However, Zhou Zhang is very interested in this folding fan these days, and he will take it out from time to time to check it out, especially when he is about to enter the practice, although Zhou Zhang has forgotten about these things tonight. , but after a while, Zhou Zhang suddenly thought of this, and immediately withdrew from the practice.

The opening of Zhou Zhang's eyes also calmed Gao Yiran. He knew that it might be time for the person in front of him to reveal the secret.

And he waited for this day and it was not in vain. At the last moment, he still caught something, but Gao was still not happy for long when he suddenly saw Zhou Zhang take out a folding fan from the storage ring. Come on, and after taking out the folding fan, it didn't take long for Gao Yiran to notice that the aura was almost exactly the same as that of Zhou Zhang.

"Am I being suspicious? Could it be that he takes out this folding fan every day to study it. After a long time, because he didn't know the correct cultivation, he was infected with such a breath?"

Although this explanation is very far-fetched, at present, Gao Yiran can't think of other reasons to explain the current situation.

Although he really didn't want to believe it, he still believed it. Since there is no problem with the person in front of him, he should be recruited as his eyeliner in this world.

After making such an idea, Gao Yiran flew directly into Zhou Zhang's courtyard, and Zhou Zhang in the house heard this movement.

Zhou Zhang quickly put the folding fan into the storage ring, and then shouted loudly to the outside.

"Who's out there!"

Gao still didn't expect that he had landed so carefully, but he was still discovered. He couldn't help but feel that the person in front of him didn't seem to be simple. But the person in front of him was aware of his existence in such a short period of time.

"You don't need to panic, little brother, we two have had some intersections, why don't you let me go in and talk about it?"

Although his mouth was inquiring, Gao Yiran walked directly to Zhou Zhang's door, then pushed open the door and walked in. He didn't care, now whether Zhou Zhang agrees or not.

And Zhou Zhang didn't show too much surprise when he saw the people outside walking in. After all, he was able to come to his house silently, and he knew that he wanted to enter his own house, and the person who was discovered by himself only when he touched the ban. Certainly not so simple.

As for this restriction, Zhou Zhang also accidentally researched it a few days ago. This is a silent restriction that does not even have a form. No matter the level of cultivation, as long as he reaches this range, he will be perceived by himself. But now, due to the fact that his research is not very thorough and his cultivation base is low, Zhou Zhang can only apply this effect to a range of five meters away from himself.

So just now Gao Yiran happened to stand on the edge of Zhou Zhang's perception, otherwise, Zhou Zhang really couldn't detect Gao Yiran's arrival.

But when Gao Yiran walked to the door of the room, Zhou Zhang could clearly feel that the terrifying strength of the dead was not something he could contend against, so Zhou Zhang immediately dismissed the idea of ​​resistance.

Moreover, Zhou Zhang also roughly guessed the origin of the person in front of him at this moment, because in this upper realm, there are two people he knows and has seen who can put so much pressure on him, one is that One is Lin Langtian, but now a third one has appeared, so it is very likely that he is the owner of that cemetery.

Although he had long guessed that the owner of the cemetery was very strong, but now that he has seen him appear in front of him, he has a new understanding of his three views.

You must know that Zhou Zhang has just returned from the cemetery, so he has already guessed which person in front of him will have a fight, and one of them must be injured, so they may stop, but now standing in front of him , but it happened to be the owner of the cemetery, which only represented one result, the one who failed over there.

This kind of result is really difficult for Zhou Zhang to understand, because in the last time, Lin Langtian also escaped after being injured, but Lin Langtian's strength is not comparable to that one. He was also injured. The person in front of him, how deep is his strength?

Chapter 226 Helpless

However, the question that worries Zhou Zhang the most at this moment is Gao still, why did he come to find himself, and did he find anyone else before finding himself?

After all, he had entered the cemetery before, and the owner of the cemetery who had taken a lot of things suddenly found him. If he didn't want to recover his belongings, then it was very likely that he came to kill and kill him. .

No, that shouldn't be the case. If he wants to kill people, it's definitely not now. After all, the place where he is has long been known under the current situation, so his purpose should be revenge. Did he reveal where he was hiding?

While Zhou Zhang was thinking a lot, Gao Yiran was also looking at Zhou Zhang, because his image really has too many secrets, such as how he found himself, is a very big secret, and his folding fan Where did you get it from?This is another question that can't come up, because this folding fan is very unfamiliar, and he has not seen it before, so it can be inferred that this folding fan should be a weapon that appeared later.

