Moreover, Zhou Zhang has another piece of news that makes Gao still more excited, that is, he learned about the origin of this folding fan. Before, he was just online here and found such an item, but now he has heard that it is also in the lower realm. This kind of thing, although it is not clear what the concept behind this thing is, but this is also a very big discovery.

As for Zhou Zhang, he also learned a lot of things during the conversation, but the most important thing is why he is so powerful now. It is related, and different breaths will bring different gain effects.

In addition, there is another thing that Zhou Zhang has been confused about all the time, that is the cemetery in the lower realm, which was not left by him, and when it comes to this cemetery, even Gao Yiran Was taken aback.

From his surprised expression, the purpose of questioning Zhou Zhang, and the specific situation, Zhou Zhang is sure that this cemetery may have existed for a longer time. Of course, Zhou Zhang himself does not know these things, so there is no way to do it. The answer is to Gao Yiran.

However, Zhou Zhang did tell Gao Yiren that there were some things behind the group, and he also knew from his mouth that he had several groups that existed at the same time, but because he wanted to concentrate on studying foreign things For this reason, the cultivation base that was willing to abandon it hid, and it was precisely because of this move that he escaped the strangulation.

But the most important point is that after the two talked for so much time, Gao Yiran's position and attitude towards Zhou Zhang had undergone earth-shaking changes. Before that, he only thought that Zhou Zhang was a person with some secrets. Just a Buddhist monk, but when the two of them talked about Vietnam becoming more and more expansive, they found that he was a very mysterious person who knew many things, which surprised Gao Yiran. .

And Gao Yiran is also very grateful for the choice he has made now. If he has no choice now, let Zhou Zhang join his camp, but let others develop elsewhere, Zhou Zhang will definitely be for him in the future. A very big opponent.

"Your remarks today really opened my eyes, maybe it's because I've been isolated from the world for such a long time, or maybe it's because I didn't think so much, and now I listen to you again. After the explanation and analysis, I now have a new understanding of this matter in the upper realm."

Gao still laughed when he said this. Now Zhou Zhang is not only his partner, but also a very wise counselor. He can abandon the current situation and direction for himself, which is really impossible for him. thing.

"Brother Gao is joking, it's really annoying, it's just a little brother, he just thinks about it when he's bored. If you really want to talk about it, it's not a big deal, and if Brother Gao wants to know more, you can always ask I asked."

Zhou Zhang didn't expect such a result. He originally thought that the two of them would be in a very awkward situation, but after chatting for a while, he found that Gao in front of him was still very casual and very good at communication. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to call him Big Brother Gao at the moment.

And Zhou Zhang is also very fortunate now, he just gave Gao Yiran a good analysis of the current situation in the upper realm, and it is precisely because of what he said that Gao Yiran changed his view of himself, otherwise, he would also It can only be a very ordinary helper, and will not be trusted by him at all.

"Brother Zhou is really joking, if I said I didn't meet you before, I might have been very arrogant, but now after hearing your analysis, if I understand what happened behind this, and now The situation of the group is very favorable to me. He has reached his twilight years, and he does not have much power to fight back. It is better that you call all the friends you have met. After all, he It's really not safe to stay there, but when you and I are here, you can give them more shelter."

After Zhou Zhang heard what Gao Yiran said, he also thought about it carefully. His friends now have a good relationship with him, and it is too dangerous to stay under that person now. It would be better to come to himself, although it is said that the lives of their family cannot be preserved, but the lives of several of them are completely fine, and he is secretly transferring his family.

"It's a good idea to have more Big Brother Gao let them come too, otherwise it would really hurt a few of them."

When Gao Yang heard this, he smiled and shook his head. This matter was not just for the sake of them, but to win Zhou Zhang even more, because if he saw his friend, it would make Zhou Zhang even more. If you trust yourself, you will work harder when you do things for yourself.

But of course Zhou Zhang also thought of this, but now Zhou Zhang doesn't care so much anymore. He had to do more things for Gao Yiran, because if Zhou Zhang couldn't show his ability, then his own situation would also be will be very difficult.

And at this moment, Gao Yiran just happened to give Zhou Zhang such an opportunity. On the one hand, he can show that he will be loyal, and on the other hand, he can think about his friends. If he really wants, he can come here, and he doesn't need to worry at all.

Chapter 228 This is not a joke

The conversation between the two soon ended. After all, he has already said a lot to Zhou Zhang, and now both of them understand what the situation is, and they will no longer play tricks on it, so Gao Yiran was also very relieved.

And there is another reason for Gao Yiran to leave at this moment. It is for Zhou Zhang to contact his friends because if he stays here all the time, Zhou Zhang will naturally be inconvenient to go out.

After seeing Gao Yiran go away, Zhou Zhang couldn't help but sigh. Today's incident really left him helpless. Although the final result was not bad, it meant that he would not be able to do anything in the future. I can continue to study the mysteries on those two pieces of paper, because these two pieces of paper were brought out of his cave.

And now there is this room that is even more troublesome for Zhou Zhang, that is, with the irritable character and temper of the current group, if he knows about this, he will definitely not forgive himself, so he must let his own A few friends kept the matter on guard until the family moved to safety.

Otherwise, maybe he himself will be spared because of Gao Yiran, but his friends will be involved in the nine clans because of Zu's anger.

