your own question.

The more I think about it, the more tangled it is. Zhan Taicongxue has never felt so helpless. He has already arrived here, but he doesn't know where to start.

Cheering on himself, Zhantai Congxue decided to go to the city lord of this city and ask what happened.

Soon after inquiring about passers-by, Zhantai found the City Lord's Mansion in Qingluo City smoothly from the snow. In addition, this City Lord's Mansion is really different from other buildings, so it is said that he did not come here. At that time, Zhantai already knew from the snow which one was the City Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, Zhan Tai, who was guarded by guards outside the gate of the city lord's mansion, carefully walked over from Xue Xue, and then said.

"Can you please let the two soldiers tell me that someone wants to inquire about Zhou Zhang's news?"

Zhan Tai Congxue really didn't know how to ask, and now he definitely couldn't go straight, so he had to ask such a question tentatively.

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