Some who escaped looked back and saw Zhou Zhang waiting there, looking at the corpse.

The rest of the people were dumbfounded.

What is this guy doing?Not touching a corpse!

Just when everyone was puzzled, the lying corpse suddenly moved.

The already mortal corpse got up and ran away.

"It's interesting!" Zhou Zhang smiled and kicked him away.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhang jumped up, chased the corpse, and walked in sync with him.

"Why, haven't you come out yet?" Zhou Zhang said to the corpse.

The eyes of the already dead corpse moved.

"Brother, please forgive me!"

After that, the corpse fell to the ground.

His divine soul came out of it and turned into a dead man. Looking at Zhou Zhang's eyes, his face was terrified, and his soul knew how powerful it was.

"Brother, I only have the soul left, let me go, or I will die."

If the body dies, if the soul does not take the body and be reborn as soon as possible, it will die quickly. There is only the soul, and there is no carrier. People are like fish that have left the water and cannot survive for too long.

"That won't work, I want your soul."

After he finished speaking, Zhou Zhang raised his sword and fell, and his soul turned into energy and was absorbed by the system.

Li Yuan is also one of the escaped army.

His strength, among these people, can only be regarded as the bottom, and it is not as fast as those people to escape.

He has only practiced for a hundred years. For the past hundred years, he has been practicing martial arts hard, focusing on his own martial arts.

Li Yuan had no idea about the soul.

At first, Li Yuan also thought about cultivating the soul, but in the end, he resisted the temptation.

Spiritual souls are not something ordinary people can cultivate.

Li Yuan's family was poor and had no resources. Cultivating his physical body had exhausted his family wealth.

Therefore, in these years, although Li Yuan yearns for the divine soul, he has never cultivated his divine soul.

Chapter [-] Apprenticeship

Martial arts are powerful to the limit, and they can stand at the top of this world.

Every time he practiced, Li Yuan could think of several figures who stood at the top of the world.It is even harder to practice.

"I didn't expect to be planted here today, I shouldn't listen to those people's encouragement and start hunting down Zhou Zhang."

"Greed is the original sin, and now the retribution is coming."

Li Yuan regretted participating in the siege of Zhou Zhang, but it was too late to say anything now.

He just wants to improve his strength, that's right.This world is like this, the martial arts is respected, and the soul is supreme.

All his cultivation resources have been used up, and he can only try his luck.

However, when he got here, Li Yuan found that the so-called luck did not exist at all.There are too many people stronger than him.So, after hearing that Zhou Zhang had a treasure on his body and was seriously injured, Li Yuan was shaken.

At this moment, Li Yuan suddenly found that there was no one behind him.

The people with high strength all ran in front of him, and he was the only one left.

Li Yuan's eyes widened, and he saw Zhou Zhang holding the knife, shrinking into an inch, and he was still far away in the next second, but in a single thought, he had come to the front.

"I hate it so much that I would die here."

Li Yuan sighed inwardly.Seeing Zhou Zhang appear in front of him, Li Yuan closed his eyes.

"The weakest person doesn't even have the courage to witness death, right?"

The waiting death did not come, Li Yuan opened his eyes suspiciously, just saw Zhou Zhang staggered from his side, without even looking at him.


what's the situation?

Can't see me?

Li Yuan was extremely puzzled, and at the same time was very fortunate that such a master had ignored him.

When he looked again, he found that every time Zhou Zhang killed a person, he had to wait for a while until the other party's spirit came out of his body and Zhou Zhang shot again.

As Zhou Zhang killed more and more people, this time, they finally understood.

"What's the matter? Why don't you run."

One of them was escaping with all his strength, when he suddenly saw several people beside him stop, he turned his head and saw more people stopped.

So, he also inexplicably stopped.

As soon as he stopped here, he saw that Zhou Zhang killed several people who were cultivating the soul at the same time.

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