
Two days later, it stands to reason that Zhou Zhang must have reached the border of the Jing'an Empire at this time, and had a hand with the people of the Kaiyang Empire, but at this time, there is still no news from the border. .

This made Ye Xinghai who had been staying in the imperial city a little restless. He didn't know what was going on now, but he couldn't urge Zhou Zhang any more, because after all, Zhou Zhang could have done it. I ignored it, and now I have come from a long way to go. If I keep urging me like this, there must be something bad.

I have to say that this situation is really very interesting. One thought that the time would not end soon, while the other thought he would arrive very quickly.

Finally, at the end of the second day, Hunting Huai couldn't bear it anymore, because it had been two full days. In these two days, the Ocean Empire had also invaded in a big way, and from the front line just now. The battle report that came back said that the Kaiyang Empire has already annexed five or six cities in just two days. If it continues at this rate, maybe after the third day, they will fight. He came to the edge of his own imperial city.

"Senior Zhou, where are you now?"

Ye Xinhuai tried his best to control his emotions at all times, so that he would not be so excited and not appear so flustered.

But Ye Xinghuai also underestimated Zhou Zhang. Even if it was Ye Xing card, Zhou Zhang found it out, so he asked.

"I have now reached the border of the Jing'an Empire, and I believe I will soon go to the front line. Is there any bad news from the front line? I haven't come all the way these days. Stopped suddenly on the way."

After hearing this, Ye Xionghuai really couldn't help it. He didn't expect his senior Zhou to take this matter so easily, and he suddenly stopped in the middle to think about something. My own country is a joke, if Senior Zhou is a little later, maybe my country will really be taken down by others.

"Senior Zhou said it is very true. Now the people from the Kaiyang Empire are coming. I believe that if Senior Zhou can't catch up tomorrow, the enemy will come to the edge of the imperial city."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhang understood. It turned out that his speed was really slow. He didn't think there was a big problem at first. Now that Ye Xinghuai said it, he suddenly understood. In the sky, once he has any thoughts on this technique of seizing the house, he will stop and try it at the first time, and it will take a small day to talk about it along the way.

If you calculate it like this, your travel time is not very fast. In the past two days and one night, you have just arrived at the border of the Jing'an Empire.

"Don't worry, it was me who was negligent, but this time I suddenly got inspiration. If I don't stop, my heart is full of joy. I will go to the palace in a while, and then you can tell me the specifics. I will rush over there as soon as possible.”

After saying this, Zhou Zhang cut off the contact without waiting for Ye Xinghuai to respond. Now he needs to rush to the palace of the Jing'an Empire as quickly as possible, otherwise Ye Xinghuai will be really anxious.

Ye Xinghuai's tone was obviously a little irritable just now, but because of his identity, he didn't show it, but that kind of irritable mood, even if he tried to hide it, there was no way to completely cover it up.

"I was indeed a little too careless. I didn't expect that not only was the speed much slower along the way, but I hadn't rushed over as fast as I could, otherwise, this day would definitely be enough. "

After Wang Yanxiong contacted Zhou Tian, ​​he was very relieved, because now that his senior Zhou had arrived at the border of the Jing'an Empire, it would definitely not take long for him to arrive at his place. These Kaiyang Empire people will not pose any threat at all.

Chapter 153 It's Arrogant

So it didn't take too long for Zhou Zhang to arrive in the palace. I have to say that Ye Xinghuai is really anxious in this palace now. After Zhou Zhang arrived here, he saw Ye Xinghuai who was in a mess.

Seeing Ye Xinghuai who is so impatient now, Zhou Zhang can't help but feel a little sorry, because he didn't think like this at the beginning, but the time he wasted on this journey has indeed caused a lot of influence on him, and this has always been the case. They are all calling themselves, and I was called a senior by myself a week ago, and I didn't take his affairs to heart.

"I'm really sorry. I really forgot something along the way. Now let's talk about what happened. I'll solve it for him tonight. Don't worry, I will be in Kaiyang tomorrow morning. The people of the Empire will definitely go home honestly, and if they don't want to go back, then they will sleep here forever."

Don't doubt it first, when you heard Zhou Zhang's voice, you immediately laughed, and the irritability of the day was instantly dissipated, because what Senior Zhou said was also a reassurance, and it hit his heart directly, you must know that he has been The reason why he was so restless was because he was worried that Senior Zhou would not be able to arrive in time.

