Hong Qi looked at the magic weapon inside, tsk tsk amazement, and suddenly said: "Brother Zhou, let's separate first! There may be other opportunities here, see if our luck is good enough."

"This is a small thing I made." A shell-like thing appeared in Hong Qi's hand.

He said: "In case of danger, inject the soul into it, and this little thing will shine. When the time comes, I will come to support. Of course, if I encounter danger, I will also notify you."

"One of the three of us, remember, when the shell lights up, the brighter it is, the closer it is."

After giving Li Yuan and Zhou Zhang a small magic weapon like a shell, Hong Qi flew into the air and looked for his own chance.

This thing, for Zhou Zhang, is not very useful.

His current perception is very powerful, as long as there is danger, he can perceive it.What's more, with his current strength, he encountered a danger that he could not handle, and it was impossible to ask for support.People he couldn't deal with, let Hong Qi and Li Yuan come over, just to die.

"Master, I'm still with you."

Li Yuan was afraid that Zhou Zhang would take the opportunity to get rid of him, and said immediately.

"No, you also leave, look for your own chance, don't worry, if there is danger, I will come."

Saying that, Zhou Zhang ignored Li Yuan's reaction and actually took a step forward, stepped out and disappeared.

The speed was so fast that Li Yuan didn't even have a chance to keep him.

Li Yuan was messed up in the wind alone. He looked at the people around him and walked forward with a bitter face.

After Zhou Zhang took a step, he came to a mansion that looked like a rich family.

The reason why I came here is because in Zhou Zhang's perception, there is a kind of atmosphere of the prehistoric period in it.

Inside this mansion, there is likely to be a terrifying thing hidden.

Inside the mansion is a garden-like place with a pavilion, surrounded by all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, all kinds of rockeries, and strange stones.

Inside, Zhou Zhang's eyes saw a broken mahogany sword.

This peach wood sword, a long time ago, has lost its previous appearance.

It looks badly decayed.

However, Zhou Zhang could still see a special pattern on the peach wood sword.

Zhou Zhang had encountered this pattern before when they encountered the spirit formation.

Zhou Zhang picked up the broken peach wood sword from the ground and looked at it carefully.

Suddenly, his brows wrinkled, and he glanced in the direction not far away.

Zhou Zhang picked up the Taomu Broken Sword and walked in the direction he had just glanced at.

At the foot of a rockery, Zhou Zhang stopped the script.

Zhou Zhang raised his head and his eyes fell on a stone on the rockery.

The stone has turned black.

Zhou Zhang suddenly frowned.

This stone is not naturally black, but because of some force, it becomes black the day after tomorrow.

Chapter [-]: Li Yuan Asks for Help

Most importantly, Zhou Zhang also felt a trace of ancient aura on this stone, and this aura was stronger than before.

Hand on this black stone.


The stone suddenly shattered.

The shattered stone fell to the ground, and a black scale fell there.

Zhou Zhang Nian wrapped the scale and held it in his hand.

He looked carefully.

"This scale is a bit familiar!" Zhou Zhang said to himself, putting the obtained scale into the system backpack.

He still doesn't know what the scales are.

Inside this mansion.Zhou Zhang only got a broken peach wood sword and an unknown black scale.

Just as he was about to leave, Zhou Zhang suddenly looked at the mansion again.

"What's the matter?" He felt the breath again.

This breath is the same as the breath I sensed before, and it is different from the scales I got.

This kind of breath, how to say, is not ancient, but a kind of sad breath.

It's a hot breath.

Zhou Zhang finally felt it.

There is something terrifying in it.

Zhou Zhang's perception was constantly circling.His thoughts were searching, strand by strand.

Until his thought came to the ground, in one place, the thought lost its induction.

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