Everyone who touched the chapter flew backwards.

For a time, people kept coming forward, but in just a moment of effort when dealing with Zhou Zhang, they flew out again.

The previous man with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, after seeing Zhou Zhang make another move, his face became extremely frightened, and he kept retreating.

Feeling such a powerful force, Zhou Zhang was extremely happy.

With a thought, the Taishang Time Knife appeared in his hand from the system backpack.Zhou Zhang held the Taishang Time Saber and slashed towards the crowded place.

This knife, the world changes color.

The sword qi is vertical and horizontal, like a crescent moon, as if it can tear the void.

The air is still twisted.

The expressions of the people around them changed greatly, and they hurriedly avoided.

However, Zhou Zhang's speed was too fast.When the knife was approaching, they didn't react at all.

Those who were hit and flew out hurriedly sacrificed their magic weapons. Those with strong physical bodies wanted to use their physical bodies to resist, and the man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks sacrificed a shield to block them.

There are also people who directly use their attack magic weapons to resist this terrifying sword light.


The knife light fell.

He was slashed by the light of the sword, and he remained motionless, as if someone had cast a body-fixing spell, without blinking the eyes on his face.

However, the magic weapon in their hands, a sword magic weapon, was directly broken in half from the middle.

The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, his shield, was also cut off from it.

Looking carefully, at this time, the body of the pointed-mouthed monkey gills, from the front door, has a blood line on his body, and the person has been separated into two halves.

A real cut in two.

Then, one by one, people fell to the ground.

They were all beheaded by Zhou Zhang.

"Ah! How could this be?"

"No, in the same realm, why is his strength so much higher?"

"Escape, it's not a level at all!"

"Retreat, no matter how many of us are, he is no match for him."

Those who understood, shouted loudly in horror.

Zhou Zhang kept shooting.

After killing so many people, his brows gradually wrinkled.

What kind of urine is this system, why hasn't there been a prompt yet? Not even a single energy?

Zhou Zhang is in desperate need of energy now. He thought that if he killed them, he would gain more energy, but now...

It seems that the increase in strength is not a good thing, right?

Zhou Zhang found that as his strength increased, the probability of the system breaking things would decrease.


Suddenly, Zhou Zhang discovered that among the people who escaped, there were several spirits inside.

This is the person who was beheaded by Zhou Zhang before and escaped with his soul.

As soon as the Taishang Time Saber turned, it slashed past.

Immediately, the few out-of-body people who escaped were beheaded by Zhou Zhang on the spot.

Now Zhou Zhang, his perception of heaven and earth has become stronger, and more and more acupuncture points are opened in his body, so he can attack people who are out of the body without the use of the spirit of the soul.

Ding, get 40000 energy.

Ding!Gain 40000 energy.

With two crisp voices resounding in his mind, Zhou Zhang suddenly let out a smile.

That's right.

"It turns out that the person with the soul out of the body is the main dish. Most of the people killed before have not cultivated the soul, so the system automatically ignores it."

"It seems that the stronger the soul, the more energy." Zhou Zhang sighed.

When he saw those who escaped, he was no longer interested.

Zhou Zhang's soul power perception.

As long as they are powerful people, they are all within Zhou Zhang's perception.

In a moment, Zhou Zhang knew all the spirit masters he could perceive around him.

At the moment, he began to kill those spirit masters continuously.

After chasing one of them, Zhou Zhang cut his head off before he could react, and then Zhou Zhang stood there motionless.

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