"Brother Zhou, don't worry about her, let her talk, she won't talk if she's tired after a while, if you pick her up now, he'll be even more energetic!"

When Zhou Zhang heard the words, he dismissed the idea of ​​persuading Qian Yao, and went to observe the things in front of him carefully with everyone. Is he a ban or a formation?

"Come on, what Brother Zhou said is true, this is really a formation, I found some residual fluctuations of the formation here, although it is very weak, but it is also very obvious to know that this is indeed true. It's really a formation."

Now that we know that he is a formation, it is easier to talk about it. Then everyone just needs to follow the cracking method of the formation. Unlike before, they don't even know what he is, and can only act like a Like a headless fly, it was flying around everywhere.

At this moment, Qian Yao is still talking endlessly, but Zhang Zhitian, who is also in the formation, is not idle. Although he cannot go outside, he is always looking for some ways to crack the formation. , after all, one more person and one more strength, in case this burst of eyes is really here, maybe it is here.

After a while, Qian Yao found that no one took care of him, and it seemed very boring to keep talking like this.

"Anyway, you have someone to take care of me. Even if you say a word, it's all my words. It's not in vain."

Zheng Zhiyuan, Zhang Zhitian and Yu Xinghe knew something was wrong as soon as they heard this. They knew that Qian Yao was about to make a big move. At the same time, they looked back at Zhou Zhang and found that Zhou Zhang had just turned around and was about to speak. , the three of them shouted loudly at the same time!

"Brother Zhou, come here."

Zhou Zhang was shocked by the three people's roars at the same time, so he tried to do it, so that Zhou Zhang did not say what he originally wanted to say.

"What's the matter? You three are calling me at the same time. How can I be alone with the three of you?"

Yu Xinghe winked, indicating that the two of them should not be strong. Now that he is closest to Zhou Zhang, he walked directly to Zhou Zhang's side and whispered.

"Brother Zhou, don't be deceived by him. This guy is very thief. If you just promised him your whole life, then he will keep talking about your name. If the few of us were just one step behind, maybe Now Qian Yao can't stop."

Zhou Zhang couldn't believe it at all when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Qian Yao could be so talkative, that he could find someone to tell him because he was not like this when he first met Qian Yao.

"Brother Zhou, don't believe it, everything I said is the truth. Since you don't look at him as honest and honest on weekdays, he looks good everywhere, but if he gets to know you well, then it's true. You don't even want any face, you think he can come to my house every day and ask me to give him a drink, you will know how much this person can say, and he can hardly repeat it for half a day."

After Zhou Zhang finished listening, he also glanced at Qian Yao with deep meaning, and then withdrew his eyes to express his gratitude towards Yu Xinghe.

Yu Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Zhou Zhang finally heard this sentence. Now this Qian Yao has just stopped, if Zhou Zhang picks up his words, then he will never stop until he finds an eye. down.

"Everyone, take a look, I seem to have found another incredible thing."

Yu Xinghe's words suddenly attracted everyone's attention. Quanzhou rushed to Yu Xinghe. After everyone arrived, they all showed the same expression as Yu Xinghe.

"This... is this really something in this formation?"

The scene in front of me is too unbelievable, because the research on the formation of everyone has been going on for a long time, but just now, I suddenly found that this formation is in the process of circulation, and tonight is also mixed. A trace of aura that does not belong to this world, and it is very obscure, it will only show up slightly in this place every once in a while, and it will disappear immediately.

Chapter 192 Someone is playing tricks

This time, everyone was completely stunned. You must know that this formation is also contaminated with the atmosphere of the outside world, and the way it is contaminated is also very unique. If he does not belong to this world at first glance, then it will be fine. , but now he has a trace left in this place, and this meaning may not appear later, he is more like he already exists in this formation, if this is the case, then it represents this formation There were already such fluctuations when he knew it came out.

Then it proves that this formation is a little weird, because such fluctuations do not belong to this world at all, so he can't be used in this formation at all, but now he is indeed used in the formation, and It seems that due to his addition, the power of the formation has become more powerful.

And looking at the fluctuations, the three of them also felt very familiar, which was clearly the fluctuations emanating from the night pearl in the deep cave.

