Next, their boss explained that no one should be allowed to approach, so Musashi tried his best to block Zhou Zhang.

If the boss's order cannot be carried out, the consequences are very dire.

"Help me stop him."

Zhou Zhang suddenly said when he saw the other party rushing over.

"Ah!" Li Yuan was startled.

"I, I can't." Li Yuan shook his head in fright.


In the distance, a flywheel flew over from the sky and hit Musashi. The flywheel hit the opponent and made a dull sound. The opponent's body seemed to be of fine iron.

"He was talking about me." Hong Qi appeared and caught the flywheel that just flew out.

"Brother Hong Qi, you are finally here." Li Yuan said happily as if he had found an organization.

Zhou Zhang was not too surprised when he saw Hong Qi.As soon as Hong Qi appeared, Zhou Zhang felt it.

What he said just now was for Hong Qi.

Seeing that Hong Qi was fighting with the opponent, Zhou Zhang was ready to go.

Seeing this, Li Yuan immediately said, "Master, what about me?"

"You stay here and wait." Saying that, regardless of Li Yuan's reaction, he moved and the person was already heading down.

The heat down here is a little scary.

Zhou Zhang Wugou's glazed body moved towards the depths.

The breath is different.

This is hot air. What I felt before is the air of a king. Although the two auras are close, they are different.As he went deeper into Zhou Zhang, he suddenly saw a fire in the distance.He passed quickly.

Just see that the heat comes from this fire.

"This is?" Zhou Zhang looked over curiously.I saw that the breath above the fire was extremely terrifying, as if anything in the world would turn into ashes in this fire.

However, the fire at this time was extremely weak, and it seemed that it might be extinguished at any time.

He just stretched out his hand when he saw the fire light climbed directly onto his hand.


Zhou Zhang hurriedly wanted to throw off the firelight in pain.

He did not expect that such a weak flame would actually cause the Wushou Glazed Glass Body, who had cultivated to the fourth floor, to feel pain.This is very incredible.

You must know that since Zhou Zhang practiced the Wushou Glazed Glass Body, there was nothing that caused him pain.

Now, it was this flame that made him hurt.

"System, what is this? Energy body?" Zhou Zhang asked.

He wanted to see if the system could convert it into energy.

Such a strong flame, converted into energy, is estimated to have a lot of gains.

The fire of Nirvana, the flame left by the phoenix, has a faint breath of life and cannot be transformed.

The system voice said.

"It's actually the flame of the phoenix's nirvana! So what does this mean, is this phoenix successful or not?"

Zhou Zhang felt a little puzzled.

However, he didn't have time to sigh, and Long Yue's breath was getting weaker and weaker in the perception of Divine Soul Thought.

He tried to put the Nirvana flame into the system backpack, but he didn't expect it to be put in.

Zhou Zhang was a little surprised.

After that, Zhou Zhang moved forward again.After a while, Zhou Zhang saw the scene in front of him.

I saw that several strong men from Jiangnan were besieging Long Yue alone.Longye has been injured and is lying on the side at this time.

Long Yue absorbed the Dragon Transformation Pill given by Zhou Zhang, and his strength has improved greatly. Now he has been able to fight with several of their masters for so long without losing. It can be seen that the effect of the Dragon Transformation Pill is amazing.

However, the main reason for this is that his dragon clan was born with a strong physical body, otherwise, he would have died long ago with such an injury.

"The soul of Xuanwu and the fire of nirvana are ours, little girl of the dragon family, please step back obediently, lest this old man kill you."

The pale green boss said in a deep voice.

"For the sake of the Black Dragon King, I won't kill you, but you don't want to be aggressive, especially the little girl, because you are talented, and the old man has the heart to let you go. Don't be appreciative."

"Hmph, the Soul of Xuanwu and Nirvana Fire are things that Master explained, and they must be handed over to me." Long Yue's clear voice sounded, and she seemed rather unwilling and did not want to give up.

"You are courting death." Hearing Long Yue's words, he suddenly became furious, his eyes suddenly changed color.

Immediately, Long Yue felt the world spinning, and his soul was about to burst.

This method of directly killing the soul is really terrifying, and Long Yue can't resist it at all, and the soul will dissipate immediately.

At this critical juncture, a figure suddenly landed beside him, picked him up by the waist, and disappeared into the ground in a blink of an eye.

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