"What? Brat, how dare you ruin my good deeds?" Seeing Zhou Zhang suddenly appear, he rescued Long Yue.

He was suddenly furious, and he shot three palms in a row, and these three palms flew directly towards Zhou Zhang.

While catching Long Yue, Zhou Zhang also picked up the unconscious Long Ye and left with the two of them.

Zhou Zhang, the palm print behind him, didn't even care, and let the three palms hit his back directly.

A huge thrust suddenly came from Zhou Zhang's back.

He was on the fourth floor of the Wushou Glazed Glass Body, and he did not suffer any damage. Instead, Zhou Zhang left quickly because of this force.

Seeing that his three palms did not kill the opponent, a gloomy chill flashed in Wood's eyes.

He didn't expect that the kid who had been neglected by him before would come to trouble him.After I got the Soul of Xuanwu and Nirvana Fire, I went to kill this kid.

At this moment, the bald monk suddenly appeared, and there was anger in his eyes.

"Boss, the Nirvana fire is gone."


Wood's eyes widened in surprise, and he immediately asked: "How is it possible, who has the ability to collect Nirvana fire?"

They had tried many methods before, but they were unable to collect the Nirvana fire. Moreover, one of their brothers was injured and turned to ashes while collecting the Nirvana fire.

After that, they ignored the flames of Phoenix Nirvana, and came to the inside, ready to obtain the soul of Xuanwu.

It's just that there are not only Xuanwu, but also two little guys from the dragon family.

So, a battle just started.

Xuanwu was lying in the depths at this time, and the chains on his body locked him completely.

His eyes narrowed as if he were asleep.

He's been trapped here for thousands of years, and every day is torture.

Fortunately, Xuanwu is not naturally moved, otherwise, it is estimated that he will be insane in these long years.

The guy next door wasn't so lucky.

Xuanwu thought to himself.

"Li Yuan is waiting bored.

Zhou Zhang told him to wait here, and he didn't go anywhere.

The fight between Hong Qi and the other side couldn't help. Besides, looking at the momentum, Hong Qi was stronger than the other side.Li Yuan also enjoyed watching the play.

"Left, be careful he's attacking you."

"Oops, his sledgehammer is coming."

While watching the battle, Li Yuan interjected.

Suddenly, the ground shook.Two figures were thrown from the ground.

Chapter [-]: Soul Attack

Li Yuan looked over, and it was actually Long Yue and Long Ye, who hurried forward to check the injury.

"What kind of wind brought you here? My God, how could you be hurt so badly? You're going to die!"

Then I heard Zhou Zhang's voice: "Help me take care of them."

Hearing Zhou Zhang's words, Li Yuan glanced at the dying Long Yue and Long Ye.

It's a little trickier now.

Master asked me to take good care of them. What should I do if they die?

"Hey, brother, you must not die."

Zhou Zhang explained and then returned to the bottom again.

At this time, Wood and the others had already exploded.

They did not expect that someone would be able to collect the Nirvana flame, which was their mistake.

"Hurry up and kill that Xuanwu, take out the soul of Xuanwu, lest it change later." Wood explained, and several people quickly came to Xuanwu, who was locked by the chain.

"Xuanwu, obey us obediently, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

Xuan Wu's eyelids suddenly opened, then closed again, ignoring them.

"After so many years, I am afraid that your strength is not one in ten. Do you still want to resist? Obediently obey, we may not let you die too ugly."

Xuanwu's body suddenly moved.

Like a giant, the tall body turned around, and he suddenly said: "If you want to kill or cut you, I don't care about Xuanwu."

After speaking, Xuan Wu closed his eyes again, as if he really didn't care.

"If that's the case, let's do it."

Saying that, several people shot at the same time, and one of them grabbed a chain.

These chains absorbed the strength of Xuanwu seven to eighty-eight. If not, Xuanwu would not be so weak.

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