Seeing that no one responded to him, he also sighed and threw the question directly to them. At this moment, he could only bite the bullet and do it.

"I don't know who has been selfish in their family, and has not been to this lower realm. No matter what realm, as long as they have not been there, it is fine."

"What do you mean by that? It's fine as long as you haven't been there. Don't you have such a candidate in your family? Is it possible that I have to let my family die a few more backups before giving up?"

The Shangjie has already been talking about Zhou Zhang's affairs, but now Zhou Zhang has just brought Zhan Tai back to his residence from Xue.

Now I am still thinking about how to deal with Zhan Tai Congxue, and if I let her go to other places now, I will be even more unbearable. A weak woman has finally found herself, and if she drives him away now How can I say...

But now no matter how Zhou Zhang calls Zhou Ling, Zhou Ling stays in the bloody gun, Zhou Ling is not stupid, no matter what kind of idea he comes up with when he goes out, in case there is any conflict between the two of them. , or regret it, it's all your own responsibility.

Chapter 141

After shouting a few times, he found that Zhou Ling was always ignoring him, and Zhou Zhang also dismissed the idea. Now, he said that it is not enough. He can see it every time, so he can still ease some things and not be so embarrassed. .

But this is just Zhou Zhang's unilateral thinking. Zhan Taicongxue, who was staying in another room, didn't think so.

You must know that our classmates have come from so far for only one purpose, and that is to see Zhou Zhang. Although it is said that we have seen Zhou Zhang now, it is only a moment. Now that we are back here, although there is nothing else to do, but Zhan Taicongxue still couldn't help but want to take the initiative to find Zhou Zhang.

Staying in the room at the moment is also fidgeting. With the restraint of a woman, Zhan Tai Congxue still resisted the urge to go to Zhou Zhang at the first time, but the longer he stayed in the room, the more he felt in his heart. Can't hold back.

And after staying here for a long time, I can't help but think about it. You must know that they have been back for half a day. During this half day, my elder brother Zhou did not take the initiative to come to him, which not only made Zhan Tai come back Since Xue began to suspect that he was not attractive enough, or that his elder brother Zhou really had no interest in him.

Such thoughts kept spinning back and forth in Zhan Tai's mind from Xue, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it.

For a while, Zhantai started to imagine that he and Zhou Zhang would have a beautiful and happy life in the future from Xue, and then he began to be so sad that Zhou Zhang ignored him, and then lived a gloomy life.

Soon, the time of this day has passed. It is already night. Zhou Zhang has not done anything for half a day. If it is normal, Zhou Zhang will continue to study the alchemy thing. After all, the current results are very ideal. It won't take long to overcome this difficulty, but now Zhou Zhang has been staying in the room, not moving.

For the whole afternoon, Zhou Zhang was thinking about how to perfectly handle the relationship between him and Zhan Tai Congxue, but thinking about it before thinking that what he said would break her heart.

That night, another night, when Zhan Tai Congxue and Zhou Zhang first met, it was one night, today, Zhan Tai Congxue knocked on Zhou Zhang's door again at night.

"Is Brother Zhou asleep?"

Hearing Zhan Tai Congxue's voice outside the room, Zhou Zhang sighed, what should come is always coming, so he said.

"No, just come in and talk about anything."

Zhan Tai carefully pushed open the door from Xue Wenyan. Although it was said that it was a little intimate before, but now after hearing Zhou Zhang's voice, Zhan Tai suddenly returned to the place when he first met Zhou Zhang. A picture of a little girl.

You know, Zhan Taicongxue has been alone for so many years, a girl, and a girl with a very good-looking appearance. During these years, there will definitely be many people going to fight It was her idea, so it made Zhantai change from the snow to not the same as she was before.

But now after opening the door, Zhan Tai still looked timid when he saw Zhou Zhang sitting at the table from Xue.

"Brother Zhou."

