Everyone he could see was killing.

The people who came in and disappeared before are all here. They seem to have red eyes, red eyes, and they will kill anyone they see.

For a while, swords and swords lighted up, and all kinds of spirit masters showed their magical powers, the dark clouds changed, and the gloomy wind burst.

Chapter Sixteen Li Yuan

There are various ghosts and gods with condensed souls, constantly killing the enemy, it seems that in their eyes, except for themselves, the rest are enemies.

When Zhou Zhang and the others saw the scene here, a few red-eyed killers came to them, and before they started, they were kicked out by Li Yuan.

"Huh? Their strength has weakened a lot." Li Yuan said after knocking out a few people.

"This is a magic formation. This formation can interfere with people's minds. The longer you stay here, the easier it will be. The formation here must be destroyed immediately.

"Li Yuan, how did you crack the formation just now?" After speaking, Hong Qi looked at Li Yuan.

"I, I won't." Li Yuan said innocently.

"Before I seemed to see a red line on the barrier, I was curious, and then when I pulled it, this thing appeared in my hand. Really. Huh?"

Just when Li Yuan said this, Li Yuan suddenly discovered that there was also a red line in it.

"Why is there a red line here?" Li Yuan said, pointing to the invisible thing in front of him.

Hong Qi looked over, but couldn't see anything.

Zhou Zhang also shook his head.

"System, what's going on?" Zhou Zhang asked.


Only the masters of the formation technique, which are not one in ten thousand, can see the formation base that ordinary people can't see.

"So it is." Zhou Zhang understood.

Unexpectedly, Li Yuan was a genius of formation that was one of a kind.

"If I want to decipher this formation, can I deduce it?" Zhou Zhang asked again.

Yes, consumes 1000000 energy.

"Is it so dark-hearted?" Zhou Zhang immediately gave up the idea.

With Li Yuan, this million energy can be saved.

The energy supply is now in short supply. Many of his exercises have not been upgraded. Moreover, Zhou Zhang urgently needs a mental method to integrate all the exercises together.

Without mental methods, it is equivalent to a house without a foundation. It seems to be solid, but it can’t resist the wind and rain.

After Li Yuan pulled out the red thread that only he could see, it turned out to be another shiny thing, like a pebble.

Li Yuan put him into his storage space.

The people who were fighting suddenly stopped attacking.

The original scarlet eyes gradually returned to their normal appearance.

"Ah! How could this be? Brother, my brother, how did you die?"

"Husband, husband, what's wrong with your eyes?"

"God, what the hell is going on here, who chopped off my arm."

"No, I'm damn, I'm damn, I killed you."

At this time, the scene in front of them made everyone panic, and there was chaos in their minds.

After a while, someone remembered what happened, burst into tears, and knelt on the ground for a long time.

"What treasure, bullshit, I, Di Fugui, have been banned from the world since then."

A stout man picked up an arm from the ground and laughed loudly.

It appeared to be his brother's arm.

"We agreed to come and go together, now why are you leaving first." An old man cried while hugging the woman's body.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhou Zhang shook his head.

There is no mercy for their actions.

These people didn't think about these things when they came here before.It's a little late to regret it after you lose it.

There is no regret medicine in the world. If you embark on this road, you cannot regret it.

"You saved me?"

Suddenly, the old man grabbed Zhou Zhang's shoulder.

Zhou Zhang stopped and looked at each other.

The old man's eyes were still a little red.

"You saved me, why didn't you save my wife." The old man's eyes suddenly turned red again.

"You devil, I want to kill you, why don't you save my wife." He suddenly attacked Zhou Zhang.

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