He has recovered from the injury, and.

Speaking of this, Hong Qi suddenly sighed: "That kid's talent in formation... is really terrifying!" When Hong Qi said this, his face was aching.

"what happened?"

"That boy cracked all the formations that he encountered along the way. That is the formation that I have devoted myself to studying over the years, although I have not studied it very deeply..."

Zhou Zhang patted the other party's shoulder and observed three seconds of silence for Hong Qi.

On the fifth day when Zhou Zhang and the others rested, Xuanwu came back from a circle from nowhere.

His body was covered in injuries, and even his beard was burnt a lot, and he looked quite embarrassed.

Xuanwu called Zhou Zhang and asked him to go to a place with him.

Zhou Zhang followed him, wondering where this old thing took him?

Finally, the two stopped in a clearing.

Zhou Zhang looked at the open space in front of him, and saw that there were intricate array patterns engraved in the open space. Li Yuan was in the center of the open space, and he kept making various handprints on his hands. I took some things out of my storage space.

Zhou Zhang looked at Xuan Wu, not knowing his intentions.

"Li Yuan, this kid is very talented and has learned a lot from me. Our Xuanwu family has a unique talent in formation. And I have been out for a few days, and I have given up my old face, and finally let that The old woman handed over her things."

Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Phoenix

Zhou Zhang looked at him puzzled, what was it that he asked such an old monster to borrow.

Finally, Zhou Zhang saw what the old guy Xuanwu took out.

That's a feather.

It's just that this feather is fiery red and looks quite beautiful.

Most importantly, Zhou Zhang felt the same breath as Nirvana Fire on that feather.

After Xuan Wu took out this feather, the surrounding temperature suddenly became much higher, Zhou Zhang watched curiously.

Suddenly, in his system backpack, the original small group of flames suddenly became restless. The small group of Nirvana flames seemed to sense something, beating eagerly. The flames were as lively as a newborn baby, full of curiosity. .

Zhou Zhang took out the Nirvana Fire from the system backpack and put it in his hand.The fire of Nirvana danced in his hands, and the flames looked excited.

"Old guy, are you?"

Zhou Zhang asked quickly when he saw that the other party placed the small feather in the center of the formation.

"Resurrection Phoenix."

Xuanwu said these words, but he kept his mouth shut and did his own thing.

However, this sentence made Zhou Zhang curious.

He wants to resurrect Phoenix, can Phoenix still be resurrected?

Although it was just a flame, Zhou Zhang could still feel the breath of life contained in it.

Perhaps, the phoenix can really be resurrected.

Zhou Zhang is looking forward to it. What does the resurrected Phoenix look like?

Seeing Zhou Zhang's expression, Xuan Wu glanced at his mouth: "I advise you not to have any illusions."

What am I thinking?Zhou Zhang was noncommittal.

After a while, Li Yuan had already arranged the formation and waited quietly.

Suddenly, a small feather in the center of the formation burst into flames. The fire was extremely pure, the color was so pure that it was almost transparent, and it seemed to have a particularly high temperature.

This is also the reason for arranging the formation to isolate the power of the flame.

Finally, when the flames were burning at their peak, Xuanwu opened his mouth and said.

"Throw the fire of Nirvana into it."

Zhou Zhang Yiyan let go of the Nirvana Fire, opened his palm, and the Nirvana Fire ran out by himself.

As if it had grown wings, the Nirvana fire rushed directly into the flames.

The two flames are constantly blending.

"What is the origin of this feather?" Zhou Zhang asked him.

"Suzaku's feathers."


Zhou Zhang felt a little shocked.

"Didn't you say that Suzaku no longer exists?"

"Hehe, that's what outsiders said. In fact, Suzaku has always existed, but many people don't know it." Xuanwu said proudly.

"But that old woman is dead. He has lost the ability to be reborn."

Xuan Wu said, feeling a little sad, so he didn't say any more.

After living for so many years, I have few friends, and now I see one less.

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