"What is Senior Zhou talking about? Although I am a little impatient, this is my business after all. This time, Senior Zhou is already very sorry for the trouble. How can there be any complaints? And Senior Zhou is also now. I've already rushed over, although the time is a lot slower, but it doesn't have much impact at all."

When Zhou Zhang heard this sentence, he touched his nose a little embarrassedly. This sentence was really said because he didn't want to make himself feel too guilty. He had to know that if he could come earlier, at least he could reduce the amount of trouble he had in a day. The lost city.

Seeing this, I was a little embarrassed, so I knew how to call Zhou Zhang directly and let him see where the current battle is taking place.

"Senior Zhou, please look this way. Now the people of our empire are here. I believe they will come to attack this city early in the morning."

Zhou Zhang came over to take a look, and was really surprised, because Zhou Zhang had already understood the territory of the Jing'an Empire before, and now the people who saw the Kaiyang Empire have gone so far.

"Okay, I already know, although I already know where this is now, so it won't be long before I can deal with all these people."

After he finished speaking, Zhou Zhang left here without even saying hello to Ye Xinghuai. If it was according to the situation, Zhou Zhang would even say a few words to Ye Xinghua, but now the situation is really serious.


"General, we have another major battle today. If we can continue at this speed, I believe it won't take too long, and we will take it down in the Jing'an Empire."

"This kind of thing, as long as you calculate it easily, you can know it. We just need to work harder tomorrow, then we can definitely advance to the edge of the imperial city, and then we will directly station around his imperial city, see. Is their emperor panicking!"

After hearing this, Zhang Zhong also burst into laughter. He understands this speed very well. If he really has to work harder tomorrow, he will definitely be able to reach the bottom of the imperial city.

"Don't worry, I already have a plan. Tomorrow we will definitely say that I am stuck in the periphery of their imperial city. When the time comes, let's see if this emperor took the initiative to surrender, or wait for us to attack!"

When they were happily talking about this in the barracks, the team leader had already rushed over, but so many barrack team leaders didn't know where the general was for a while, and he didn't want to clean it carefully, so he just casually clapped.

After all, it was a very quiet night, so the movement created by this palm shot by Zhou Zhang was also very loud.

Soon in the barracks, whether they were resting or not, they all came out to check what was going on.

Soon he found out where Zhou Zhang was, and then someone started to shout loudly.

"Who are you? Why did you suddenly attack our army camp this night? Are you tired of living?"

After all, Zhou Zhang doesn't have much momentum now, so these people can't see Zhou Zhang's knowledge at all. At this moment, they think Zhou Zhang is just a slightly powerful person.

"What kind of thing are you, you dare to talk to me like this, and now you call out your general, you are not qualified to talk to me at all."

After he finished speaking, Zhou Zhang directly dealt with the rude soldier.

"I am such a general. If you have anything, please tell me. But before that, I would advise you not to touch my soldiers."

Zhang Zhong was also a little angry at this moment, because the person who came here really didn't take him seriously, and even shot and killed one of his own soldiers in front of him.

"Who was I at the time? It was you, but it's not bad for you to stand up now, I can save a lot of trouble, and since you are willing to stand up and admit it, then I will tell you very clearly now, now you both If you take people back, there may be a way to survive, but if you are a little unconvinced, you can have a fight with me over there."

Zhou Zhang didn't want to kill, because so many people, if he killed all of them, the sin would be really serious.

"It's not rude. I know all the powerful people in the Jing'an Empire, but I have never seen someone like you. At this moment, I don't think you have any power, and you are actually making a loud noise in front of our army. Could it be that you really thought I would be afraid of you?"

At this moment, Zhang Zhong thought that Zhou Zhang was frightening him. Not only could he not see Zhou Zhang's strength at all now, but when he saw him just now, he didn't take any action directly. He knew that if his strength was higher than his own, then he could be in the first place. If you capture yourself in time, then your own soldiers will definitely go back honestly.

Zhou Zhang didn't want to bother with him at first, but at this moment, Zhang Zhong was so ignorant, there was no other way, Zhou Zhang had to teach him a lesson.

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