Chapter 48

Right now, he didn't have any words to say, just stayed silent beside him.

There is also considerable anxiety in my heart, after all, there is always a feeling that has always been around in my heart.

It always feels particularly dangerous, but I don't know when to say it.

"Brother, do you feel it? There is a terrifying aura around us."

"And looking at this posture, this breath is quite terrifying, definitely not weak."

Phoenix said worriedly beside him, and there was a lot of concern in his tone.

After all, at this time, it is better to be more stable.

Hearing what the other party said, Zhou Zhang frowned even more, it was indeed like this, the smell of this breath was getting stronger and stronger.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

"If there is any danger later, I will try my best to protect you."

"But you also have to look after yourself. After all, in this situation, I don't know what kind of powerhouse I will meet."

Zhou Zhang said silently, with a lot of concern in his tone.

After all, in this atmosphere, he was still suppressed a lot. Although he said that his strength was quite terrifying, he still chose to be calm.

"Are you afraid of them, brother? They don't know what kind of strength they are."

Fenghuang said silently beside him, and there was a lot of concern in his tone, as if he was particularly concerned.

Hearing what the other party said, Zhou Zhang also looked at the other party with charming eyes, as if he was teasing himself.

"My phoenix, in the long time you've known me, who have you ever seen me afraid of?"

"It's just that in this depressing atmosphere, I still want to feel the feeling."

"I'm so happy, after all, I haven't felt this way for a long time."

Zhou Zhang said excitedly next to him, and he was particularly concerned.

It's like doing this on purpose, without giving the other party any opportunity to explain.

Hearing what the other party said, Fenghuang was also full of embarrassment, as if he was teasing himself, which was really unacceptable.

"Okay, your brother is still doing such a thing at this time."

"You still want to have some flair, but you have to be careful, after all, this is not a joke."

Fenghuang said worriedly beside him, every time he saw Zhou Zhang like this, he felt quite depressed in his heart.

I don't take these things seriously at all, but I understand them very well in my heart.

My brother still has these strengths to say such things, after all, the strength of the other party is definitely quite terrifying.

That kind of explosion is really too powerful, and it is simply not what ordinary people can imagine.

Even Taiyi is helpless, not to mention the current situation.

So I still know quite well.

"Haha, don't worry."

"But let's not talk about it any more. There are indeed many dangers in this way."

Zhou Zhang frowned beside him, and there was a lot of worry in his tone.

I don't know much in my heart, why do I feel this way?

I haven't really had anything like this in such a long time, and it's quite embarrassing after a few times.

Hearing what Zhou Zhang said, Phoenix nodded silently, and he didn't dare to have any worries.

After all, he can only rely on Zhou Zhang at the moment, although his strength is quite terrifying.

But every time he encountered danger, he always liked to let Zhou Zhang bear it for himself.

Just like a little girl, always like this.

However, Zhou Zhang was already used to it, and out of his heart he still wanted to protect his phoenix.

"Everyone is ready to be vigilant, or it is now in danger."

"I already felt a terrifying aura just now."

"Looking like this, we already have a lot of difficulties now."

At this time, the big man said silently beside him, his two hands tightly holding the big knife in front of his chest.

Seeing this is also particularly worrying, as if I have encountered an existence that I cannot accept.

Hearing what the other party said, some of the drug pairs behind them panicked.

This is no small matter. Once something unexpected happens, it will be a big blow to the entire business.

The main thing, or there is the fear of life.

"You two will pay attention to your safety later, and you are in danger now."

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