Immediately, the Black Dragon King sensed terror.He quickly pulled out his hand and kept backing away.

Surprise, hesitation, and shock appeared on his face.

For so many years as the Black Dragon King, no one has been able to hurt him. At this time, the person in front of him just scratched, causing pain in his arm.Moreover, he also sensed danger.

Impossible, his physical body couldn't be that strong.

The Black Dragon King looked unbelievable.

He was so surprised.

"Why, what are you suspecting?" Zhou Zhang said lightly.

"Do you doubt your own body, or do you doubt me?" Zhou Zhang said leisurely.He rushed towards the Black Dragon King, and the speed became a little faster.

"Don't you think that your physical body is invincible?" Said, Zhou Zhang punched and hit the Black Dragon King with a punch.

The Black Dragon King kept retreating and resisting, and the horror in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Hong Qi regained his strength and saw Zhou Zhang fighting with the opponent. He who wanted to step forward gave up the idea.

In this level of battle, he can no longer get involved.

The physical bodies of the two were unparalleled, and when Hong Qi went up at this time, he was courting death.

Silently, a pagoda in Hong Qi's body kept brewing in his body.

He kept pouring his true energy into it to deal with the dangers that came at any time, so that he could escape from here as soon as possible.

While the two were fighting, a middle-aged man with white hair stood up from the dark and damp underground space.

His eyes were extremely deep, and his spiritual sense kept scanning around until he saw the broken Taoist temple where Zhou Zhang and the Black Dragon King were fighting.

At this moment, Hong Qi suddenly felt like a light on his back.

At the same time, the Black Dragon King let out a light snort, and the two of them stepped back at the same time, their spirit thoughts preparing to explore the distance.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man with white hair appeared on one side of the two.

This man appeared here out of thin air, and no one knew how he appeared.

Standing here, he grabbed Zhou Zhang with one hand.

Zhou Zhang was stunned, and just wanted to dodge, suddenly, the figure seemed to be sensing, and with a change of hand, he grabbed Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang kept retreating, but no matter how he retreated, he couldn't dodge the opponent.

This person is like a maggot in the tarsus, following Zhou Zhang closely.

Zhou Zhang was helpless and hurriedly said, "Senior, why are you arresting me?"

The man stopped: "You ruined my blood demon bat and my formation, and that person, wait, it's your turn soon."

Zhou Zhang's face was stunned, and then he realized that the original formation and the blood monster bat that suddenly appeared were related to the other party.

"Then what do you mean by grabbing me?" Zhou Zhang asked, wouldn't he just grab me like that!

And the other party seemed to have no other movements except grabbing him, which made him embarrassed.

It seems that Zhou Zhang's strength is not his opponent.

"I didn't think about it." The white-haired master said, and let go of Zhou Zhang. Zhou Zhang was finally freed and fled.

The sudden appearance of the person disrupted the changes in the field, and even more surprised the Black Dragon King.

He stared at this man for a long time, and finally said, "Are you the one that Yuan Tianyi captured back then?"

Chapter Thirty-Four: White Hair

When the man heard the words of Yuan Tianyi, a cold light suddenly erupted in his eyes.

This momentum suddenly caused Zhou Zhang and Hong Qi, who were far away, to retreat again.

"Yuan Tianyi?" The white-haired man's voice suddenly became gloomy: "Where is that guy now?"

The Black Dragon King's eyes were cloudy and sunny, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but he still said: "It's already dead, you don't know?"

"Have you seen his body?" The white-haired man's abusive expression seemed to be mocking him.

The Black Dragon King was dumbfounded.

He only heard about it, and didn't really see the other party die.

After careful consideration, the words of this white-haired man had to make the Black Dragon King think about this issue.

If Yuan Tianyi really didn't die, then these people...

"Hehe, since he didn't see it, it proves that he is still alive." The white-haired man said with deep eyes, and looked at this space.

"Yuan Tianyi, my ancient clan will not let you go."

Suddenly, a monstrous killing intent emanated from the white-haired man.

Zhou Zhang could see that this person's real realm was not as good as that of Hong Qi, but he looked so terrifying. In the eyes of the other party, he couldn't even have the desire to fight, and even just now the other party saw through all his lines.

"Tsk tsk, I was almost fooled by you just now."

Suddenly, the Black Dragon King spoke up.

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