The hot air evaporated Zhou Zhang's thoughts.

"What a strong heat."

Zhou Zhang determined the position and walked into a room. He wandered for a while, then came to the bedroom, opened the bed in front, and saw a dark cabin below.

In fact, Zhou Zhang can directly enter the ground with his soul, and he can know what is hidden below.

However, Zhou Zhang did not do this, but chose the safest method.

At this moment, in Zhou Zhang's perception, someone entered the mansion.

Zhou Zhang hid his breath.

Thoughts quietly cover it out.

After sensing the arrival, Zhou Zhang was surprised.

These two people are none other than Long Yue and Long Ye who were rescued by Zhou Zhang.

After the two entered the mansion, they searched for it.

Long Ye held a map in his hand, and walked while looking at it, frowning from time to time, as if there was something wrong with him.

"Senior brother, what's the matter?" Long Yue asked when she saw the other party's appearance.

"No, the master said that what he was looking for is right here, how could it not be there?" Longye said puzzled.

"I felt a strong aura before, but it disappeared very quickly. Moreover, that aura seems to be what Master is looking for." Long Yue said with a memory after listening to Long Ye's words.

"Can you feel it?" Long Ye looked at Long Yue curiously.

"Hehe, no wonder, that kid gave you things like the Dragon Transformation Pill, and it should be your strength to increase. Now your strength is stronger than mine, Senior Brother feels ashamed. However, that kid has the Dragon Transformation Pill. I have to tell Master about the matter." As he spoke, Long Ye seemed to think of Zhou Zhang, and murderous aura appeared in his eyes again.

"Senior brother, why are you doing this? Zhou Zhang gave the Dragon Transformation Pill to save me. If you told Master, it would mean harming him, so you can't be more generous." Long Yue said angrily.

"You really thought that guy was kind, maybe he was spying on you, no matter what you said, if that kid dared to hit you, he would be dead."

Zhou Zhang, who was hiding in the dark warehouse, knew it.

It was them.

It seems that they came here this time with a purpose.Moreover, these two people have maps in their hands, and they seem to be quite familiar with this place.

This place, with a history of thousands of years, is only open now, and the two of them actually have a map, which is really incredible.

"It seems that the first item can only be left temporarily. Master gave us three things, and the last two items must be obtained."

"The second thing on this map seems to be here too, I don't know where it is." The two kept looking for it.

Zhou Zhang heard their voices and guessed that the two were probably thinking about the thing underground.

Their purpose is clear.

Zhou Zhang ignored them and wanted to go underground.

At this moment, the small shell in his arms suddenly began to glow.

Zhou Zhang was stunned, and took out the shell that Hong Qi had given him when he left.I saw that the shell continued to emit light, twinkling.

This is a signal that someone is calling for help.

Zhou Zhang glanced at the underground passage, a little difficult to decide.

I saw that the shell kept flickering, and it seemed to be very anxious.

Zhou Zhang shielded his thoughts from radiation and searched for them.

After a while, he found out who sent the distress signal.

Seeing Li Yuan being chased by a large group of people, Li Yuan was so frightened that he fled, while talking about the soul's thoughts entering the shell, the light emitted from the shell illuminated far away.

Li Yuan, who was at the moment of crisis, could not underestimate his strength when he escaped and broke out.

Zhou Zhang withdrew his spiritual sense and glanced at the underground passage. Then, his body disappeared into the passage.

Ripples rippled in the air.

Even if Zhou Zhang's movements were small when he left, there were still traces left.

The movement here was directly discovered by Long Yue and Long Ye.

Soon, the two came to the place where Zhou Zhang had come.

"Who?" Long Ye shouted loudly.

Later, the two entered the bedroom and saw the bed board that was opened first.

"here is?"

Long Yue's eyes lit up, revealing a happy smile.

Li Yuan prayed while running.

The mouth is also constantly shouting.

"Master, please help."

"Hong Qi, where are you?"

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