After cleaning up his emotions, Zhou Zhang set off. The first person to look for was Zheng Zhiyuan, because compared to Xinghe, Zheng Zhiyuan was easier to convince.

Zheng Zhiyuan is a person who thinks about himself, and he is extremely dissatisfied after learning what the person is doing now, so it is more certain to say such things, but Yu Xinghe is a man. A very timid person, if he knew about such a thing, she would definitely not agree, because he was worried about facing that person's anger.

Soon, Zhou Zhang arrived at Zheng Zhiyuan's residence. The two had been in contact many times before, so at this moment Zhou Zhang entered the mansion directly.

"Brother Zhou, this matter is not a joke, but you know how big the risk is behind it. If you and I can't complete this matter perfectly, we have to face that person. Anger, you and I will not be able to bear it at that time."

Zheng Zhiyuan was startled when he heard Zhou Zhang's intention, and also knew that Zhou Zhang had joined the camp of the owner of the cemetery, which was really not like the calm and steady brother Zhou in his impression.

Zhou Zhang had expected this scene for a long time, no matter who, after hearing these words, the first reaction was not believing and rejecting, but the minister did not give up, but explained the benefits to Zheng Zhiyuan.

"Brother Zheng, you must know the reason for my decision, I will not make such an important decision easily. You must know that now you and I are both staying there. Next, have you ever thought about that one? When will he get rid of us, and after the fight with Big Brother Gao, he was at a disadvantage and fled in a hurry. After such a strength comparison, do you still Want to stay with him? And now that I've gained her trust, if you go there with me, you can move your family to a safe place in the meantime, even if that person knows Now, we don't have to be afraid of him at all, because he doesn't dare to take the initiative to trouble us."

"What... was actually defeated by the owner of the cemetery, and even fled in despair, this... how is this possible, you must know that the strength of that person has reached the ancestral level!"

After hearing these words, Zheng Zhiyuan was taken aback. It was hard for him to imagine why that one also lost. He could still accept the news of Lin Langtian's defeat a few days ago, but now that one has lost. The same fate as Lin Langtian's is a bit unbelievable.

"Brother Zheng, do you think I'm going to lie to you? I'll come up with something like this to lie to you because of this matter. If I didn't know for sure, I wouldn't have figured it out and you came to me. After that, although I can't guarantee you other things, I can assure you in terms of safety that there will be no problem with your personal safety. After all the people in your family are transferred, we will Just transfer it directly to the cave, and even if he wants to find you, there will be no way for the two of us to trouble you."

These remarks really moved Zheng Zhiyuan. Although he said that he has already arranged his family almost, but he also cherishes his own life, and the method of transferring his family is really a last resort. With a better choice, how could he not grasp it.

"Brother Zhou, for so many days, I am also very sure of your choice, and after listening to what you have said now, I am even more convinced of the correctness of this path, Brother Zhou, I will follow you. !"

Zhou Zhang laughed when he heard Zheng Zhiyuan's agreement. He had long expected that Zheng Zhiyuan would agree with him, so when he persuaded him, he chose those things that made Zheng Zhiyuan very worried and very tempting.

"Now you and I go to Brother Yu. After all, you are all right now, but it's better for Brother Yu to come over. Otherwise, if something goes wrong with him, I will feel very uncomfortable. of."

Hearing this, Zheng Zhiyuan couldn't help frowning, but he could have said that he might die anyway, so it would be better to choose a place with less mortality, but it's hard to say about Yu Xinghe, he is very timid Although people who are afraid of things are usually carefree, once their lives are involved, they will become extremely rigorous.

And now let him choose a brand new faction, and if he abandons the faction that he has brought for so long, I am afraid it will be really difficult to persuade him to move for a while.

"Brother Zheng must have also thought about the difficulty of persuading him, so I came to you first. As long as I get you through, it will be easier to talk to him. After all, the two of you are very good friends. Good friends, when the time comes, what you say will carry more weight."

After Zheng Zhiyuan heard this, he laughed. It turned out that Zhou Zhang had already expected that he would agree, so after explaining himself, he directly aimed at Yu Xinghe.

Chapter 229

However, although Zheng Zhiyuan knew that Zhou Zhang did this on purpose, he didn't say anything, because Zhou Zhang did it for the sake of the safety of the two of them, and making such a choice now might give him a chance change direction in the future.

Moreover, Zhou Zhang can completely ignore the safety of the two of him. You must know that Zhou Zhang can go to Gao Yiran alone, but he can do it without knowing it. In this way, it is safer than three people going to the opposite camp at the same time. many.

Because if there were only one or two cases, it would not have caused too much target and too much comment. If it passed suddenly, the three people would have attracted some attention anyway.

At that time, it will not only receive more attention, but will also be dissatisfied by the people in the multi-party forces. At that time, it will develop into an assassination or even an upright fight.

Now that the two have negotiated, they set off to find Yu Xinghe. Although I don’t know if Yu Xinghe will be persuaded by the two of them, but now that I understand the pros and cons, I want to take Yu Xinghe no matter what. Also pull over, otherwise the two of them will never give up.

Soon the two arrived at Yu Xinghe's residence. At the moment, Yu Xinghe is frowning at home. She has been secretly arranging these days to send her family to the lower realm, but these are not enough for him.

For Xinghe, his family is too many, and this is also due to the fact that his descendants are all flourishing, so this family has a lot of them except for those servants.

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