Wood snorted loudly, and countless flames suddenly appeared all over his body.

When the others saw Wood's flames, they stepped back immediately, and at the same time, a mirror appeared in their hands.

Put the mirror on Wood.

Immediately, the flame on Wood's body became even bigger, and the fire was fierce.As soon as this flame came out, the temperature between heaven and earth suddenly rose a lot.

This is his killer move.

He originally wanted to obtain Nirvana Fire to improve his strength, but he did not expect to kill a Zhou Zhang halfway, disrupting his plan.

Only by killing Zhou Zhang and taking back the Nirvana Fire, then his strength will be even better, otherwise, everything will be in vain.

The flame cooperates with the formation, and it seems to be very strong.

Zhou Zhang frowned when he saw such an attack. Suddenly, he thought of the Nirvana flame he had taken back in the system backpack, and had an idea.

With a thought, before Wood came over in flames, he suddenly raised his hand.

Nirvana fire flew out of his palm.

This small cluster of flames, after seeing the flames all over Wood's body, suddenly rushed out like a fishy cat encountering salted fish, and when Zhou Zhang was approaching, he didn't respond, and was stunned there.

"This is, Wood, who was about to burn Zhouzhang with flames, suddenly noticed the change in the surrounding temperature. This was not the change in the flames on his body.

He was very familiar with this flame, the temperature suddenly rose, and Wood's face suddenly distorted.

He saw the Nirvana fire flying towards him.

Such a small group of flames made him instantly pale when he saw it.

"Nirvana Fire!"


Wood let out a scream, and the Nirvana fire just stained his body, and immediately began to swallow the flames on Wood's body. After a while, the flames on Wood's body disappeared.

And Wood, when the Nirvana fire devoured the flames on his body, turned into fly ash, and was blown away by the wind of fire, dissipating invisible.

The rest of the people saw that Wood was dead, and immediately put down the magic weapon in their hands and ran away.

Zhou Zhang swung his saber and released two sabre qi, and immediately, the rest of the people's bodies were torn apart, and those who died could no longer die.

"Zhou Zhang killed a few people and took back the Nirvana Fire again.

Nirvana Fire in his palm, the temperature seems to have increased a lot, and the volume has also increased a bit.

Such a change made Zhou Zhang a little happy.A flame that can grow, I don't know what will change in the future.

Put the Nirvana Fire into the system backpack again.

Zhou Zhang checked his energy, no surprise, after killing these people, his energy increased by one million again.

Now, one million energy is not enough for Zhou Zhang to be interested.

What he cared about was a white light group that the system put away after killing Wood.

The light group was called out.


Obtaining the true eye of the divine soul technique, you can see through all falsehoods, see thousands of miles, and attack the divine soul.

Zhou Zhang saw such an introduction and was just about to absorb cultivation.

Chapter Thirty: Unable to Cultivate

Suddenly, just when Zhou Zhang was preparing to practice.

In the depths of his mind, the Chaos Demon Ape suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, Zhou Zhang's spirit once again saw a tall and mighty peerless demon monkey in a mysterious void. He was holding a huge weapon.

This weapon goes straight to the sky.

"The demon monkey with that pair of eyes looked towards the void in the distance.

"True Monarch Xiansheng, you have also been sealed."

"Er dare, get out."

Zhou Zhang suddenly felt dizzy, he withdrew from his own thoughts, his heart was horrified, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"what is this?"

Zhou Zhang was a little puzzled.

This is the second time this has happened, and it has never happened before.

The cultivation method was directly shocked by the opponent's pair of eyes and retreated.

The Eye of Reality is in the hands of the governor and cannot be practiced. This is the first time that the practice cannot be practiced.

Zhou Zhang gave up the idea of ​​​​cultivation. This matter can only be explored in the future to find the reason.

At this moment, a loud bang came from a distance, knocking Zhou Zhang's thoughts back.He looked into the dark depths.

There, Xuanwu has lifted the seal formation that has been plagued by chains for a long time.

Xuanwu, who was several feet tall, moved his body.

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