Before Zhan Tai could say the following words, Zhou Zhang stopped him and said

"I know what you want to say, and I know it will be very bad if I do it, but you also need to know that it will be difficult if the two of us maintain the same relationship as before? I will put you Treat it as my own sister, I won't let the world hurt you in the slightest, but..."

"I understand what Brother Zhou said. I came today to thank Brother Zhou for going there to save me that day."

When she said this, Zhan Taicongxue's heart was still very bitter. Although she thought of many results in the afternoon, she did not expect that when she didn't speak, she would directly was rejected.

"This is what I should do. Since I said it all, I will treat you as my own sister, so how could I not care about such a thing after knowing it?"

After the two said this, they suddenly stopped. Zhan Taicongxue really didn't want to accept the fact that the two were just a brother-sister relationship, and it was still a very unfounded brother-sister relationship.

And Zhou Zhang also knew that Zhan Taicongxue's heart had already been broken when he said that, and now he doesn't know how to say it.

After a while, Zhan Tai couldn't bear it anymore, so he said.

"I don't have anything to do, so I won't disturb Brother Zhou's rest."

After speaking, Zhan Tai turned around from Xue and left.

Seeing Zhan Tai leaving from Xue, Zhou Zhang also sighed bitterly. From the words just now, Zhou Zhang had already heard a little choking.

It seems that what he said was still too much damage to Zhan Tai Congxue.

But just when Zhou Zhang thought so, Zhou Ling, who had been reluctant to come out, suddenly jumped out and started talking to Zhou Zhang.

"My lord, I didn't tell you, the girls came all the way to see you anyway. If you haven't said anything after this meeting, you just rejected them, and you don't listen to what they said. Yes, what do you think in your heart, how do you ask people to pick them up after you say these words, and now it hurts people's hearts, I'll see how you deal with it."

Zhou Ling couldn't stand it anymore, so after Zhantai left Xue, he came out as soon as possible.

In normal times, Zhou Ling's words would have been slapped back by Zhou Zhang a few times, but now Zhou Zhang lowered his head even lower after hearing such words.

"What's the point of you doing this? Could it be that you can salvage the damage you've done to her soul by regretting it here? Why don't you go back and talk about it now, no matter what the outcome of the matter is, At the very least, don't hurt people's hearts. Anyway, they came from so far away. It's not like you don't know the dangers along the way. Although you say that your cultivation is high and powerful now, for her, this Isn't it very simple along the way? If you are a little careless along the way, maybe you won't have the chance to see you again, doesn't she know about such a risk? And you've seen it before, although you don't know Why, in the end, you were the only one who went to Naluoyan Village, but you just ignored it for so many years?"

Chapter 142 Getting Married?

Zhou Ling scolded Zhou Zhang for not being bullshit, but Zhou Zhang heard a lot of truth from these words.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang is not only not angry, but even more regretful. Although she knew these things before, but after saying it from other people's mouth, it has a different taste.

Especially if Zhou Ling, who had been reprimanded from the beginning to the end, said it out of his mouth, it was really unusual, and it was because of such circumstances that Zhou Zhang suddenly realized that such a simple and easy-to-understand truth, even Zhou Ling, the uninitiated artifact spirit, knows that how could he not know why he was confused just now, and said that directly?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang stood up directly. Now he has to say what he just said and what it means. He needs to explain it well. No matter what the final result is, what he did just now is really good. What an asshole.

Seeing Zhou Zhang stand up, Zhou Lingsheng took a half step back. He thought that Zhou Zhang would pack himself up when he stood up, but after stepping back half a step, he found that Zhou Zhang was walking directly to the door.

"Scared me, it's better to make it clear now."

The hurt of Zhou Zhang's words was very great. At this moment, Zhan Taicongxue, who had returned to the room, had already cried to tears. God knows how much wronged she suffered in her heart and how much she suffered along the way. But isn't everything in the end just to meet Zhou Zhang?

But after seeing it, it turned out to be such a result, which really made Zhan Taicongxue feel ridiculous, did she blame her for being too naive?Or do you blame her for being too selfish?

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