"My children are incompetent, and I can't even find anyone. In the end, I let others break through and killed so many people. It's really not enough to be embarrassed. I even have the face to complain to me now!"

Although there is only one person next to him, and he is always a person who has a very good relationship with Maas on weekdays, he is also furious at this moment. In his memory, he has not seen him like this for a long, long time.

"Tell them about this, if they want to take revenge, then don't go and file a complaint. As for this person, whether he wants to come up or not, has nothing to do with them. I'm not asking everyone to have sex, and Also tell them that if there is something they are dissatisfied with, I will come to me directly where I am dissatisfied, and I don't need to get these joint certificates and so on thinking that there are many people, so I will not dare to sanction them or what?"

"Yes, Master!"

As soon as this sentence came out, at the moment in the upper realm, it can be regarded as a complete blow up, because in the past, although they said that they had not done several joint signing methods, but every time they discussed with that person, in the end Will get a more satisfactory response, I have never been like this.

"Things are abnormal today, everyone, the method we thought of before is not impossible, but the result that is successful now is really unpredictable."

"Don't say you can't figure it out. I don't even know what that person is thinking now. Could it be that he is really going to rectify so many of our big families?"

At this moment, after receiving such a reply, everyone in this meeting gathered together again to discuss the posture. They really couldn't swallow the bad breath, especially now that they saw the person and made an attitude of ignoring the answer.

"Don't say that even though that person has changed a lot from before, if this kind of thing was put in the past, it would not have been done, but now I think it is really possible."

The person who spoke at this time was a person from an old family, but although their family came to this upper realm relatively early, they have not made much substantial breakthroughs for so many years, but they are considered very qualified people in this circle. .

"What do you mean by this? How come you can't do it before, but you can do it now?"

A group of people was really confused by this sentence. Most of them were forced to come in morally. Although there are many of them at the moment, they still have connections with the families of the lower realms, but they are not. I haven't come into contact with the original appearance of the person.

"It's a long story. When I arrived in the upper realm, I came up after discussing it with the person in the lower realm. But at first, after I heard the pros and cons, I didn't have anything, so I just came up here. After I came up, a lot of people came here one after another, but as time went on, some people began to talk about conditions, such as what to keep in touch with the families in the lower realms, such as what to occupy a city, What is more, they still want to collect training resources, and put forward many treasures of heaven and earth. At the beginning, in order to take care of the overall situation, the person really satisfied them and none of them refused, but suddenly one day, something happened. It has changed."

When he said this, he deliberately lowered his voice, as if to beware of being heard by others.

"All the people who have successfully broken through their nationality in the lower realm were all dragged up by him. If they have any dissatisfaction or dissatisfaction after coming up, they will almost be beaten innocently. If they are still dissatisfied, maybe they will directly..."

Speaking of which, I seem to be worried about the following words, there are some taboos, so it is like a wiping action on the neck.

After listening to what he said, everyone was a little disbelieving at first, because although they knew that the man was usually a man with a temperamental temperament, if he was so kind before, they really couldn't imagine it. .

"This... I can also prove this, but I am very lucky to catch up with the group of people who can make conditions. Otherwise, I will not be able to keep in touch with the family in the lower realm now."

"Yes, he's right, and I can make sure that those of us who are still connected to the family are all caught up with this group."

Chapter 140 Silence

Hearing that so many people have talked about the conditions, many of them felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Then you're not bad. I was dragged up immediately, and I didn't even have a chance to regret it. After I came up, I didn't wait for me to speak, but I was beaten. Although I said I didn't do my best, I was allowed to rest. After half a year of hard work, I didn't dare to say anything after that, and I kept being honest, lest I get another bad beating."

At this moment, everyone seemed to be interested, and they all began to talk about how they reached this upper realm.

"Shh! Silence..."

This sentence is not loud, but it is like magic, and all the people present at this moment all shut their mouths.

At this moment, everyone not only closed their mouths, but also lost the ability to make a sound. At this moment, they looked at the speaker in horror, but after seeing it, their hearts became even more terrified.

It was not someone else who came, but the mysterious person who went to the lower realm to open the secret a few days ago. His name was Lin Langtian, and he was also the second strongest person in the upper realm.

The people who had just discussed a little bit, not only because they were unable to speak at this moment, but also in the face of people, they simply did not have the courage to discuss in the disaster area.

"I see that each of you is really courageous. I have to say that you won't worry about fainting and causing death. To be honest, I admire you a little bit. I wouldn't even ask you to talk on weekdays, but I didn't expect so many of you to get together and start talking."

After Lin Langtian finished speaking, he didn't go to unblock the crowd, but continued to speak.

"I also have to admire your courage. You first made a joint certificate. Of course, a joint certificate is a feasible method, but you brainless people, time has passed for so long, that Zhou Zhang has been in the lower realm, is it still Didn't you notice any problem? Even stupidly wrote a joint letter, isn't this making trouble for that person!"

Having said that, Lin Lang only lifted the restrictions on everyone. After being lifted, everyone seemed to be able to breathe as smoothly as they could at last.

"We see Lord Lin!"

After the master was released from the ban, without any hesitation, they all knelt down and shouted loudly, "It is really impossible to be defeated. These words not only guide the way forward for them, but also his identity is there.

"Okay, let's all get up. If you want to have a result in this matter, you need to use more brains."

He let the sun wave his hand and motioned for everyone to get up, but he didn't mean to embarrass them. This time he came here to solve Zhou Zhang's matter.

"I don't know what kind of trick Master Lin has. Uncle, we are really stupid and can't think of a good way."

"Forgive you guys, you can't think of any decent way to do it!"

At this moment, everyone was saying this, but no one dared to stand up to refute, and no one dared to raise their heads.

"As of now, I'm afraid there is only another way to contact Zhou Zhang and let him come to this upper realm. As long as we deceive him, then we can't help him."

"But the people we can watch now are only half-Buddha-level people. After these people go to the lower realm, how can they be Zhou Zhang's opponents, and how could it be possible to deceive her to this upper realm!"

Lin Langtian had just come up with his idea, but at this moment, the rescuer asked aloud, which made Lin Langtian angry.

"Otherwise I said that you are pig brains, and now I am talking about cheating him, not forcibly bringing him up, as long as he is given enough benefits, is it possible that he will not come up? Now I need you to do it. It is to send someone here, and someone who has never been down there before, and who has never met Zhou Zhang before, let him go down and discuss conditions with Zhou Zhang, and then as long as he can say the conditions, he will agree to everything."

After Lin Langtian said these few words, he left directly. He didn't care what everyone would do next. Now that all he said, it was their ability to deceive Zhou Zhang. .

After Lin Langtian left, everyone also looked at each other in dismay. Although they said that this method is very reliable, isn't it also a very difficult thing?How can everyone deceive Zhou Zhang?

You must know that in the previous incident, Zhou Zhang had offended all the many families in the upper realm. After he came up, everyone said that this would not do anything to him, but they used their brains. If you think about it, you will know that there will be many people who will take action against him.

And now staying in the lower realm, how free, how comfortable, no one can threaten him, and no one can force it to this upper realm, no one wants to stay below.

This Lin Langtian really left everyone with a very difficult problem to solve, and now he just slaps his butt and leaves, he doesn't say whether this matter needs to be completed or not, but that's the other way around. It is this matter that has been handed over to them, and no matter what, they must come up with a method.

"This... how can this be good, does anyone have any good ideas?"

This sentence made everyone else roll their eyes. This method is not very clear. Find someone to go down and negotiate with Zhou Zhang, and agree to any conditions.

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