Suddenly, Zhou Zhang's brows stinged, and he felt that the Great Sun Tathagata seemed to be about to collapse. The power of this person's soul was indeed very powerful.

Immediately, Zhou Zhang once again transformed into countless Yasha kings.

The moment Yaksha King appeared, it disappeared.

"Hey, Chaos Demon Ape, come out!"

Zhou Zhang was a little anxious, deep between his eyebrows, suddenly, a demon incarnation appeared.

At the moment when the Demon Ape appeared, Wood's eyes suddenly felt a tingling sensation.

Wood was shocked. He didn't expect Zhou Zhang to practice so much on the soul. Immediately, a vertical eye suddenly appeared in the depths of his eyebrows.

This eye that appears between Wood's eyebrows seems to be able to see through all falsehoods, and it can also generate powerful soul attack power.

At the moment when this vertical eye appeared, Wood's spirit power became several times stronger.

Just as Wood raised his eyebrows and looked towards Zhou Zhang.

The vertical eye seemed to have seen something that terrified him, and immediately, blood flowed from the vertical eye.

Chapter [-]: Kill Wood

Wood made an unbelievable voice: "Impossible, what exactly is the Divine Soul Cultivation Technique you practice?"

Everyone else was shocked.

The spirit of the boss has never lost his hand, and today it fell into the hands of a young man. They couldn't believe it.

Zhou Zhang's spirit attack he had never seen before.

The bald monk and others helped Wood up.

Wood looked at Zhou Zhang with an undecided expression.

"What exactly is your Divine Soul Cultivation Technique?"

Wood asked again.

His vertical eyes, unprecedented pain, did not expect Zhou Zhang's spirit to be so powerful.

At that moment, Wood suddenly saw a pair of eyes looking towards him, and then, when he saw those eyes, he suddenly let out a scream, and then his soul was severely damaged, and within a short time, It's hard to recover.

Zhou Zhang was at a loss for the sudden change. He didn't know what happened?

However, since the other party's soul was injured, of course, he took advantage of his illness to kill him.

The Taishang Heavenly Will Sword was in his hand, and the light of the training swords immediately slashed at Wood's body. Wood let out a scream, and the rest of the people hurriedly retreated. They were shocked by Zhou Zhang's sudden attack a few steps back.He quickly looked at Wood.

I saw that Wood's body was covered in blood. He was wearing a protective body armor, which was cut in half by Zhou Zhang with a knife. At this time, a thin line on his body was running from top to bottom, and blood was spurting out of it. .

"It didn't kill you?"

Zhou Zhang was a little surprised, he didn't expect the other party to wear protective armor.

This treasure armor is also Wood's treasure. It is worn on the body to protect the body. It is difficult for others to kill him, and even his body protection treasure armor cannot be broken.

Now, Zhou Zhang slashed his treasure armor with a knife, and even his body was seriously injured.

"If you want to know my divine soul technique, I'll tell you in the next life."

Saying that, Zhou Zhang stepped forward with his knife again.

When the bald monk and the others saw this, they used their magical powers to kill Zhou Zhang.

In this spare time, Wood also stood up, his eyes were cloudy and uncertain, and his eyes full of killing intent stared at Zhou Zhang in the field.

This kid is a scourge, he must be killed. "

Xuanwu, who was being locked by the chains, looked at Zhou Zhang and their battle in the field, wondering what he was thinking?At this time, after Zhou Zhang cut two chains off his body, he used his own strength to break free one of the chains again. Now, there is only one chain left.

This chain is no longer enough to absorb the energy of his cultivation.

Therefore, he has to take the opportunity to cultivate and restore some strength, so as not to have troubles after breaking free.

Xuanwu couldn't count on Zhou Zhang. Although Zhou Zhang helped him cut off two chains, Xuanwu didn't know whether Zhou Zhang wanted to save him or had other plans.

After living for thousands of years, Xuanwu has seen more people and things than he has been present in his entire life, and he can see many things better than anyone else.

"This son is very talented, he has untied my two chains, and now he is in crisis, but looking at his state, it seems that he has not done his best and can't wait any longer. This is a good opportunity for me to escape."

There is an anxious breath in the air, and everyone is a powerful master, which is rare among human beings.

They didn't know that Zhou Zhang had reached the essence of fist intent not long ago, and every time he attacked, no matter where he hit, he would send out a substantial attack.

His knife slashed on the opponent's sword, and the sword was directly cut off by Zhou Zhang.

One of the bald monk's arm was cut off by Zhou Zhang in an instant, and blood gushed out.

The bald monk screamed.

Seeing this, the others shot even more aggressively.

Now, in a situation where you are dead or I am dead, no one will be soft-hearted, and they are all desperately taking out the unique magical powers they have cultivated. No one dares to have any

At a critical moment, any soft-heartedness will kill oneself.

"Kill, his means have been exhausted."

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