But it is very thought-provoking to be able to find the difference in this folding fan, and to carry it around with you. If you were an ordinary person, you would not keep it forever, and would take it out from time to time. Research and play.

"I wonder if little brother wants to work with me now?"

After saying this sentence, all Zhou Zhang's previous plans and speculations disappeared. Before that, he always thought that he was probably coming to seek revenge, but now it seems that he may have another Zhou Zhang did not rush to agree, but asked.

"Why cooperate with you? And what's the benefit if I cooperate with you?"

Fortunately, this sentence is also said by Zhou Zhang now. If it were someone else, Gao Yiran would definitely shoot him to death, but now he is very interested in so many secrets on Zhou Zhang, so There is no thought of killing Zhou Zhang.

"Since it is cooperation, of course it will be of great benefit to you. If after this, I have successfully unified the upper realm, then I can first guarantee that your life can be worry-free, and you can also Acquire supreme identity and status."

Zhou Zhang was not in a hurry to answer, because at this moment he already understood what the person in front of him said!But this kind of thing may be an opportunity for Zhou Zhang to make a new choice, but even so, Zhou Zhang still intends to act properly. If it is too early, it is very likely that he will get himself into a lot of unnecessary trouble. trouble.

Gao Yiran saw that Zhou Zhang did not answer what he asked, so he was not in a hurry, because now is not the time. Zhou Zhang really promised himself at once, and Gao Yiran would be disappointed at this moment.

"How is it? Are the conditions I said not enough to make your heart move? You know, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, I can solve them for you, but the premise is that you are helping the helpless now. It's just me, of course, during this period, I will be responsible for the safety of your life and let you live in peace during this period."

When it came to this, Zhou Zhang was already a little moved. You must know that the most worrying thing about Zhou Zhang now is Zu's current state. If one day, he suddenly felt that he could not live for too long. , they will directly execute their group of people. Although it is said that the people in front of them will do such a thing, it is obviously more appropriate than the ancestors.

"Although I really want to help you, you also know that I am a more loyal person. Now that I already have a faction, I still don't want to change my faction easily."

I don't know at this moment, although I have made up my mind, I didn't directly express my thoughts about the past, but showed a little bit of interest, but I can't change the camp now.

And Gao still laughed after hearing this sentence. She knew that although the conditions she said were very tempting, it would still be difficult if she really wanted people to come over. After all Everyone will be content with the state they are in now, and will not easily choose to change camps. If such people meet in the future, they will be the object of their hatred.

If the relationship is normal on weekdays, that's fine, but if the relationship is good on weekdays, it will become very embarrassing when we meet in the future.

"You can rest assured about this, as long as I put this sentence here today, then you can follow me completely, and I can assure you that there will be no mistakes in safety issues, and you and I The two are just a cooperative relationship, so there is no relationship between subordinates and bosses, and if you feel that you will be ashamed of your former friends, then just let them come together."

This statement is too tempting, so Zhou Zhang has no point in rejecting it, because if he refuses any more, he will not only have a chance to tear this page, but also be silenced by the person in front of him.

Because he blatantly tried to win over people from other camps, he definitely didn't want this matter to spread, but at that time he would only suffer from a helpless situation like himself, so Zhou Zhang could only accept him passively.

"Your Excellency has already said this for the sake of it. If I don't agree again, I'm afraid there will be some. It's too ignorant to praise."

Hearing this, Gao Yiran suddenly became excited, because what Zhou Zhang said meant that he now agreed with his idea of ​​cooperation but was not very sure, so Gao Yiran asked again.

"I wonder if the little brother really agreed to cooperate with me? Although there are certain risks in this matter, the ultimate reward is very large."

Zhou Zhang nodded, even if he didn't want to agree, he had no choice, and the current situation, the conditions he put forward did not do him any harm, it is better to agree with him first, if he finds something wrong in the future It's not too late to quit, and the main reason is that it doesn't do you any harm.

Chapter 227 Winning Friends

Gao Yiran is in a very good mood now, because not only did he successfully find a partner today, but he is also a partner with many secrets. Now he is still under his control, even if he wants to make trouble , is also impossible, and he can take advantage of this to perfectly contain him, and what he uses for himself is really the best of both worlds.

Now that the two have established a cooperative relationship, they sat down and communicated about their current situation.

After the exchange, Gao Yulan knew that the team leader had just arrived in the upper realm, so she was saying that she had found a big bargain. People are not too understanding, so they don't have too many feelings, otherwise they wouldn't be so easy to coax him into themselves.

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