But Zhan Taicongxue really asked the wrong question. If she came here to see the city lord, the two soldiers might go to report it, but when it came to inquiring about Zhou Zhang, the two soldiers His expression suddenly became serious.

It's because they hate these people who are looking for their masters too much these days. Although they haven't found out a specific thing every time, they are very rude every time. The owner of the city was very disrespectful, and there were several people who interrogated their Master Shao, and then left without saying anything.

Although it has been a while since this incident, these two are members of the escort team that Zhou Zhang recruited at the very beginning. Needless to say, such loyalty is definitely first-class. She was a little girl with only the emperor level, and the two of them were directly detained without saying a word.

This time, Zhang Kai was really frightened. She didn't expect that she was just here to find her elder brother Zhou, but she just said this, but she was directly imprisoned, although she said Zhang Kai wanted to resist very much, but these two guards, who were just guards at the gate, had emperor-level strength, which really made Zhan Tai from the snow without any ability to resist.

Chapter 127 Who Are You?

But the only thing that is fortunate is that although the two detained Zhan Tai Congxue, they did not conduct any interrogation, because in their opinion, Zhan Tai Congxue obviously only has an imperial level of cultivation, even if he It is impossible to do anything to the city lord.

The two of them quickly reported this matter to Shao Wenlin. In their opinion, it has been so long, and no one has come to inquire about the news. This sudden emergence of a person must be reported.

Soon Shao Wenlin learned about this matter, and Shao Wenlin paid attention to it immediately, especially this man came to the City Lord's Mansion to politely inquire about his master's news.

Although he didn't know the origin of this person at the moment, Shao Wenlin hurriedly went to see Zhan Tai Congxue under the leadership of the two.

At this moment, Zhan Taicongxue was in a hurry in the prison. He really couldn't understand it, so he said it himself. He wanted to ask the city owner to find out about his brother Zhou, but he was suddenly arrested by two people. This is difficult. Can't it be brought up here if it's not my big brother Zhou?

However, just when Zhan Tai was in a hurry to turn around from the snow, he suddenly heard the footsteps of someone outside, and hurriedly looked up at this moment.

I saw a person walking in front of the two guards, but after Zhan Taicongxue looked carefully, he found that this person had no cultivation at all, but this person was standing in front of the two guards. , then it is enough to show that the identity of this person is not low.

Zhan Taicongxue seems to have grasped a glimmer of hope, because since she was detained here, she has not done anything to him, which shows that they are not trying to find trouble for themselves, but just He just mentioned Zhou Zhang's name.

At this moment, Shao Wenlin also saw Zhan Taicongxue according to the guidance of the two guards, but after seeing it, Shao Wenlin was stunned, because he thought what kind of person the two were talking about, and he was arrested directly He got up, but after seeing it at the moment, he found that this was a very handsome woman, and she was estimated to be in her twenties.

This scene really made Shao Wenlin very confused. He thought he was someone who wanted to treat himself as a master, so he wanted to come and see, but after listening to the description of the two, he was a low-level person, so I was even more curious, but when I arrived, I found that this person didn't look like someone who was malicious to his master at all.

"This girl, what's your name? Where are you from?"

"My name is Zhan Tai Congxue, I... My family was originally in the Yellow Dragon Empire, but now I'm here from the Han Chong Empire."

After Zhantai Congxue heard Shao Wenlin's opening, he quickly replied, and he also told everything about his coming from the Han Chong Empire.

After listening to Shao Wenlin, he couldn't help feeling a little funny. The person in front of him can now be certain, and he wouldn't be the kind of person who treats his master like this, otherwise he couldn't be so stupid, he knew that in the past few days , There has been a lot of conflict between the Jing'an Empire and the Han Chong Empire, and now they even say that they came from the Han Chong Empire, which is really boring.

However, this other Yellow Dragon Empire made Shao Wenlin pay attention, because Zhou Zhang once said that he had stayed in the Yellow Dragon Empire for a period of time, but he did not say anything about it, and now this woman is also from the Yellow Dragon Empire. And the first time they came up, they were looking for Zhou Zhang. It is not difficult to imagine that the two may have known each other before.

"I don't know what is the relationship between Zhantai Cong Snow Maiden and my master? Why did you come here from the Han Chong Empire to find out about him?"

This master is completely Shao Wenlin's deep-seated words. No matter what the circumstances are, he will never call Zhou Zhang by his first name. What the master said was a bit confusing, but he did understand it quickly, because he came to ask himself about Big Brother Zhou, so this Master must be referring to his Big Brother Zhou.

"I... When I was in the Yellow Dragon Empire, Brother Zhou lived in my house for a while, so... so I was very worried after hearing that someone was looking for Brother Zhou..."

As she was talking, Zhan Tai Congxue suddenly lost her voice. If it was in normal times, Zhan Tai Congxue would definitely not be embarrassed, because she already liked her elder brother Zhou, but at this moment, here is a stranger. In front of him, he is also very familiar with his elder brother Zhou.