"Alright now, it looks like we can't crack this formation, and if this thing really has something to do with that Night Pearl, maybe it really has something to do with it, then maybe it's really endless. "

After Zhou Zhang said these words, both of them expressed their deep agreement. If this unfamiliar aura really affects these formations, then they don't need to try any more now, they can't do it. cracked.

"I think this matter is very strange. Logically speaking, this formation should not have appeared here, but he did appear, and the aura on this formation was something we had just seen. What a coincidence! It's like it was made just for us!"

After saying this, Yu Xinghe also checked the aura emanating from these places, because he was exactly the same as what the three of them had just discovered, it really seemed like it was specially prepared for them. .

"You said, if it's true that our previous one was too small, then shouldn't the owner of this cemetery also exist?"

Speaking of this, Zheng Zhiyuan and Yu Xinghe couldn't help but fight a cold war. You must know that what they guessed before was that these two adults hid here in order to keep this secret from being discovered by others. The anchor is true. If they are, then it means that they are still here, and they are always watching their actions.

"And this ban is also very likely to be left by them. They don't want anyone to continue to move forward, which will disturb them, so they left such a formation."

Although all this is very reluctant to explain, if you really think about it, it is very possible. No one can guarantee that the owner of this place is really dead. The lifespan after that is five million years, but it hasn't been too long since they discovered this last session. Before them, someone had come here, so it's not a secret at all, otherwise, here There can't be so many places for them to explore.

You know, I don't know how many years ago the owner of this cemetery was a monster, but innocent, he was already here before they discovered this upper realm, so now his cultivation may have reached the half-ancestor's level. Realm, even ancestral level!

If that's the case, he didn't make a move at the moment, and it would be a fortune to get rid of them. If he does make a move, I believe that everyone here will not even have the ability to resist, you must know that this arrangement alone A single formation can stop a few of them, not to mention his own shot.

"I don't know if Brother Zhou has any good suggestions now. Can you tell me?"

Hearing Zhou Zhang, he thought for a while, to know that their situation is really embarrassing, if they continue to move forward, they will also be angry with the master of the purpose, then not only will they gain nothing, they may also die here. Rather than…

"I took a closer look just now. Although the attacks of this formation are extremely dense, I don't think he will cause too much damage to the two of them. In a few days, he can definitely recover, and if we help him resist some of the attacks, maybe they won't be hurt too much when they come out."

"Does my brother mean we help the two of them escape now and get out of here?"

Zhou Zhang nodded when he heard the words. Although he said that he had come this far, he was very unwilling, but this was the safest way at the moment. If they continued to go inside, then the final result would really not be the same. Well said!

After seeing Zhou Zhang nod, Zheng Zhiyuan and Yu Xinghe entered into their thoughts. They were weighing whether it was right or not to withdraw now. After all, they had finally come this far and discovered many things that they had not discovered before.

However, after thinking about it for a while, the two of them nodded in the same way, apparently thinking that it was not the time to go deeper.

"Brother Qian, and Brother Zhang, what the two of you have to do now is to rush out of here as fast as you can, and then come to us and rest assured. During this process, the three of us will help you resist this formation. Of course, during this process, you also need to resist the same, after all, the three of us cannot keep you safe."

Zhang Zhitian just saw what the three of them were talking about there. Although he didn't quite understand it, after hearing what Zhou Zhang said, Zhang Zhitian understood that now they were going to leave here.

"Don't worry, we also know that it is impossible to go deep inside. If we can withdraw now, it is naturally the best."

At this moment, Qian Yao also stopped, complaining and nodding solemnly, he has been here enough, and it is naturally the best to be able to go out now, so he has no opinion at all.

"Okay, since everyone agrees now, let's get started."

Soon, Qian Yao and Zhang Zhitian were on the verge of launching an attack from this formation. At this moment, after exchanging glances with each other, the two rushed out of here.

Just after they stepped out of here, they launched a violent attack in the formation. At this moment, everyone did not have the slightest ambiguity, and they all used their housekeeping skills to resist these attacks.

Chapter 193 I want to leave quickly

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