"kill him."

These people attacked Li Yuan together.

Li Yuan was so frightened that he quickly resisted, he wanted to use his own body to resist.Li Yuan knew that doing so was futile.

Unfortunately, he does not have Zhou Zhang's physical body.

"Oh, if only my physical body could be as strong as Master's." Li Yuan closed his eyes and waited for death.

Suddenly, the surrounding silence was a bit terrifying, and Li Yuan opened his eyes.He saw that Zhou Zhang was standing in front, looking at himself with a smile.

The attacks of these people all fell on Zhou Zhang.


The powerful anti-shock force directly shook all these people out.

"Ah!" The constant screams came out.

These people flew a long distance before they got up.

"What just happened?"

"It's Zhou Zhang, how could he come?"

These people kept backing away in horror.

"Go away if you don't want to die."

Zhou Zhang said lightly.

Some of these people listened to Zhou Zhang's words and left immediately without looking back. Some people were unwilling and said, "You ask him to hand over the Eight Arrays, and we will leave. Otherwise, we will not leave if we die."

"Yes, this kid stole our eight-array map, gave it back to us, and we'll leave, otherwise we won't leave if you kill us."

Zhou Zhang was too lazy to talk nonsense with them.

Move directly.

Bang bang bang sounded a few times, the two people who spoke just now were killed on the spot, and they died without even escaping their souls.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you."

The domineering words were spoken, and no one dared to say more.

The rest of the people swallowed a mouthful of saliva and left in a hurry. No one asked him to return the Eight Array Diagrams.

Shocked by these people, Zhou Zhang asked, "What is the Eight Diagrams?"

Li Yuan immediately explained to Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang lamented Li Yuan's luck.

Li Yuan is an unparalleled array genius. Now that he has obtained eight array diagrams, someone gave him a pillow when he fell asleep. It is like a tiger with wings. Over time, Li Yuan's achievements will not be smaller than Hong Qi's.

Seeing that the rest of the people had already left, Zhou Zhang sounded the strong prehistoric atmosphere of the previous mansion.

He set off immediately and prepared to go to the mansion again, otherwise it would be too late and they would be captured by Longye.

Seeing Zhou Zhang leave, Li Yuan quickly followed, and he was no longer alone this time.

When Zhou Zhang and the others came to the mansion, the mansion had been razed to the ground.

A strong man stood on these ruins, guarding the field.

A faint bloody smell came, and Zhou Zhang narrowed his eyes.

The breath of this blood is the breath of the dragon clan. When he rescued Long Yue before, it was such a breath.

This big man standing on the ruins was one of the masters in Jiangnan at that time.

"My name is Musashi, boy, were you arrogant before?" Musashi recognized Zhou Zhang, who was the one who had conflicts with the bald brothers before.

"If you think I'm arrogant, then I'll show it to you again." Zhou Zhang shot.

Taishang time knife took out and cut it with one knife.

This knife, the world changed. The man named Musashi took out a sledgehammer and was about to resist. Suddenly, he felt a breath that was so powerful that it suffocated him, and a horrified expression appeared on his face.

The power of this knife was too strong, he was careless.

I thought it was an ordinary knife, but I didn't expect such a fast speed and such terrifying power.

With the sledgehammer in his hand desperately resisting, cold sweat broke out on Musashi's forehead.


The sledgehammer in his hand suddenly cracked.

Musashi dodged in horror, and Kankan avoided the sword light.

He glanced at Zhou Zhang in fear, and saw that Zhou Zhang suddenly moved towards a gap cut by the sword light and went underground.

The screams from below had already been heard, and Zhou Zhang could clearly feel that this was their struggle below.

At the same time as Zhou Zhang went down, Musashi had already reflected and hurriedly prepared to block Zhou Zhang.

Chapter [-]: Nirvana Fire

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