Hearing what the other party said, Zhou Zhang didn't have too many doubts, and he understood very well in his heart.

Otherwise, the rivers and lakes for so many years would be considered a waste of money, and he didn't say much, and directly took Phoenix's hand.

He walked towards the middle of the team, his steps were quite light, and he didn't dare to make too heavy a sound.

Seeing Zhou Zhang pulling his hand, Fenghuang also had a helpless expression on his face, and even more of his own little mouth.

After all, this was the first time I had encountered such a scene, but there was no resistance at all.

Phoenix also understands Zhou Zhang very well in his heart. This is to protect himself, and it has no other meaning.

If it were someone else, he would not give them any chance at all, and he would definitely go up with a slap in the face.

"Phoenix, let's rest here first."

"Let's take a look at the situation here for the time being, or else you won't know where to run if you encounter any danger."

Zhou Zhang said helplessly beside him, his tone even more embarrassing.

After all, it is quite embarrassing to say that you are running away. After all, you still need to escape with these strengths of your own.

As if he was teasing the other party, Phoenix was speechless for a while.

Looking at Zhou Zhang's eyes is also full of a lot of helplessness, after all, Zhou Zhang's strength is still very clear.

"Don't think like that, after all, there are people outside the world and there are gods outside the world."

"We must not be too careless, otherwise it would be really embarrassing."

Zhou Zhang said helplessly beside him, especially when he saw the other party's eyes, he also knew quite a bit in his heart.

The other party definitely felt disgusted with himself when he heard that he was running away.

But there is no way, it can only be like this, after all, I have to prevent myself.

"Okay, brother, I don't dare to dislike you."

"Besides, there's nothing you can do about it right now."

"We have to be careful, or else we really won't be able to do anything at that time."

Phoenix said silently, some of them were quite helpless, as if dealing with Zhou Zhang.

The two hands didn't know where to put them, so they put them directly on the back.

Seeing the other party like this, Zhou Zhang also laughed, but he didn't give himself any chance right now.

If you do that by yourself, it will be too disrespectful to the shopkeeper.

He still understood the truth, and then he reached out and gently stroked Phoenix's little head.

I am very concerned about Phoenix, after all, this is my little sister, and I must not let the other party have any danger.

"Oh, brother, what time is it, don't touch my hair."

"Besides, there are so many people here, it's not good for them to look at it."

After Fenghuang said this, he lowered his voice, as if he was embarrassed.

It was indeed like this, there were still many strangers here, but Zhou Zhang did such a thing directly to himself.

And it's really embarrassing to touch my hair.

"Okay, okay, then listen to you, is it okay not to touch your hair?"

"The two of us need to be quiet, after all, no one else has spoken."

Zhou Zhang said silently beside him, even lowering his tone.

I also know very well in my heart that it is too dangerous here. If the sound is too loud, it can lead to a lot of danger.

At that time, it is really not necessary, after all, it is quite difficult now.

Hearing what Zhou Zhang said, Fenghuang nodded silently.

Then he didn't say much, just sat cross-legged.

Seeing the other party like this, Zhou Zhang nodded silently, and then got into the car and sat cross-legged like a phoenix.

At this time, Zhou Zhang didn't dare to think too much, and quickly looked at the situation in his body.

I didn't expect that the growth of those strengths would be too unexpected for me.

I am also very curious. After all, the growth of my own horror now makes it difficult for everyone to subvert it.

"Wow, it's really terrifying, I actually have such strength."

"It's really amazing. If this continues, it won't take too long for me to become a peerless powerhouse."

"By that time, Taiyi, you have to wait for me."

Zhou Zhang said silently, with a lot of disdain in his tone, as if he had already looked down on the other party.

For myself, it is still more trustworthy, after all, this scene is enough to prove everything.

I feel that I have the strength to say such words. After all, I still have a system, which is quite terrifying.

Otherwise, relying on oneself to grow step by step, the road is too long, it is too difficult.

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