"The artifact is not something I can get if I want it, old guy, what exactly are you thinking about?"

Xuanwu's calm and powerful voice seemed to come from the depths of the sea: "The Nine Dragon Cauldron has no dragon blood, so it cannot be activated and becomes a real artifact. The current Nine Dragon Cauldron, like ordinary mortal objects, no one will care about him."

Chapter Thirty-One: Finding Artifacts

"I've lived most of my life, although I've been watching this artifact for a long time, but it's impossible for me to improve my strength. If the Nine Dragon Cauldron is useless, I'll treat it as a good fate for my old fellow. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to get out of trouble. ."

Xuanwu's words could not be heard whether it was true or false, but Zhou Zhang was not afraid. Since he knew where the divine weapon was, he had no reason not to interfere.

Xuanwu said that he wanted to rest here and regain some strength, and Zhou Zhang went to find the Nine Dragon Cauldron alone.

When going out, Zhou Zhang saw that Hong Qi had killed the previous strong man, Li Yuan took Long Yue in his hand and they didn't know where they went, maybe they went somewhere to heal.

"Where's Li Yuan?"

Zhou Zhang asked.

"He said that he took two people to leave the treasure land. The vitality of Longyue Longye is very weak, and he must quickly recover from his injuries, otherwise he may die."

Long Ye's injury is not very serious, but it is Long Yue. However, Zhou Zhang is not worried. Long Yue who has eaten Dragon Transformation Pill still has a lot of room for improvement. Coupled with the medicinal power of Dragon Transformation Pill, it will not be so bad. It is easy to refine, and Longyue will be in peace.

"Come on, let's go to the last place."

"Oh? Where is it, and what's the situation in there?"

"When you go, you will know that the one inside is Xuanwu. It is said that he has been trapped in it for thousands of years and knows more about it. Therefore, this time, the place I take you to is likely to be extremely dangerous, or there may not be any danger, then We can leave as soon as we get the treasure."

Hong Qi thought thoughtfully: "It's actually King Xuanwu, what happened a thousand years ago seems to be true."

"What do you know?" Zhou Zhang asked.

"The rumor from more than a thousand years ago, but it is not convenient to tell you now. After we leave here, I will tell you in detail."

"Okay." Zhou Zhang didn't ask much, Hong Qi also had his own secrets in it.

It's like he has a system that defies the sky.Everyone has their own secrets.

After a while, the two came to the outside of the Taoist Temple.

From the outside, this Taoist temple is clear and cold, and a lot of dust has fallen on the doorway. On a floor-to-ceiling window, a large spider is weaving a web on it, and the yard is full of all kinds of weeds.

Opening the door, Zhou Zhang was stunned.

Hong Qi came over from behind, glanced inside, and was also stunned there.

I saw a group of people inside looking for something.

This Taoist temple is actually isolated from the breath, so many people inside, Zhou Zhang did not find it until he pushed the door and came in at this moment.

As soon as Zhou Zhang opened the door, someone looked at him.

Then someone looked up, saw Zhou Zhang, was stunned, and then saw Hong Qi.

Zhou Zhang was already famous here at this time, and Hong Qi was a famous master for a long time.

When they saw the two come in, they all froze for a while.

"Where did you come from?" Hong Qi asked from behind.

"There is a passage in the back yard. We came from there." One of them said, and he looked at Hong Qi and Zhou Zhang vigilantly as he said.

There are so many people here, but no one can beat them.

Especially Zhou Zhang, he was a ruthless man.

When a dozen people saw Zhou Zhang and they didn't do anything, they seemed relieved a lot.

Zhou Zhang also began to go in and look for it.

"Hey, what are we looking for? There isn't a single powerful treasure in here." Hong Qi sensed it with his divine soul and patted Zhou Zhang on the shoulder.

Zhou Zhang ignored him and continued to search.

When he came in, Zhou Zhang also felt it again, and there really was no other treasure here.

"What? There is no treasure, so we searched for a long time and found it in vain?"

One of them heard Zhou Zhang and the others talking, and his face suddenly became bitter. After searching for a long time, he heard that there was no treasure.

"Am I a treasure?"

Someone showed Hong Qi what he had just found.

Hong Qi shook his head.

Everyone knows that characters like Hong Qi and Zhou Zhang don't like what they have in their hands, so they are relieved to let them see it.On the other hand, they also felt that what was in their hands was not a treasure.

"What about mine?" Despite this, there are still people who don't believe in evil.

"It's basically scrap iron, but the material is special, so you can't see it."

"I am a little special, it must be a treasure, right?"

"You're just a big piece of soil. It's just that the person who made this thing is a master, so you didn't see it."


One by one, they took out what they found in it and asked Hong Qi to identify it.

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