"Master, I'm here." Li Yuan came to Zhou Zhang like a happy rabbit.

Zhou Zhang squinted and looked over. The latter had no wounds on his body. Li Yuan, who had taken the Dragon Transformation Pill, had a strong heart.

"This kid has great potential." Seeing Li Yuan, Hong Qi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother Hong, my name is Li Yuan, and I am Brother Zhou's apprentice." Li Yuan said familiarly, with a smile on his face.

"You..." Hong Qi pointed at him, and then at Zhou Zhang: "His apprentice?"

"Yeah, Master is here, please accept the disciples."

With that said, Li Yuan knelt down towards Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang turned around.

Li Yuan got up, came to the front of Zhou Zhang, and knelt down again.

"Master is here, please accept the disciples."

Zhou Zhang turned around again.

"Hey, you don't want such a good apprentice." Hong Qi pulled Zhou Zhang.

He looked Li Yuan up and down and found that Li Yuan's physique was really good.

"Okay, the scales on this body are really good, and the physique is special. Could it be a descendant of the dragon race?" Hong Qi tsk tsk amazed.

"How about you worship me as your teacher?" Hong Qi said.

"No." Li Yuan refused without hesitation.

In the end, Zhou Zhang was helpless and said to Li Yuan.

"Just follow if you want, but I can't accept you."

Seeing what Zhou Zhang said so solemnly, Li Yuan didn't say more, just followed him silently.

Not long after, Li Yuan was walking.

With a bang, it seemed like something was loaded.

"What's going on?" Li Yuan looked ahead.

He touched what he had just touched with his hand.

"This is an enchantment."|

Hong Qi is well-informed, he said, frowning at the same time, wondering what he was thinking?

Zhou Zhang also looked thoughtful when he saw Hong Qi's solemn appearance.He stroked the barrier in front of him with his hand and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"I don't know. But this barrier doesn't seem to have existed before. It seems to have appeared out of thin air, it seems, just to stop us." Hong Qi expressed his guess.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhang didn't say much.

If it was said that this spirit formation master was trying to stop him, who would it be?for what purpose?

"Can it be broken?" Zhou Zhang asked.

"You have to try this before you know it. I'm not very high on the formation technique."

With that said, Hong Qi asked Zhou Zhang and Li Yuan to take a few steps back.

Then, he began to observe continuously, during which he kept writing and drawing on the ground, suddenly frowning and contemplating, and suddenly realized.

Suddenly, Hong Qi stood up, and there were many strange handprints on his hands. Then, on his hands, several strange symbols were written.

"Open!" he shouted.


Suddenly, the earth shook, but after a while, everything returned to normal.

"This enchantment is not within my cognizance. The person who lays out the formation is either a good player in this way, but there is another kind of judgment I have..." Hong Qi said and paused here.

"Do you think this barrier was set up by Mr. Yuan who exists here, so you can't start, and you know too little about this barrier?" Zhou Zhang suddenly said.

"Yes, so we are likely to be targeted." Speaking of this, Hong Qi's face gradually became serious.

Even Zhou Zhang began to look serious.

"what is this?"

Suddenly, Li Yuan's voice came, and Zhou Zhang and Hong Qi looked at them at the same time.

I saw that Li Yuan was holding a sparkling object in his hand.

"Don't move." Hong Qi roared quickly.

However, it was too late.

When Li Yuan got a shiny thing in his hand, the ground shook.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The barrier that originally blocked the way suddenly began to fade, and then gradually disappeared.

Zhou Zhang looked over, and what he saw in front of him was a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

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