Every time Xuanwu praises the energy, it will be absorbed by the chain. In recent years, Xuanwu's strength has not only not improved, but has also regressed a lot.

After they took hold of the chains, Xuan Wu suddenly found that the remaining power in his body was quickly disappearing.

"Old guy, do you think we're not prepared? Although your strength is less than one-tenth of what it was before, just in case, I prepared a method for you to drain your strength and break your tortoise shell. ."

"You, damn it, even if I die, Xuanwu will not let you go." Xuanwu kept trying to break free, but the chains on his body restricted his movement.

"Damn Yuan Tianyi, who trapped us in this ghost place, practiced medicine pills for a lifetime, and finally refined himself. You will die if you die, why should we be buried with you?"

Xuanwu howled wildly, and said one thing after another in his mouth, which seemed to be quite unexpected news.

However, Wood and the others completely ignored Xuanwu's howling.

Seeing that the time was almost ripe, Wood took out a knife from the storage space. The knife was unsheathed, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

This knife is somewhat similar to Zhou Zhang's Taishang time knife, but it is somewhat different.

The breath on this knife is too cold.

Wood held the knife and was about to slash on Xuanwu's back.

"Take apart your tortoise shell today."

As soon as the words fell, a thunderbolt of cold light appeared, and the bearer's incomparable momentum suddenly fell on two of the chains.

The two chains snapped and were cut off.

At the same time, the cold light of the Taishang Time Sword shone on this dark place, and Zhou Zhang appeared in the field with the sword in one hand.

After being cut off by the sword light, Xuanwu felt much more relaxed.

"It's you again, your kid has ruined my affairs many times."

Wood looked at each other with a split-eyed expression.

Having been destroyed twice by Zhou Zhang, no matter how well-mannered he was, he couldn't help but get angry.

At this time, Xuanwu felt a familiar aura on Zhou Zhang's body.

"It's A Li's breath, boy, is the Nirvana fire on you?" Xuan Wu's rich voice fell in Zhou Zhang's ears.

This voice sounded quite excited.

"Uh, I did receive a flame."

Zhou Zhang told the truth.

"What? Nirvana Fire was taken by your kid!"

Hearing Zhou Zhang's words, Wood and the others were even more furious.

Among them, the bald-headed monk couldn't bear it for a long time, and a sword transformed into a sword in his hand, killing Zhou Zhang.

"No, I can't take it anymore, it's hard to solve my hatred if I don't kill him." The tall man also shot at Zhou Zhang.

For a time, several people killed Zhou Zhang at the same time.

Zhou Zhang had already put the Taishang Time Saber on his shoulder, and when he saw the opponent's shot, he suddenly took the saber in his hand and pulled a knife flower.




Three knives, each knife is a change.Implies his comprehension of swordsmanship.

In his hands, the Sun-Driving Sword Technique has realized something new.

Several people rushed to the body, and suddenly several blood lines flew out.

On the head of the bald monk, there was a blood opening visible to the naked eye, and the blood inside was spurting out.

The other two didn't necessarily get there, and both saw blood.

"This kid is so strong."

Several of them were shocked.

He had obviously underestimated Zhou Zhang's strength before.

"Wood was also surprised to see that his brothers were wounded three times by Zhou Zhang.

Quick shot: "Looking for death!"

Wood suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Zhang.

This action is the same as the previous action of killing the souls of several people.

He suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Zhang, and looked at Zhou Zhang with a pair of fantastic eyes.

Suddenly, Zhou Zhang turned his soul, and in the back of his mind, a Tathagata Buddha appeared.

In Wood's eyes, a terrifying light shot out.

In Zhou Zhang's eyes, the big Buddha clasped his hands together.


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