There, Li Yuan's heart, which was about to stop beating, suddenly started beating.

The sound was like thunder, rumbling.

After doing this, Zhou Zhang picked up a gun. This gun was left by the people who were killed during the previous battle.

Zhou Zhang held it in his hand, his arm began to change luster, and the body of Wushou Glazed Glass moved.

Afterwards, Zhou Zhang rushed forward a few steps, and his footsteps slammed on the ground.

There was a huge explosion on the ground, and in an instant, Zhou Zhang threw the gun out.

Just as Chu Yanghong's arrow on the bow was about to be shot, he saw a spear flying towards him, the speed was too fast, and it was more violent than the arrow he shot before.

There was a burning breath in the air, and even behind the gun, there was a fire.


He quickly retracted the bow and arrow, and kept retreating in haste.


The top of the tower was hit.

half an hour.

In a ruin, pieces of rubble were blown away, smoke billowed, and the white wolf in black imperial uniform came out of it with a look of embarrassment.His clothes were torn.

There was a bloodstain on his face that flowed out from the corner of his eye.

The white wolf's face was ashen.

At the same time, another figure appeared.

Chu Yanghong held a strange black umbrella in his hand, and after he came out, he retracted the umbrella.

"Taiyi's Thousand Chance Umbrella, your sect is really willing." He couldn't hear praise or criticism, but seeing Bai Lang's expression, Chu Yanghong didn't say much.

Both of them were a little careless.

Obviously, White Wolf was the one who was implicated.

However, the situation at that time was too hasty, and Chu Yanghong had no choice.

"Brother Bai, how is it, is this person strong?" Chu Yanghong asked jokingly.

"The white wolf is too lazy to pay attention to him, but he showed it with his actions.

I saw that after the white wolf flashed, the man had disappeared in place.

On his body, the tiger shape appeared.

"Tiger Pao Fist, the most common practice in their imperial army. Although it is simple, it is difficult to cultivate to a more powerful state.

Relying on this martial art, the white wolf fought step by step from the small soldiers, among which, the tiger artillery fist was a move that all the people in the court yearned for.

Once upon a time, the popularity of this Tiger Cannon Fist in Yingmen surpassed several other top-level exercises.

Chapter [-] The Embarrassed White Wolf

This practice, because of him, has been pushed to the top of the list.

White Wolf's Tiger Cannon Fist has been practiced to the point of returning to the original, and the human form is the tiger form.

Every move, with the breath of the king of beasts in nature.

Seeing that the white wolf was angry, Chu Yanghong also wanted to see the power of his move.

Chu Yanghong smiled and was about to take two steps forward so that he could see more clearly.

Suddenly, in the field of vision, a figure in black clothes suddenly flew over.

As soon as Chu Yanghong's face changed, he saw that the body of the white wolf flew out faster than before, and landed again on the broken bricks and tiles where the top of the tower had been smashed before.

At this moment, the surprised Chu Yanghong's expression changed again.

He saw a glazed figure rushing towards him, his shots were extremely fast, and every move was extremely sharp.

Chu Yanghong didn't have time to take care of the white wolf, so he hurriedly responded to the attack.

Zhou Zhang's attack was unusually domineering.

Li Yuan thought he was dead, he opened his eyes.

The strong beating of his heart made him in a trance for a while, subconsciously covering his chest.However, this powerful heart beat made his eyes widen.

Look at your body.


Feeling the changes in the internal organs, Li Yuan found that he became very strong.

Looking at his skin, scales appeared.

Suddenly, bursts of voices came to my ears.

Li Yuan looked over.

This glance made Li Yuan's eyes widen.

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