After speaking, Zheng Zhiyuan walked directly at the forefront of the team and walked out.

At this time, Qian Yao and Zhang Zhitian were indeed in trouble, and it was a lot of trouble. They encountered a very strong restriction at the moment. This restriction only started after the two walked in. Now they only want to get out. This prohibition will be attacked, and every attack is no less than the full-scale attack of the Buddha-level initial stage, and it is also extremely ferocious. Under such a ferocious attack, the two have no way to go out.

The two of them never thought that there would be such a dangerous thing here. They had already walked here before, and they didn't find anything like this at all, but this time, the two of them entered the ban directly, and There is no way out yet.

If they wait like this, they will have to wait for another group of people to come back to them after they have completely searched the cemetery, and the worst plan is that they think this place is over long ago, so they will not come to see them at all. , If this is the case, then they will be miserable. There is no way for the two of them to get out of this place. They can't be here. Let's wait until they think about it.

Chapter 190 Are you two playing?

And this place is also very evil. If it was normal, he would have transmitted his voice to Zheng Zhi long ago, and he was far away from Xinghe, but the voice transmission here is useless at all, as if there is something, it directly isolates the voice transmission. .

"Zhang Zhitian, this place is a place you have been to before. Could it be that you lied to me for these words. Now explain to me what's going on?"

Zhang Zhitian is also very helpless. They have indeed walked this road, and there is no such restriction at all, but this time, he has no reason to explain.

"Zhang Zhitian, let me tell you, don't think that if you don't speak, this matter can pass. You must give me an explanation today. Anyway, this formation will not take the initiative to attack, so don't say it. Looking for an excuse for me."

"Okay, I said!"

Zhang Zhitian really wanted to talk about this matter beside him until he was extremely helpless, and looking at the situation, if he didn't give a proper explanation, Qian Yao wouldn't let him go easily at all.

"But there is one thing I want to tell you before I say it, and that is this place. I have indeed been here, so what I say in a while, whether you believe it or not, you must believe it."

Qian Yao was not happy when he heard this. He had to believe everything. If he couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation, he wouldn't believe it!

"That's not good, how do I know, have you been here before? And whether what you said is true or false, I don't know what if all of you are bluffing me?"

Zhang Zhitian really had a headache. When Qian Yaoping went to the two of them to ask for a drink, how did the two of them endure it? It was almost driving him crazy in just this short amount of time.

But when she was going to leave, she didn't stop every day. It took a few hours to go to the house this day. If it was me, don't care what his name was, it was just calling the sun in the sky, and he would find a way to get it. down.

"Qian Yao, let me tell you, we have indeed come to this place, but how did this happen? Don't ask me, I don't know, but if you really don't believe it, you think what I said is wrong. If you believe it, then just wait here, and when they come to us, you will know whether what I said is true."

Qian Yao just finished saying this, Zhou Zhang and the others have already come here, the refrigerator has been carefully checked, and the restrictions have been destroyed by them, so the speed is naturally fast .

"I didn't see it, and because there is such a leisurely and elegant way to sit and chat here, it's all Yaxing who came to disturb the two of you!"

Zheng Zhiyuan was far away, and he had already heard their noise, especially Qian Yaonan's mouth like a machine gun. After seeing Zhang Zhitian being devastated by him, Zheng Zhiyuan couldn't help but want to laugh at him. Fan.

"Oh, you are here? I can't believe that you are here at this time. I see that you are really seeing relatives. Tell this dog I want to tell her whether we have come to me or not. , Did this ban exist before!"

After all, the past few years have not come to make trouble, but to help, after making a joke at the moment, it is enough, so since I have already started to look at this ban.

"Tell us first, what the ban is like."

When Zhang Zhitian heard this, he realized that he just remembered to ask if this scene had ever appeared before, but he forgot to say what the ban was, and quickly said.

