However, Zhou Zhang did not expect that the strength of this group of people was a very low punishment, and they could not bear it, so when this shocking thunderclap came out, most of the people in the camp died directly.

Chapter 154 Perfecting the Technique of Seizing the House

The reason why this is a shocking shock is that on the one hand, Zhou Zhang wants to calm them down completely, and on the other hand, Zhou Zhang can't stand it a little bit, and the group of people just said something unkind to him.

After the thunderclap was thrown out, all these people were caught off guard, and the power caused by this also completely stunned everyone, and at this moment their General Zhang was also in this chapter. Not even the scum is left.

At this moment, they finally know the terrifying strength of the incoming person. In the face of such strength, even their own General Zhang has no power to fight back, so let alone them, they are all fled in the form of birds and beasts at this moment. .

Zhou Zhang left the place directly after seeing that the rest of the people were escaping in all directions.

"I didn't expect this matter to be solved so easily. Before I came here, if I had known this, I would have just played one, and it would have saved this group of people from making rude remarks, and now I am still full of unhappiness."

However, China Merchants did not worry too much about this matter, because now those who bothered her have been killed by one palm.

It wasn't long before Zhou Zhang rushed back to the palace. This time, Ye Xinghuai was not as anxious as he was in the first time, but after seeing Zhou Zhang coming back so quickly, he felt a little uncomfortable dare to believe.

This time span is really too short, it is only an hour at most, how could this one hour of time directly solve all the people of the Kaiyang Empire, but then I thought about the strength of the seniors today, Certainly not too much of a problem.

"Thank you Senior Zhou, I didn't expect that this group of people would be sent away so quickly this time."

"Actually, it's okay. These people are not too strong. I just frightened them, and they all ran away."

When Zhou Zhang said these words, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty, because the palm of his hand just killed a lot of people, not to scare them, but to really kill them.

"I didn't expect that Senior Zhou's current cultivation base has become so tyrannical. It seems that I didn't have a bad relationship with Senior Zhou earlier. It's really too wise."

"Okay, since there is nothing to do now, then I will leave first. There are still many things in Danliao County."

Zhou Zhang did not pick up Ye Xinghua's words, but directly stated that he needed to leave. This trip was entirely because of ambition and taking good care of his Qing Luocheng, so he would come here, otherwise he would definitely not. There will be such a thing.

"Senior Zhou went well all the way."

After hearing that there was nothing to do, Zhou Zhang immediately got up and left. The reason why Zhou Zhang has to leave here is because on the way back, he thought of some attempts at the art of seizing the house, and now he urgently needs to find a place. Go and try it.

And for this time, Zhou Zhang has a great grasp, and maybe he can really perfect this technique of seizing the house. Before, there were some very subtle points that could not be completely understood, but now it is just a sudden I immediately understood.

You must know that inspiration is very difficult to appear, but if he appears, you must catch him in the shortest time, otherwise, when you want to catch this inspiration after a period of time, it will be completely Couldn't catch it.

Soon, Zhou Zhang found a small cave at random. Now Zhou Zhang doesn't have to worry about his own safety at all. It is already very safe to hit a few restrictions. After all, it is impossible to have the same level as himself, or even a Higher people come to disturb themselves.

After doing the cross-legs, Zhou Zhang couldn't wait to try the ideas in his mind. If these ideas can really be successful, then his trip will not be a waste, at least he can bring Zhou Ling a good news after going back. .

For so many days, Zhou Zhuang has always felt that if he did not improve the technique of seizing the house, he would be too sorry for Zhou Ling. You must know that he promised Zhou Ling this matter early in the morning, but the time has passed. After so long, he has successfully broken through, but there has been no good progress in this technique of seizing the house.

This time Zhou Zhang was mainly when he had just dealt with the group of Kaiyang Empire people, and suddenly thought that if the disparity in strength is too large, then it can cause an absolute crushing situation, then this technique of seizing the house will definitely be like this. , but if it is carried out in this form, the most direct result is that it is impossible to use the technique of seizing a home to many people who are relatively high in cultivation or spirituality.

In such a situation, Zhou Zhang did not want it to happen. You must know that Zhou Zhang was holding him from the very beginning, and he could talk more about the mentality of everything, so he went to improve it, and now after discovering these shortcomings , Zhou Zhang wanted to perfect it.