And now that he is talking about his own words, Zhan Taicongxue feels that something is wrong. If it is just because of worry, how could he have come here from such a far place?

Shao Wenlin also understood when he heard this. It turned out that the person in front of him was looking for his own master to know his current situation, whether it was safe or unsafe, and it seemed that his grandfather should be a romantic debt owed before. , At this moment, this infatuated woman came all the way from so far away, just to know the news of her master.

"Don't worry, Miss Zhantai Congxue, our master, although I can't promise you anything else, but I can tell you very clearly about the safety issue, that is, our master is definitely not right now. You don't need to worry about anything at all, and although we have encountered a more difficult problem now, I believe that our master can definitely solve it."

What Shao Wenlin said was full of self-confidence, because although he said that he had experienced so much now, it was an unsolvable problem in his opinion, but in the end it was very easy to settle it with his master, and this time, although Said that this problem was too big for Shao Wenlin to imagine, but Shao Wenlin had extremely strong confidence in Zhou Zhang.

Hearing this, Zhantai Congxue was a little relieved, but after Shao Wenlin just finished saying this, Zhantai Congxue fainted directly. I have to say that Zhantai Congxue has almost disappeared for so many days. How could such a weak woman be able to stand it all the way without stopping and resting?

All of this is due to that tenacity. Now, after learning that Zhou Zhang is all right, he relaxes all of a sudden. As a result, after he relaxes, he loses all support and faints.

Chapter 128 Look, let me tell you

Shao Wenlin, who saw this scene, was also terrified. She did not expect that after she finished saying this, the woman in front of her suddenly fell down. At this moment, she quickly ordered someone to open the door of the cell.

However, Shao Wenlin was relieved after confirming that Zhan Taicongxue was not in any serious trouble, but only after being overworked.

On the one hand, I am not sure what kind of relationship the woman in front of me has with my master, and on the other hand, I am not sure whether my master values ​​the woman in front of me. If he was caught by himself, then this matter is probably not so easy to talk about.

During the two days that Zhan Tai was in a coma from Xuexue, Zhao Wenlin had a lot of famous doctors come to see them all, and then let Zhan Taixue take a lot of ammunition to relieve his physical fatigue. Many recovery pills.

These medicinal pills will definitely have some effect. Now Zhantai woke up from Xueyu early, otherwise your previous state, I am afraid that this coma will take at least five or six days.

Zhan Taicongxue, who woke up at this moment, found herself lying in an unfamiliar environment. She was also shocked. The last thing she remembered was that the man in front of her told the news of her brother Zhou, and then she disappeared without warning. I fainted, and now I don't know how long it has been.

But after all, she is a weak woman. Now lying in an unfamiliar environment, Zhan Tai Congxue can clearly feel that her clothes have also been changed. At this moment, too, check her body quickly, but check it again. After that, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Shao Wenlin, who had been standing outside at the moment, also heard the movement in the room, so he knocked on the door and asked softly.

"Has Zhantai woke up from Snow Maiden? Do you still feel any discomfort in your body?"

As soon as Zhantai Congxue heard someone asking him outside, he quickly replied.

"Ah... I'm fine, I slept for a few days..."

"In less than two days, if you don't have a good rest, the girl can sleep for a while. I will call someone to check the girl's condition first."

At this moment, Zhan Tai Congxue was still lying on the bed, and when he heard that he would arrange for someone to check on his situation, he immediately rejected it.

"No need, no need, now I feel that my condition is very good, there is no problem, no more trouble."

When Shao Wenlin heard this, he originally wanted to continue to persevere, but then he thought that he was a martial artist. Although he said that he was in a coma before, this situation is not expected to be too bad, and he has not eaten much these days. A few pills, it is estimated that it is really okay.

"The girl wait a moment, I ordered someone to bring the girl's clothes."

After speaking, Shao Wenlin arranged for someone to bring Zhan Taicongxue's things over. It was really Zhantai Congxue's clothes that needed to be washed, so he drove day and night, although Zhantai Congxue was also very busy along the way. His love was clean, but after coming to Qingluo City, he didn't change his clothes, so he went directly to the City Lord's Mansion, and there was really a lot of dust on his clothes.

Soon someone brought in Zhantai Congxue's clothes, and started Congxue. Originally, he wanted to take out another set of clothes from his storage ring, but he found that he didn't have time on the way. Go to write about your own clothes, at the moment there is really only this one piece of washed clothes.

Shao Wenlin hadn't asked Zhan Taicongxue and Zhou Zhang carefully before, and Zhan Taicongxue passed out. The only thing that is certain is that this girl may like her master more in her heart, but her master didn't mention it at all. At this point, now Shao Wenlin walked in and asked after Zhantai changed clothes from Xue.

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