"Stop chasing, I'll give you the things back."

Li Yuan shouted while running.

"Stinky boy, hand over the treasure quickly." There was a large group of people behind them, all chasing Li Yuan fiercely.

"Don't kill me when I hand it over!" Li Yuan said panting.

"You hand it over! We promise not to shoot at you." said a tall and mighty bearded man.

Seeing the speed promised by the other party, Li Yuan couldn't believe what the other party said.

However, he still took out what was in his hand.

A small blue book appeared in his hand.

"Then agreed, I'll hand it over, you don't want to shoot." With that, Li Yuan handed over the things in his hand.

The moment Li Yuan threw out the things in his hand, the knife in the hand of the bearded man who promised not to kill him suddenly lit up.

"Damn it, you said that if you don't shoot, what are you doing with the knife?" When he saw the bearded man, he suddenly attacked the person next to him.

The other person saw this and hurriedly avoided.

This bearded man actually murdered the people next to him for this small book, wanting to take it for himself.

What they didn't expect was that when the bearded man shot and killed the people around him, other people took over what Li Yuan threw.

Chapter [-]: Eight Arrays

When he saw it in his hand, he was instantly furious.

"Boy, you dare to play with us, this is not what I want at all." After speaking, he raised his fist and hit Li Yuan.

Escape again inside.

"You didn't say what to hand over, how do I know what it is?"

Li Yuan was right.Along the way, he grabbed the magic weapon when he saw it, and whatever he did, he put it into the storage space.

These things can be sold for a lot of money, and then I can finally eat delicious food.

However, when Li Yuan was gunning for the treasure, he accidentally rushed into the opponent's territory and grabbed a secret manual.

And at that moment, the two groups of people kept fighting, just for this secret manual.

Now it has been snatched away by a boy who entered inexplicably.

As a result, the two parties worked together to hunt down Li Yuan.

"Am I wrong? I really don't know what it is. There are too many things in my dimension. If you stop and take a break, I will show you the things in the dimension."

Li Yuan turned back and said from time to time.

When he turned around, he was startled, and saw the other party was panting like a cow and his face was flushed.

"I don't believe you anymore. Along the way, you have thrown no less than ten treasures, none of which are real." This person seems to have suffered from the previous losses.

"After chasing him, this kid has no truth."

"Oh, this kid has such a strong endurance, and after chasing him for so long, there is no trace of fatigue."

"Don't let me catch him."

Those who were chasing him suddenly discovered a fact.

That is, no matter how they chased, the other party could run away, and the other party was chased so far, but he still had the strength, looking at his face, he didn't seem to have any feeling.

It is true that Li Yuan, who ate the Dragon Transformation Pill, has become very strong during this period of time, but he has not discovered it himself.

"Hurry up and hand over the Eight Diagrams, or you will die."

"It turned out to be an eight-array map, but I don't know what it is." Li Yuan replied immediately after hearing the words behind.

Seeing the expression on Li Yuan's face that I don't know anything, both parties had a headache.

What is this kid doing?

"Boy, the Eight Array Diagrams are treasures from the ancient times. I thought that the handbooks left by the powerful ones described the eight strongest formations at that time, as well as various experiences and experiences about the formations. Among the formations, the gods You'd better hand over the existence of the highest level."

"Uh, I..."

Li Yuan is hesitating whether to hand it over.

Suddenly, he found that another group of people appeared on his left.

He was surrounded.

"Hehe, let's see where you're going."

"Brother Wang, thank you for leading the team to support, or else you won't be able to stop this kid."

"You're welcome, it's okay, when the treasure is obtained, let us observe it."

He was called Brother Wang and blocked in front of Li Yuan.

The three-way attack, the three-way force, directly blocked Li Yuan's back road, and Li Yuan had nowhere to escape.

Divine Soul kept putting his thoughts into the shell, and Li Yuan anxiously waited for rescue.

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