"That's right, this is exquisite, we didn't set out when we came here, but when we reached the center of this formation, we suddenly set off. This formation, as long as we stay here, If we move, it will not actively attack us, but if we want to move forward or backward, he will attack frantically, and the strength of each attack is probably the full force of the initial stage of the Buddhist system."

After listening to Zhang Zhitian's introduction, the three of them were all shocked. With such a formation, Jingyuan could exert the strength of an all-out attack at the initial stage of the Buddha level, which was shocking enough.

"It's true that we haven't encountered this before, and we also feel that we should go farther than here!"

"Indeed, at the very least we have to walk a few dozen meters further to understand why philosophy suddenly has such a restriction?"

Zheng Zhiyuan and Yu Xinghe have both been here. At this moment, after a general look around, they know that this is the place they have walked before, but why the paper feed suddenly appeared, the two of them don't understand.

Compared to the two of them, Zhou Zhang is now in this delicate surrounding, observing carefully, because Zhou Zhang found that the restriction seems to be not as simple as they see it, because if it is just an establishment that blocks people's progress, why? With such a powerful attack?A forbidden law can actually exert a Buddha-level attack power, and there are such intensive attacks, how could such a thing happen?

When Zhou Zhang was just halfway there, he found out that something was wrong here. Logically speaking, this restriction is similar to the existence of some formations, except that most formations require spiritual power to maintain, but the restriction is only possible when entering At that moment, the territory is maintained. If the time is too long or it is exhausted, then this part-time job will be broken without attacking.

But looking at the mirror now, his spiritual power seems to be endless, but he doesn't have the appearance of a formation at all. If it is a formation, then you can clearly feel the fluctuations of the formation.

"Have you found that this ban is not like a ban at all? Logically speaking, if this matter can be used as a full blow at the initial stage of the Buddha level, I can still believe it, but such a dense attack can still be used. If it happened again, it would be a little shocking."

Several people are smart people, and they understand what Zhou Zhang wants to say as soon as they hear it.

"Don't you mean to say that this thing that seems to be banned is not a ban, but a formation?"

"This possibility is not ruled out, otherwise, the ban does not require us to come over at all, and the two of them will definitely be able to go out, but after such a long time, the ban can still be attacked, which proves that it is not necessarily the case. Ban."

Chapter 191 It's Really a Formation

After listening to Zhou Zhang's statement, everyone's first reaction was that this might be a formation, but all the feelings he showed were forbidden.

If it was normal, they would definitely not believe it at noon, but after encountering so many bizarre things today, they suddenly accepted such an explanation.

"If it is an array, then there must be an eye. We only need to find the eye of the array, then we can crack it."

"However, this is also what worries me the most. If it is said that it can be deciphered by finding an eye, then will this mantra be ahead?"

After Zhou Zhang said these words, everyone turned their attention to the front of the road. Yes, if this is really a formation, it will be there with his dignity. In this way, there is absolutely no way to do it. to crack.

Because if I want to crack him, then there must be someone who can go there smoothly, but if I can go there in this situation, then I don't have to think about how to crack it at all.

"Could it be that the two of us are going to stay here forever? Or is it crazy to try it out until all the spiritual power of this formation is used up before we can go out?"

After listening to everyone's analysis, Qian Yao was already slumped on the ground. There was no dangerous road in between, but he ended up trapping himself here. Another seemingly unknown road, a few of them went to swagger. come over.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhang shook his head, since this formation can use such a dense attack, it proves that this method is unworkable.

"Although this is the case, don't be discouraged. We are just a guess, and where is the eye? We don't know, we can only find out after a series of analysis, right, and Now it is not certain that he is really a formation."

Qian Yao really wants to kill this group of people now. He really does not have back pain when he is standing and talking. If it is them who are staying here now, will they still be so relaxed?

Thinking of this, Qian Yao began to complain again, and the complaining couldn't stop at the beginning. Everyone said all kinds of things, and they all said it out.

Zhou Zhang originally wanted to pick it up, but Zheng Zhiyuan, who was beside him, suddenly grabbed her and said in a low voice.

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