So what we need to do now is to make this technique of seizing a house flexible, so that he can become strong when he is strong, and remain unchanged when he is weak.

However, such a thing is easy to say, but if it is actually practiced, it is another situation. The step of seizing the house is to completely occupy the body of another person, so in this process, it must be instantly dominated. Right, but under such circumstances, it is simply impossible for him to achieve the desire to be strong.

Therefore, the current solution is to make the reader's technique more advanced, so that he can slowly erode it at the moment when he can enter the chopping hand, and as the erosion accelerates, finally, in the main body If you don't know it, you will occupy it instantly.

In this way, the art of seizing a home will indeed become more complete, but what this changes is the change in the essence of the art of seizing a home.

This process sounds very difficult, but when Zhou Zhang really did it, he suddenly realized that it had become so simple.

It's no wonder that Zhou Zhang thought it too hard. It's really because this technique of seizing a house has not been used for so long, so Zhou Zhang has a very hazy understanding of him, and now he is trying it out. In the process of change, it suddenly became clear.

"It turned out to be the case. I said how many numbers can give people how much? It turns out that he destroyed the soul all at once, which is enough for people to successfully seize the house now. It's not that hard to slow down the speed."

Chapter 155 Which one should I listen to first?

In this way, Zhou Zhang made a fine-tuning of the art of seizing the house, and this fine-tuning allowed the art of seizing the home to exert its greatest ability.

Originally, Zhou Zhang thought it would take a lot of time, so he rushed out in a hurry. Now, after improving this technique of seizing the house, Zhou Zhang felt that there was no need to go to special Find a place, if Zhou Zhang really had a special cave for this matter at that time, Zhou Zhang could not help but scold him now.

Now that Ye Xinghua has already said goodbye, and the inspiration for the tree of house grabbing has been perfected for him, then he needs to go back next, and he can tell Zhou Ling about this.


After Zhou Zhang dealt with the Kaiyang Empire's group of people, he didn't care about them at all, and went back directly, so this matter was not known by the nearby Jing'an Empire soldiers, wait for Ye Xinghuai here Knowing this news, and when the notification went on, these people from the Kaiyang Empire had long since disappeared.

Therefore, the soldiers of the Jing'an Empire have not been completely released, because when they want to fight back, they will no longer be able to find anyone, and the Jing'an Empire is not the kind of country that likes to cause trouble, so it is said that No troops were sent to pursue them.

However, this can be regarded as a little bit of benefit from it, that is, these people are very panicked, so the food, grass and horses that the army carried are still there.

But this is for the Jing'an Empire, but the soldiers of the Sun Empire and Tianshui Empire who fled back are not so easy to say.

You must know that they sent a lot of soldiers to attack the Jing'an Empire at that time, but now not only did they not take down the Jing'an Empire, but they all escaped.

For Li Xiao, this kind of thing is undoubtedly a slap in the face. He sent so many people out, plus he sent him the good news in the picture a few days ago. After a few days, he can succeed. The Jing'an Empire has been taken down, but now, almost everyone in the whole country knows about it, but it has not been successful!

"Send the order to arrest all the soldiers who escaped, and execute them for disobeying the military order!"

"Your Majesty, please think again, there are not many soldiers who have escaped and returned now, and we have sent almost all of them there. Now if all these deserters are executed, then there will be no soldiers in our Jing'an Empire. already."

"What? Could it be that you also want to disobey my will?"

This is the fate of a violent monarch and a mindless monarch. Now that he has defeated the battle, he doesn't think about where the problem is, and directly blames all this on the soldiers who have escaped. And all of them were put to death.

As soon as this matter was spoken, the whole city was full of storms, and there was a lot of complaints all over the country. You know, whether it was soldiers who died in the battle or those who were executed after speaking, this has almost occupied more than half of the males in the Kaiyang Empire. Ding.

Since this kind of thing is all over the country, it will soon spread. Among them, there are not only soldiers from the Kaiyang Empire. Although the Tianshui Empire is said to be defeated, but now so many soldiers in their country are all cruelly tortured. They couldn't bear to be killed.

And the Jing'an Empire on the side also learned about this. Ye Xinghuai was about to order at that time to bring down the Kaiyang Empire. This kind of thing is really too cruel. Killed. Although this incident happened during the war, it was really unbearable.

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