"It's okay, brother, I remembered something sad." Hong Qi all cried.

This artifact was taken away like this.

The Black Dragon King in the distance, after seeing Zhou Zhang's movements, his face was gloomy and water was dripping.

"Okay, very good, it seems that I have to kill you and then get back what I want."

"Hehe, Black Dragon King, you look down on yourself too much, and you don't have the qualifications to want an artifact." Zhou Zhang suddenly increased his tone and raised a finger towards the other party.

Chapter Thirty-Three: Reinforcement

The Black Dragon King was inexplicably angry: "Stinky boy, it seems that you know a lot, so I can't keep you."

The whole body was like a rainbow, and appeared in front of Zhou Zhang in an instant.

At the same time, his two hands attacked the two of them.

Zhou Zhang, Hong Qi, and the Black Dragon King shot at the same time, and the surrounding buildings, various materials, walls, and even the foundation were all destroyed by the powerful attacks of several people.

A trap appeared in Hong Qi's hand, and with the trap, Hong Qi and the Black Dragon King kept banging against each other.

Zhou Zhang's flawless glazed body is running, constantly looking for the opponent's flaws, trying to hurt the opponent.

However, no matter how Zhou Zhang looked, he could not find any weakness in him.

Suddenly, Hong Qi was kicked out by the Black Dragon King, and the glove in Hong Qi's hand shattered inch by inch and could no longer be used.

Looking at Hong Qi's hand again, it was swollen like a big pig's hoof.

"A semi-legendary magic weapon, I also took it out and used it." The Black Dragon King looked at the other party with disdain.

Then, he turned to look at Zhou Zhang.

"It's your turn." As he spoke, he attacked Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang carefully observed the movements of the Black Dragon King.

Suddenly, his body hurt, and the fist of the Black Dragon King fell on him.

Zhou Zhang showed a painful expression, he did not see the attack of the Black Dragon King clearly.

The black dragon king's body has been opened, and his strength is unfathomable. At the same time, his physical body is infinitely close to the realm derived from flesh and blood, which is ever-changing. He is a contemporary master.At the same time, he is still a character from a thousand years ago, an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, and is simply not something they can fight against.

"Little guy, hand over the Nine Dragon Cauldron." The Black Dragon King said solemnly.

As he said that, he turned his body and kicked one foot towards Zhou Zhang.

With this kick, with fierce power, the wind danced wildly, and the Black Dragon King kicked Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang grabbed the Black Dragon King's feet with his hands.

The Black Dragon King kicked it out with force, but Zhou Zhang's hand couldn't resist, and flew out a few meters again.

Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and it was because he cultivated the Wushou Glazed Glass Body that he was injured by the shock.

In front of the Black Dragon King, his current Wushou glazed body seemed unattractive.

"Oh. The flesh is so strong, it won't die." The Black Dragon King did not expect that Zhou Zhang would not be killed by such an attack, and was a little surprised.

However, the Black Dragon King didn't seem to care at all, he shot again, and flashed in front of Zhou Zhang, constantly attacking Zhou Zhang.One blow after another, Zhou Zhang's body was continuously knocked into the air.

There was more and more blood on the corners of his mouth.

It can't go on like this!

Zhou Zhang felt bitter in his heart.

The system will upgrade the innocent glass body.

Ding, deduce the flawless glazed body.

The rehearsal is over.

Zhou Zhang's body suddenly poured out infinite power.

His internal organs began to repair, and gradually, Zhou Zhang could no longer feel the pain in his body, and his body could bear it.

After attacking Zhou Zhang for a while, he found that Zhou Zhang had no response.

The Black Dragon King stopped attacking,

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards Zhou Zhang.

In his opinion, Zhou Zhang no longer had the strength to resist, so he didn't use any force in this grab, but just grabbed him at will.

Suddenly, Zhou Zhang, who was immersed in strength improvement, opened his eyes.

The Wushou Glazed Glass body has been upgraded to the fifth floor, and its strength has been further improved.

Seeing this, the Black Dragon King was surprised and didn't care. Suddenly, he saw Zhou Zhang stretch out his hand towards him.

This hand grabbed his arm.

The jet-black arm covered with scales was caught by Zhou Zhang, and the Black Dragon King was completely restless.

"You still have the strength?

Before the Black Dragon King could sigh, Zhou Zhang's hand grabbing the opponent's arm suddenly tightened.

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