In the meantime, Li Yuan took time to avenge, and got a lot of money in the hands of those gangsters, which was soon spent.

The village saw that all the beasts around were killed by Li Yuan, and they complained about Li Yuan, and actually drove him out.

So, Li Yuancai came here and had the previous scene.

"Then why did you follow me and kill me?"

"I, I'm poor!" Li Yuan said pitifully after holding back for a long time.

With such a powerful reason, Zhou Zhang was really speechless.

No matter where Zhou Zhang went, Li Yuan followed him every step of the way, Zhou Zhang stopped, and Li Yuan also stopped, and the suspicion of being a follower was properly settled.

"It's useless for you to follow me, I won't accept you." Zhou Zhang came to an open place with various towering buildings in front of him. Such tall buildings are rarely seen in this world.

In the distance, at the top of a towering tower.

"Here's the guy."


Afterwards, the man in the gorgeous gray clothes suddenly had a bow in his hand.

This bow exudes a faint chill, and the bow is white.The cold air from the bow spread out, and the surrounding air became cold.

At the top of the tower, a white frost can be seen faintly.

Beside this person, the person frowned slightly after seeing the bow, and took a small step back, away from the cold air.

"This is a luxury, such a treasure, take it out at will." The man looked at the person in front of him with an envious expression.

The man holding the bow put the bow in his left hand, and then he lunged forward, a white arrow appeared on his right hand.Appears with arrows.


Take the arrow, draw the bow, draw the bow full of strings.


The sound of air waves breaking through the air sounded.

Zhou Zhang, who was walking slowly, suddenly stopped, and his perception spread.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

A silver-white arrow appeared in front of him at an incredible speed.

Zhou Zhang was about to resist when he suddenly realized that the direction of the arrow seemed to be a little off, and he hesitated for a moment.Suddenly found that something was wrong, Wushou Glazed Glass was spinning and wanted to make a move.

However, it was too late at this time, the arrow passed through Li Yuan's chest.

Li Yuan's eyes widened and he covered his chest. The arrow had penetrated his body and entered the ground.

There was no blood, but Li Yuan's body began to gradually become cold, and then his body stiffened.

Zhou Zhang frowned and came to Li Yuan, looking at Li Yuan's injury.

"Well, Brother Zhou, I'm so useless, I worship you as my teacher, but..."

For some reason, Zhou Zhang was suddenly very angry, he raised his head and looked far away.

There, there were two people, one of them was wearing a gorgeous gray shirt, and the other was wearing a black uniform of the imperial court.

"Taiyimen, people from Taiyimen and the imperial court."

Li Yuan's tone was weak, "Brother Zhou, you are not their opponent, Chu Yanghong, the great one, and Bailang, the leader of the imperial guards' eagle guards, both of them are both soul and martial arts practitioners, and their realm has reached the level of opening all the apertures. Chu Yanghong is even more advanced. After the first thunder tribulation, the existence of supernatural powers and boundless mana."

"Big Brother Zhou, I'm going to die. I've been hit by too many Frost Arrows. Very few people can survive. I'm so useless..."

Zhou Zhang looked at Li Yuan and saw that Li Yuan's limbs were stiff.

The cold air flowed through the limbs and bones, and Li Yuan's body, starting from the footsteps, gradually froze.

After that, Li Yuan became an ice sculpture.

At the top of the tower, thousands of meters away, Chu Yanghong looked at the fallen man, and then chuckled: "Oh, it shot crookedly.

The white wolf, who was wearing black imperial clothes, rolled his eyes.

"Oh, what, that person had a holiday with you, Immortal King Chu?" The white wolf was talking about Li Yuan.

"It doesn't have to be a festival, it's just an eyesore."

Saying that, Chu Yanghong had another arrow in his hand, which was placed on the bow and was about to pull.

Suddenly, his expression changed, damn it.


Zhou Zhang sighed after seeing that Li Yuan had become an ice sculpture.

Following the roar, he took out an elixir from the system backpack. After the elixir was taken out, the sound of a dragon roared. Looking at the surface of the elixir, faint dragon patterns were looming.

A hand was placed on Li Yuan's body.

Gradually, the ice cubes on Li Yuan's body dissipated, and Zhou Zhang pushed Dan into Li Yuan's wound.

At the same time that the medicinal pill entered Li Yuan's wound, a high-pitched dragon roar sounded.

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