It's a pity that none of the treasures they got in it.

"It seems that this one of mine is no longer a treasure, sigh!" One of the middle-aged people holding the tripod was disappointed when he saw so many scraps of iron.

"Although you can't see the material, you can't feel any breath." Hong Qi frowned when he saw the nine dragons carved on it.

For some reason, his eyelids jumped when he saw this tripod.

At the same time, the moment Zhou Zhang saw this tripod, his eyes were straight.

This tripod was the so-called divine weapon he was looking for.The thing Xuanwu told him.

Now it seems that this thing is ordinary, and it is no different from ordinary items. It is no wonder that even Hong Qi didn't see his peculiarity.

The man was so angry that he was about to throw the cauldron out. Zhou Zhang was in a hurry, and he was going to grab the cauldron.

Suddenly, at this moment.

Zhou Zhang suddenly felt a dangerous aura approaching, and this aura was so powerful that he could not imagine it.

At the same time, Hong Qi also began to discover this powerful momentum.

At the same time, Zhou Zhangren flashed and retreated, as did Hong Qi.

The moment the two of them exited, Zhou Zhang Wugou's glazed body turned, and Hong Qi had a flywheel in front of him, spinning in front of him.


There is no warning.

The middle-aged man who was about to throw Xiaoding before widened his eyes.

At his chest, a hand stretched out from behind, passed through his body, and grabbed onto his heart.


The heart was pinched in the man's hand, and with a light grip, the man fell down.

A black-clothed man behind him showed his face, and he was bending over from the opponent's fallen hand to put the small cauldron away.

call out!

A cold light suddenly appeared, approaching the man in black.

The man stepped back quickly and blocked the sword light with both hands.

The knife light fell on the man's arm, making a sudden sound of gold and iron, and even sparks appeared on it.

Yu Jin disappeared, and the man raised his head.

There were no scars on his hands.

The man in black stared at Zhou Zhang, stayed on Zhou Zhang's body for a moment, looked at Hong Qi, and saw the flywheel around Hong Qi, constantly revolving around him.

Chapter [-]: The Black Dragon King Appears

"Great Sun Flywheel?" The man in black was surprised and exclaimed.

"Wrong, it's the star flywheel." After speaking, Hong Qi thought, and the flywheel flew out of his body and spun toward the other side.

At the same time, Hong Qi quickly looked at Zhou Zhang and asked, "What is that thing?"

He was curious that Zhou Zhang and the man in black were so concerned about the falling cauldron.

Zhou Zhang took the opportunity to split a sword light and said, "Artifact!"

Just these two words made Hong Qi's eyes widen.


Hong Qi asked again in disbelief.

"Yes, it's an artifact."

Zhou Zhang nodded.

"My God." Hearing Zhou Zhang's affirmation, Hong Qi looked at the thing on the ground, and his eyes began to light up.

There are too few known miracles. To be able to get an artifact is a person with a big chance. Hong Qi understands the content of these two words.

The two kept attacking the man in black.

At this time, only a few of them were left.

As early as when the man in black shot, many people escaped. Now, Zhou Zhang and Hong Qi shot at the same time, who would dare to stay here.

The two men who were constantly arguing about the attack of the man in black suddenly stopped.

The place of the attack kicked up dust.

The man in black was nowhere to be seen.

The two looked at the dust in front of them with solemn expressions.

Suddenly, Zhou Zhang's expression changed, and he shouted, "Be careful."

I saw a black shadow appearing from behind Hong Qi, and a flywheel suddenly appeared behind Hong Qi.

The man's attack landed on the flywheel, and suddenly, the flywheel flew out.Before Hong Qi could summon the next flywheel again, his attack arrived again.

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