When I went to see Suzaku this time, that old woman had already reached her limit. If it wasn't for Phoenix, she wouldn't have sacrificed so much.

"The more feathers give Suzaku half a lifetime of blood essence, which is very important to her. Without that feather, Phoenix's time is running out." Seeing Zhou Zhang's doubts, Xuanwu continued.

There are not many people who can make Xuanwu sad. People of their era, perhaps, only Suzaku is left as a friend.

The phoenix has not yet awakened, and the black dragon king can't get along with them, and he is destined to become an enemy. However, the white tiger is alone, and there is no trace to look for.

At this time, I saw the flame in the center of the formation, gradually condensing into a villain formed by fire.

It's just that this little man, constantly changing, has never been able to form completely, and it seems that there is one less step.

Xuanwu suddenly turned his head, looked at Zhou Zhang, and said, "Okay, she can be reborn after dripping blood essence."

Zhou Zhang pointed to his nose, curious: "Why me?"

Yes, he is not alone here, why only let him drip his own blood.

"Your physical body is the strongest, and your vitality is also the most tenacious. Only you can be reborn from a drop of blood."

Xuanwu said solemnly.

"Uh, it seems that your blood essence is better than mine, and you are the right person to be reborn from a drop of blood!"

Xuanwu shook his head: 'I'm too old, I'm not suitable, if I don't hurry up, Phoenix's body will not be able to recover. "

Seeing this, Zhou Zhang was no longer hypocritical. A drop of blood essence flew out from the center of his eyebrows and merged into the humanoid flame.


When Zhou Zhang's blood entered the flames, the flames were in full swing, and a burning flame figure came out from inside.

When Zhou Zhang saw this figure, his eyes widened.

This is a little girl who is only about ten years old, with fiery red hair just over her shoulders, wearing... no clothes, she just walked out of it naked.

Zhou Zhang's expression changed, and he immediately transformed into a dress for her to put on.

The little girl blinked her big eyes, and when she came out, she looked towards Xuanwu, the breath of Xuanwu made him feel kind and familiar, and then she looked at Li Yuan, um, this person doesn't know him, so he ignores it automatically.When she saw Zhou Zhang, the little girl's eyes suddenly lit up, and she happily ran towards Zhou Zhang with bare feet.

Then, in Zhou Zhang's puzzled state, he hugged Zhou Zhang tightly.

"Brother!" The little girl's voice was very nice.

Zhou Zhang was a little overwhelmed, Li Yuan widened his eyes, and Xuanwu coughed dryly.

"Old man, what's going on?"

Xuanwu said: "It is very likely that because of your blood essence, she treats you as a relative."

Well, Zhou Zhang accepted the fact that he is now the little girl's older brother.

"You call me brother, then do you know my name?" Zhou Zhang asked the little girl in front of him.

"Don't know?" He blinked.

"Then what is your name?"

"I don't know." The little girl said innocently.

The breeze blew, blowing the long hair in front of him, and Zhou Zhang took the little girl's little hand.

"You will be called Phoenix from now on!"

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded vigorously.

"That brother's name is Zhou Zhang, you have to remember!"

"Oh, I see."

Zhou Zhang took the phoenix and kept walking in this otherworldly place.

Xuan Wu, who was behind him, deliberately reminded him that Phoenix is ​​the name of this ethnic group, but seeing the happy look on the little girl's face, think about it and forget it.

There are no other phoenixes in this world. The little girl is just one ethnic group. It doesn't matter what they are called.

When he brought the little girl back, Hong Qi was startled when he saw Phoenix.

Zhou Zhang explained it to him again, Hong Qi was amazed and felt incredible.

Afterwards, Hong Qi suggested that Zhou Zhang hand over the little girl to the old fox and let him be with the little foxes. However, Phoenix was too dependent on Zhou Zhang and refused to leave Zhou Zhang's side, so he gave up the idea.

Chapter [-]: Black Liu Island

A few days later, Zhou Zhang took Phoenix and walked out of here.

Li Yuan was left by Hong Wu to study formation, and Hong Qi had his own affairs.

Heiliu Island, the people living on the island are all kinds of rogues, powerful exiles, or people who were chased and killed and fled here.

Here is the paradise of sin. Anyone who has committed great evil will choose to live in seclusion here. There are strong people and weak people. There are different kinds, but none of them are good people.

This island was protected by a formation. The person who arranged the formation had a very high understanding of this way. Zhou Zhang took the phoenix to the periphery.

Two people blocked Zhou Zhang's way.

"Stop, this is not a place you can enter."

Zhou Zhang stopped and looked at each other with a frown.

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